"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: lun

Kitog-lun | Christology | 基督論
busiin-lun | atheism | 無神論
bølun juhøo | in any case; at all events | 無論如何
bølun symmih laang | no matter who; whoever | 無論甚麼人
bølun symmih sofzai | no matter where | 無論甚麼所在
bølun symmih | no matter what; whatever | 無論甚麼
bølun tøfui | no matter where; wherever | 無論那裏
bølun tøh'ui | no matter where, whereever | 無論佗位
bølun tøsiao | no matter how many | 無論多少
bølun | no matter that; no matter what; who or when | 無論
bøsiin-lun | atheism | 無神論
goanzoe thoanseeng lun | theory that the soul as well as the body is passed on to the offspring or inherited from parents; Traducianism | 原罪傳承論; 靈魂遺傳說
goanzuo-lun | atomic theory | 原子論
hoarnsiin-lun | pantheism | 汎神論
honghoad-lun | methodology | 方法論
ibut-lun | materialism | 唯物論; 唯物論,唯物主義
igvor-lun | solipsism | 唯我論; 惟我論
ilie-lun | rationarism | 醫理論; 唯理論; 理性論
isym-cy-lun | insincere utterances; comments | 違心之論
isym-lun | idealism | 違心論; 唯心論; 唯心論,唯心主義
itgoaan-lun | monism | 一元論
itsiin-lun | monotheism | 一時論; 一神輪
keatat-lun | axiology, theory of value | 價值論
khorngzex-lun | cybernetics | 控制論
kunheeng-lun | theory of equilibrium | 均衡論
kølun | high-flown talk | 高論
lenghuun putbiet lun | theory of the immortality of the soul | 靈魂無滅論
lioxngzuo-lun | quantum theory | 量子論
lun poex bølun høex | consider a person's generation; not his age | 論輩無論歲
lun | tough; tenacious; strong; patient; endurable; persevering | 韌; 崙; 論
lun'ar | hill; small hill | 崙仔; 小山坡; 丘
lun'ie | wheelchair | 輪椅
lun'voa | to rotate, rotation | 輪換
lun'yterng | on the wheelchair | 輪椅頂
put'khøftix-lun | agnosticism | 無可知論; 不可知論
putkhøfty-lun | agnosticism | 無可知論
putty-lun | agnosticism | 無知論; 不知論
pwnthea-lun | ontology | 本體論
siangkølun | southern Taiwan pastry | 雙糕潤
sidgiam-lun | postivism | 實驗論
sidzai-lun | realism | 實在論
siokbeng-lun | fatalism | 宿命論
tøgoaan-lun | pluralism | 多元論
uibut-lun | materialism | 唯物論
uilie-lun | rationalism | 唯理論
wtiu-lun | cosmology | 宇宙論

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