"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Pektølok Cieen-Ho Sw | First and Second Epistles of Peter (Catholic) | 伯多祿前後書
Pektølok | St. Peter (Catholic) | 伯多祿
Sexng Pektølok | St. Peter (Catholic) | 聖伯多祿
beeng lok sunsafn | fail in examination; the name is not in the list of successful candidates | 名落孫山
begsi lok | the book of Revelation, the Apocalypse | 默示錄
bixty lok suo suisiuo | unable to predict who will be the winner | 未知鹿死誰手
cie lok uii mar | to confound right and wrong (Lit. call a stag a horse) | 指鹿為馬
gienheeng-lok | sayings and personal stories of eminent men; a form of biography. | 言行錄
høe'ek-lok | memoirs | 回憶錄
iap lok kuy kyn | The leaves fall and return to the roots--everything reverts to its original source | 葉落歸根
iap lok ty chiw | When the leaves fall we know that autumn is here--from what you see you can guess the rest | 葉落知秋
jit lok sesafn | sunset | 日落西山
khimseg-cy-lok | pleasures of married life | 琴瑟之樂
khongtiofng-lokøq | illusion; castles in the sky | 空中樓閤
kii lok bukioong | boundless joy | 其樂無窮
lok jii bonghoarn | be a slave of pleasure | 樂而忘返
lok jii put'iim | pleasure without licentiousness; pleasant but not obscene | 樂而無淫
lok kek sefng py | Happiness is followed by sorrow when it reaches an extreme; extreme joy gives rise to sadness | 樂極生悲
lok putkhør cy | be beside oneself with happiness | 樂無可支
lok sie suii chiuo | At whose hand did the deer die ? ─ After all, who got it ? Who will win ? | 鹿死誰手
lok | fall; drop; be missing | 落; 錄; 氯; 漱; 鹿
lok'ar | paper bag | 橐仔; 紙袋
lokøq | a tower | 樓閣
lølok | to drudge; to toil and moil; wearied and distracted; to drudge; busy oneself with drudgery | 勞碌
lølok-Mia | severe toilsome life | 勞碌命
lølok-mia | hard life; have slaved for a whole life | 勞碌命
phunphøf lølok | the cares and toils of life | 奔波勞碌
pixboong-lok | memo, reminders, tickler, memorandum | 備忘錄
sokkaf lok'ar | plastic bags; vinyl bags | 塑膠橐仔
thienluun cy lok | family love and joy | 天倫之樂
ticiog sioong lok | contentment brings happiness | 知足常樂

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