"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: loan

hoatsefng loan'aix | fall in love | 發生戀愛
loan | disorder; chaos; anarchy; distraction; tumult; confusion; commotion; rebellion; revolt; confused; perplexed; disarranged; raveled; out of order; out of sorts; put out of order; confuse; confound; disturb | 亂
loan'aix kiet'hwn | love match; love marriage | 戀愛結婚
loan'aix | love affair; be in love; love between sexes; passionate love; fall in love (with) | 戀愛
loan'uu | imperial carriage; sedan chair | 鑾輿
loan-chixzha | (idiom) in a mess | 亂七糟
loan-zhauzhaw | (idiom) in a mess | 亂糟糟; 亂紛紛; 亂操操; 亂七八糟
loan`ee | to disturb | 亂的
svakag loan'aix | love triangle | 三角戀愛
sym bee ix loan | muddle one's brains | 心迷意亂
sym hoaan ix loan | fretful and confused | 心煩意亂
sym hofng ix loan | lose one's wits totally; be shaken and perturbed; extremely nervous | 心慌意亂
sym loan jumoaa | entangled; perplexed | 心亂如麻
sym loan | confused and perturbed | 心亂
zuxiuu loan'aix | freedom of choice (between a man and a woman); as opposed to the old fashioned idea of arranged marriage | 自由戀愛
zøloan | messed up | 遭亂

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