"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: log

kamsym-log'ix | freely; cordially | 甘心樂意
log | to put into an envelope, a box | 放; 橐; 落; 將某物裝入某袋類之中
log'afbaq | deer meat | 鹿仔肉
log'afkag | antlers | 鹿仔角
log'ar | deer | 鹿仔
log'ek-putzoat | people come one after another; in uninterrupted succession; continuous | 絡繹無絕
log'imky | recording machine; tape recorder | 錄音機
log'impid | recording pen | 錄音筆
log'imseg | recording room | 錄音室
log'imsvoax | recording line | 錄音線
log'imtoax | recording tape; magnetic tape | 錄音帶
log'imtorng | recording file | 錄音檔
log'iong | hire | 錄用
log'ioong | deer penis used for health sake | 鹿陽
log'ix | to like; willingly; gladly; cheerful | 樂意
log'ixn | brand for animals | 火印; 烙印
log'ui | rank and post | 祿位
log'viaftoax | video tape | 錄影帶
log'viar | take a photograph; film a scene; (to) tape (as TV Show) | 錄影
log'ym | recording; transcription; record on tape; transcribe a program; record sound | 錄音
log`køf-sog`køf | miscellaneous articles; odds and ends; people of all walks of life | 樂哥束哥; 零星雜物; 三教九流
log`løh | put it inside | 放入

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