"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Kokzex Huxlie nii | International Year of Women | 國際婦女年
au`nii | year after next | 後年
bøtvia bønii | suddenly without reason | 無緣無故; 忽然
bøtviaxbønii | suddenly without reason | 無緣無故, 忽然
cidkhie-nii | a year | 一紀年
cidky'nii | in a twelve years | 一紀年; 十二年
cidzheng'nii | millenium, a thousand years | 一千年
hofloong-cy-nii | a woman from the early thirties to early forties when her sexual desires are the strongest; wolfish years | 虎狼之年; 狼虎之年
kuxzuun`nii | the year before last year | 大前年; 舊存年
løh'au`nii | two years later | 落後年
nii | year | 年; 晾; 呢料子; 呢
teh'nii | New Year cash gift wrapped in red paper (This expression is used only during the Chinese New Year Season. Thus, it differs from the expression, ang-pau, that can be used at any time, for gifts given at weddings, or other special events where a cash g | 壓年; 壓歲錢
toaxau`nii | the 3rd year from now | 大後年
toaxzuun`nii | three years ago | 大前年
zuun`nii | the year before last | 前年

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