Koan'im'mar-svy | the birthday of the Goddess of Mercy Buddha | 觀音媽生
Koan'ym-mar | the Goddess of Mercy Buddha; the feminine form of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva | 觀世音
Lømar Kaohoe | Roman Catholic Church | 羅馬教會
Lømar Serngpo | Roman Congregation (Catholic) | 羅馬聖部
Lømar Teakog | Roman Empire | 羅馬帝國
Lømar | Rome (capital of Italy); Rome | 羅馬; 羅馬書
Lømar-Kaux | Roman Catholic Church | 羅馬教
Saeofng sid mar | look for the blessing in disguise (A phrase from a story in which an old man named Sai-ong lost his horse but the horse returned with another horse upon which his son could ride. Then; his son fell from the horse and broke his leg; because of this in | 塞翁失馬
chvimr-mar | mom | 親姆媽
cie lok uii mar | to confound right and wrong (Lit. call a stag a horse) | 指鹿為馬
lømar-sorji | Roman numerals | 羅馬數字
mar puttheeng tee | travel on horseback without stop; do something without stop | 馬不停蹄
mar | horse | 馬; 媽; 祖母輩之稱呼
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