"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bøibøoar | helpless | 無依無倚
bøo i'oar | has not depended upon; friendless and helpless | 無依偎; 無所依偎; 無依無靠
bøy bø'oar | solitude; loneliness; nothing or nobody to rely on | 無依無靠
chiau'oar | move closer | 移倚; 移靠近
cib'oar | gather to nearby | 聚攏; 集合
cib'oar`laai | gather; assemble; collect | 集倚來; 聚集
ha'oar | tie up together | 繫倚; 捆在一起
hab'oar | bridge close together | 合倚; 合攏
i'oar | to rely on; to depend on | 依倚; 依靠
kap'oar | sealed; put together | 接合; 合在一起
kau'oar | hook | 鉤倚
kexngsiø'oar | unite; rally | 勁相倚; 團結
kexngsiøoar | unite; rally | 團結
khah'oar | closer | 較倚; 近一些; 緊一些
khah'oar`laai | come nearer | 較倚來; 靠過來一點
khiøh'oar | (v) gather together | 拾倚; 收攏; 聚攏
khiøhsiøoar | put together | 拾相倚; 收在一起
kho'oar | to ask for (people) to cluster together; to call people to mass | 箍倚; 招召而密集
kixn'oar | near; approach | 近倚; 接近; 靠近
kui'oar | attach oneself to somebody | 規近; 歸依
kuxn'oar | near | 近倚
lafm'oar | embrace closely | 攬倚
liap'oar | tightening | 攝倚; 縮緊
mi'oar | clench the fist, gather with fingers | 棉倚; 握拳; 用手指聚攏
neh oar`laai | squeeze in the hand | 捏緊
oar svazap | nearly (almost) thirty | 將近三十
oar toaxpeeng | choose the best cuts; align oneself with the strongest or biggest group | 依靠勢力大的一邊
oar y bøe | deliver goods for sale on consignment | 寄售
oar y ciah | have one's meals at someone's expense; depend upon someone for eating and costs | 跟他搭伙
oar | lean upon; rely or depend upon; incline to; come near; join or attach one's self to | 倚; 瓦; 依; 靠; 近
oar`khix | lean on; come over | 倚去
oar`laai | come over | 偎來
oar`laang | depending on others | 靠人
pan'oar | to pull closer | 拉近
pek'oar | impend; come near (place; time) urgently; press near | 迫近; 迫倚; 逼近
phexng'oar | compare who is closer | 並倚
phien'oar | tend to support one side | 偏倚
pvi'oar | lean closer | 拼倚; 拉來
sa'oar | zoom in; move close | 移近
sak'oar | push a door shut; push things close together | 推近
sao'oar | sweep together | 掃倚
sikoef oar toaxpeeng | people like the larger half of a watermelon ─ favor the winning side; be on the stronger side | 趨炎附勢; 勢利眼
siøoar | lean on or draw near one another; be very close (e.g.; two places); to combine for some purpose | 相靠; 相鄰
sok'oar | contract | 束倚; 束緊
sva'oar | depend upon one another, be near | 相倚
tao'oar | put together | 鬥倚
thoa'oar | pull closer | 拖倚
ui'oar | come close to surround | 圍偎; 圍近; 圍倚
zek'oar | get close | 窄倚
zhek'oar | press close; as on a man | 擠近; 靠近

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