"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: luo-

luo-bengsefng | female star; actress | 女明星
luo-cit'oaan | female officer; employee | 女職員
luo-enghioong | heroine | 女英雄
luo-haghau | a girl school | 女學校
luo-hagsefng | female student | 女學生
luo-hagsu | female student | 女學士
luo-hauxtviuo | woman school principal | 女校長
luo-hør | still better | 愈好
luo-iefn'oaan | actress | 女演員
luo-kao'oaan | lady teacher; instructress; schoolmistress; manage family affairs (as a wife does) | 女教員
luo-kaosw | a lady teacher | 女教師
luo-karnsu | female secretary | 女幹事
luo-kexym | alto | 女低音
luo-koafnkef | woman head servant | 女管家
luo-koazhvef | female singer | 女歌星
luo-kø'ym | soprano | 女高音
luo-køym | soprano | 女高音
luo-laai luo-giamtiong | progressive; going from bad to worse | 漸劇; 越來越嚴重
luo-laai | more and more | 漸劇; 愈來
luo-piesw | female secretary | 女秘書
luo-sienty | prophetess | 女先知
luo-sijiin | poetess | 女詩人
luo-suky | female chauffeur | 女司機
luo-thoantø | lady preacher | 女傳道
luo-tiarm'oaan | salesgirl; shop girl | 女店員
luo-tioxnghw | able competent woman | 女丈夫
luo-tongzwkwn | girl scouts | 女童子軍
luo-tote | female disciples | 女徒弟
luo-zar luo-hør | the earlier the better | 越早越好
luo-zwkag | star actress; leading lady (actress) | 女主角
luo-zwlaang | mistress; lady; hostess | 女主人
luo-zøe | more and more | 愈濟

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