"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ng

bagciw khie ien'ng | blurred vision | 目睭起煙秧; 眼花
ho`ng | being | 被人
ia ng'ar | sowing rice seeds | 掖秧仔
ien'ng | eyes dim so as to see quite indistinctly (as from eye-strain; poor health; being half-awake or being dazzled) | 眼花; 煙暈; 視力模糊
ng | eyes dim from long watching; from glare of sun; when just risen from sleep; from leaning on the hand; spots before the eyes | 暈; (眼花)
ng'ar | seedling; young rice plants | 秧仔; 秧苗; 禾苗
ng'efng | Japanese goshawk; oriole; the golden oriole | 黃鶯; 蒼鷹
ng'exng | cover up | 掩映
ng'geg'ar | topaz; chrysolite | 黃玉仔
ng'giok | topas; chrysolite | 黃玉
ng'guphiøx | scalped tickets | 黃牛票
ng'guu | common Chinese ox; a ticket scalper; faker; fraud | 黃牛
ng'iab | to cover; to hide; to conceal; conceal behind the back or in one's clothing | 私通; 鞍掩; 掩藏
ng'iuu | Chinese mink, golden weasel, butter | 黃油; 華南鼬鼠
ng'iøphafng | yellow hornet | 黃腰蜂
ng'kogkef | play hide-and-seek | 捉迷藏
ng'kogkøef | play hide-and-seek | 掩咯雞
ng'ng'iap'iab | furtively, stealthily, surreptitiously (to do something in this manner) | 掩掩揜揜
ng'ngf iap'iab | furtively; stealthily; surreptitiously (to do something in this manner) | 掩掩揜揜; 偷偷摸摸
ng'ngg | color yellow; yellowish | 黃黃; 微黃的
ng'otiap | yellow butterfly | 黃蝴蝶
zhah'ng'ar | planting seedlings | 插秧仔

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