"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Boeq ar m | Do you want it or not? Will you take it or not? Will you accept it or not? | 要無要
boeq`m | want or not? | 要無; 要嗎
bøeq`m | want or not | 要無
hoafn'm | to break a contract | 反無; 違約
hør`m | is it OK (softer tone compared to hør`bøo) | 好無
kafm'm | would it not be | 感無; 豈不
karm m si | isn’t it? | 敢毋是
kiafm'm | Whay not....? | 豈無
m bad | pretend not to recognize, pretend not to know | 毋捌
m hør | not good | 毋好
m kamgoan | unwilling to | 毋甘願
m kvar | not dare | 毋敢
m kviaf | not afraid | 毋驚
m si | no | 毋是
m tih | not wanted, to forsake | 甭要
m zaiviar | do not know (the fact) | 毋知影
m zay | do not know (the fact) | 毋知
m | No; not; not; will not; unwilling; used also as negative before verbs | 無; 不願意
m'afkvoaf | dried plum | 梅仔干
m'afpviar | plum cooky | 梅仔餅
m'ar | plum | 梅仔; 梅子
m-cinhør | Wouldn't that be wonderful | 該多好
m-cviuxbak | not impressed with | 無成目; 不在眼裡
m-habseg | unfit | 無合適
m-haxntvia | not limit to | 無限定
m-høfsex | not proper; unsuitable; feel embarrassed | 無舒適; 不好意思
m-kamgoan | unwilling to | 無甘願; 毋甘願; 不願; 不甘,
m-kamsym | not reconciled | 無甘心
m-kvaftngf | (lit.) I dare not accept the honor; I don't deserve it (your praise) | 無敢當
m-kvialaang | not timid | 無驚人
m-køea'ix | don't care | 無在意
m-køeabak | won't look | 無過目
m-køeasym | be sorry; feel apologetic | 無過心
m-liawjieen | not in vain | 無枉然
m-sysym | won't give up | 無死心
m-tadtiøh | the best way is to …; inferior to … | 比無上
m-twhør | intolerable, coincidently | 無拄好; 毋拄好; 有些不適
m-zailaang | unconscious; insensible | 無知人; 不省人事
m-zaisie | to act recklessly; to do sth. regardless of danger | 無知死; 不知危險
m-zaithaau | be unaware of | 無知頭; 不知道; 無意的
m-zaiviar | do not know (the fact) | 無知道
m-zhutsviaf | keep silence | 無出聲; 不做聲
m`aq | decidedly not! | 無矣; 不要
møe | younger sister | 妹
møexmøe | younger sister | 妹妹
o'm'afciuo | black plum wine | 烏梅仔酒
phienphien'ar m | doggedly determined to oppose; refuse what is proposed | 偏偏仔無; 硬不
si`m | yes or no | 是毋
sylangzea'm | no debt to the dead | 死人債毋

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