"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: oan

By'oan | American aids | 美援
bah'oan'ar | meatball | 肉丸仔
beng'oan | famous beauty | 名媛
ci'oan | assist | 支援
ciaxm'oan | hold for a while; postpone or delay for a while | 暫緩
erng'oan | win competition | 應援; 支援
hiaxm-oan'orng | complain of being falsely charged | 喊冤枉
i'oan | relaxation | 依緩; 弛緩
ien'oan | postpone | 延緩
kheg put'ioong oan | Not a moment is to be lost; most urgent | 刻無容緩
khoan'oan | to extend a time limit and slow it down or even put it off | 寬緩
kiuo'oan | relief; come to the aid of | 救援
kiuo'oan-budzw | relief goods (funds) | 救援物資; (資金)
kiøx-oan'orng | cry out for justice | 喊冤枉; 叫冤枉
lexng'oan | your daughter | 令媛; 令愛; 令千金
oaarn'oan'oafn | extremely bend | 彎彎彎
oan | postpone, put off, leisurely, slowly | 蜿; 緩; 推遲
oan'ar | a small ball; round; meat ball; medical pill | 丸仔
oan'ge | horticulture, gardening | 園藝
oan'ge-hak | horticulture | 園藝學
oan'goe | millionaire | 員外
oan'ieen | wriggle; to wiggle | 蜿蜒
oan'iuhoe | garden party | 園遊會
oan'iøf | to stoop, to bend down | 彎腰
oan'oad | bend; bent; curve; warp; wind | 彎斡; 狡猾; 盤陀; 兜圈子; 拐彎; 彎曲; 委曲; 迤邐; 曲折
oan'oafn khiaukhiaw | something is very crooked (a person is) deceitful | 彎彎曲曲
oan'oafn oat'oad | winding (path; stream) | 彎彎曲曲
oan'oafn siongpøx | feud continued by mutual revenges and injuries | 冤冤相報
oan'oafn | bent; not straight; not upright; something is slightly crooked | 彎彎
oan'oan'oat'oad | winding | 彎彎斡斡
oan'oansiusiuu | enmity | 冤冤仇仇
oan'oe | twisting the meaning of what heard | 彎話; 聽錯話
oan'orng | false charge; grievance; charge falsely | 冤枉
oan'viw | mandarin ducks; affectionate couple | 鴛鴦
seng'oan | give moral support; to cheer; encouragement | 聲援
svia'oan | solidarity | 聲援
theng'oan | defer; put off | 停緩
thngsng'oan'ar | icing | 糖霜丸仔
ti'oan | procrastinate, be late, slow, behind | 拖延; 遲緩
zeng'oan | send reinforcements; build up troop level | 增援

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