"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Banlaam-oe | Southern Min (South Fukien dialect of China) | 閩南話
Bykog-oe | American | 美國話
Engkok'oe | English | 英國話
Hankok'oe | Korean language | 韓國話
Hoatkok'oe | French language | 法語話
Jidpwn'oe | Japanese language | 日本話
Kheh'oe | Hakka Language; Hakka dialect | 客話; 客家話
Kok'oe | Chinese painting | 中國畫
Korng-tiexn'oe | making a phone call | 講電話
Oadlam'oe | Vietnamese | 越南話
Sepangaa-oe | Spanish | 西班牙話
Sioggw'oe | colloquialism | 俗語話
Taioaan-oe | Taiwanese language | 台灣話; 臺灣話
Taioan'oe | Taiwanese (language) | 台灣話
Tekkok'oe | German language | 德國話
Tiongkog-oe | Chinese language | 中國話; 中國畫
Tiongkok'oe | Chinese language (Mandarin is the one generally referred to) | 中國話
baxn'oe | cartoons | 漫畫
baxng'oe | words uttered in one's sleep; daydream; nonsense; trumpery | 夢話
beng'oe | famous painting | 名畫
bixnzeng'oe | talk in front of person; give a straight talk | 面前話
biø'oe | to draw, to depict, to portray, to design | 描畫
busvoax tiexn'oe | radio telephone | 無線電話
bø'oe thang'ixn | nothing to say in reply; speechless | 無言可答
bø'oe | said without the speech | 無話
bøo oe korng kalør | chat | 無話講家惱; 閒話家常; 閑談
bøo oe thafng korng | having nothing to say; unable to say anything | 無話可講
bøsvoax tiexn'oe | radio telephone | 無線電話
chvia'oe | twist the meaning; change what someone said | 成話; 改歪他人的話
ciarm'oe | interrupt | 僭話
cidkuo'oe | in a word, in a nutshell | 一句話
cien'oe | preface | 前話; 前衛
cinsim'oe | sincere talk; words from the bottom of one's heart | 真心話
ciøh'oe-korng | suggest with hint, for instance | 借話講
eng'oe | idle talk; chat; gossip | 閒話; 閒談
giedsiau'oe | jest; a pun | 調皮話; 孽迢話; 戲謔語
goaxkok'oe | foreign language | 外國話
harm'oe | exaggerated talk | 謬話; 虛言; 諏話
harn'oe | Chinese painting | 漢畫
haxliuu-oe | vulgarism, vulgar words | 下流會
hengtoxngtiexn'oe | cellular-phone | 行動電話
hi'oe | empty talk; unfounded statement; lie | 虛話; 空話
hiefnsiong tiexn'oe | video phone | 顯像電話
hoafn'oe | talking oppositely; statements that are contrary to what the speaker really believes | 反話
hoe'oe | to reply; to answer | 回話
hoea'oe | nonsense; persiflage | 廢話
hong'oe | guard; defense; protect | 防衛
hongkefng'oe | painted landscape | 風景畫
hui'oe'ar | small earthen cooking pot | 瓷鍋仔
hurn'oe | exhortation; to lecture; exhort | 訓話
høe'oe | interpret, words in return | 回話; 翻譯
hør kofng'oe | easy to bargain or deal with; easy to persuade | 好講話; 好商量
hør-kofng'oe | easy to talk to | 好講話; 好說話
ienpid-oe | pencil drawing | 鉛筆畫
ienpit'oe | pencil drawing | 鉛筆畫
im'oe | obscene pictures | 淫畫
irn'oe | retort; answer; reply defiantly; sass | 印話; 回嘴; 頂嘴; 應話
iu'oe | oil painting | 油畫
kasiong'oe | informal talk; conversation about domestic routine | 家常話
kateeng-kea'oe | family planning | 家庭計劃
ke'oe | say too much | 加話; 多嘴
kea'oe | plan; a scheme; a program; to plan; to devise | 計畫; 計劃
kef-kofng'oe | make an unwelcome remark | 加講話; 多講話; 講廢話
kefng'oe | guard; a guard | 警衛
kekkut'oe | ironical or sarcastic language, language intentionally contradicting what another has said | 戲謔話
kekofng'oe | say more than has to be said | 多講話
khaciah'au-oe | backbiting | 腳脊後話; 尻脊後話
khafm'oe | silly words | 歁話
khang'oe | empty words; mere talk | 空話; 白話
khax tiexn'oe | phone; to telephone | 打電話
khazhng'au-oe | backbiting | 尻川後話; 背後話; 私詆
khie'oe | words said in anger | 氣話
khong'oe | stupid words, stupid talk | 悾話; 空話
kiofng'oe | to guard on all sides | 拱衛
kirm'oe-kwn | janitor | 禁衛軍
koae'oe | an absurdity, an odd expression | 怪話
kofng'oe | make a speech; to talk | 講話
kofng'oe-tiofng | the line is busy | 講話中
kok'oe | Chinese painting | 國畫
kong'iong tiexn'oe | public telephone | 公用電話
kongkiong tiexn'oe | public telephone | 公共電話
korng mxcvia'oe | conversation disagreeable; without actually quarrelling; have no topics of common interest | 糊說八道
korng-goxng'oe | say absurd things; Nonsense! Don't be silly! | 說傻話
kui'oe | planning; project | 規劃
kun'iong tiexn'oe | military telephone | 軍用電話
kuy'oe | nonsensial talk | 鬼話; 無稽之談
kvoa'oe | the language of officialdom; Mandaria | 官話; 官腔
lahsap'oe | dirty words | 垃圾話
lang'oe | reasonable statement | 人話
lau'oe | leave word or message | 留話
liap'oe | to take care one's health | 攝衛
lienkhoaan-to'oe | pictorial; story in series; comics; comic strip | 連環圖畫
loaxn'oe | paint at random | 亂畫
longte tioxng'oe | farmland consolidation | 農地重劃
mopit'oe | drawings done with a writing brush | 毛筆畫
ni'oe | a new year picture | 年話; 年畫
oan'oe | twisting the meaning of what heard | 彎話; 聽錯話
oe ang'ar | draws figures; draw pictures of persons | 畫尪仔
oe huar | draw spells or charms; write incantations; to scribble or write unintelligibly | 畫符; 亂畫; 亂寫
oe jinbut | draw pictures of persons | 畫人物
oe khahzøe niaumngg | overly fond of talking or complaining (Lit. His words are more numerous than a cat's hair.) | 話比貓毛還多; 喋喋無休。
oe korng-bøextheeng | chatterbox | 雜念; 喋喋無休
oe sansuie | draw or paint landscapes; to flatter; say irresponsible things | 畫山水; 吹牛
oe sernghø | make the Sign of the Cross (Catholic) | 畫聖號
oe sibji | cross oneself; bless oneself | 畫十字
oe | draw a picture; sketch; boast a great enterprises; boast of great plan; paint or draw; painting; drawing; picture | 畫; 話
oe'afzhaix | a popular vegetable in taiwan which is usually stir-fried | 萵仔菜; 萵苣
oe'ar | small earthen or metal cooking pot | 鍋仔
oe'id | unique; the only | 唯一
pafn'oe | block print; woodcut; woodprint | 版畫
phahtiexn'oe | make a phone call | 拍電話
phaq tiexn'oe | telephone; to speak by telephone | 打電話
phaq-tiexn'oe | make a telephone call | 打電話
phiah'oe | avoid | 避會
phvae-kofng'oe | difficult to bargain or deal with; hard to persuade; not easy to communicate | 歹講話; 難開口,; 難說服; 無好說話
phvay'oe | bad language, gossip | 歹話; 壞話
piah'oe | a mural; a wall-painting; fresco; mural painting | 壁畫
porng'oe | slander | 誹謗
pvoa'oe | quarrel | 盤話; 鬥嘴; 爭論
pvoarkuo'oe | half sentence; barely speak up | 半句話
sampat'oe | nonsese talk | 三八話
seasvia'oe | whisper | 細聲話
sin'oe | myth, mythology | 神話
sin'oe-hak | mythology | 神話學; 神話(學)
siog'oe | common speech, common language | 俗話
sioggy'oe | colloquialism | 俗語話
siuo'oe | embroidered pictures or designs | 繡畫
siw'oe | to guard, to defend, a guard | 守衛
soeh'oe | speak up | 說話
su'oe | private talk, private discussion | 書畫; 私話
tam'oe | a statement; a conversation; talk; chat; to talk; converse | 談話
tekkog-oe | German (spoken) language | 德國話
thiusioxng'oe | abstract painting | 抽象畫
thoan'oe | transmit words | 傳話
thong'oe | communicate by telephone or radio | 通話
thongpvoaa kea'oe | draw up a complete scheme; overall plan | 全盤計劃
thorhoeh'oe | disgusting talk | 吐血話
thvia'oe | obey; obedient; teachable; obedient to instructions | 聽話
thørthau'oe | courtesy greeting | 套頭話
tiexn'oe ciapsvoarsefng | telephone operator | 電話接線生
tiexn'oe hunky | telephone extension | 電話分機
tiexn'oe høxmar | telephone number | 電話號碼
tiexn'oe | phone; telephone; telephone | 電話
tiexn'oe-pho | telephone directory, yellow book | 電話簿; 電話薄
tiexn'oe-teeng | telephone booth | 電話亭
tngf jidthaau kofng'oe | I swear by heaven that.. | 對天發誓
tngtoo-tiexn'oe | long distance telephone call | 長途電話
to'oe | drawing; picture; illustrations in a magazine or book | 圖畫
tochi kea'oe | urban development plan; urban renewal plan | 都市計劃
tong'oe | stories for children; fables; nursery stories; juvenile stories | 童話
toxng'oe | animation | 動畫
tuie'oe | dialog; dialogue; conversation | 對話
voa cidkux oe laai korng | in other words | 換句話說
zeng'oe | romantic word | 情話
zerngtofng hong'oe | legal self defense | 正當防衛
zhah'oe | break into a conversation; an irrelevant episode | 插嘴; 插話
zhek'oe | engineer; plan; schedule; plan | 策畫; 策劃
zho'oe | rough words | 粗話
zhun'oe | pornography, pornographic pictures | 春話; 春宮圖
zoea'oe | speak out | 做話
zuxtong tiexn'oe | dial telephone | 自動電話
zuybag'oe | painting done with ink and water | 水墨畫
øh kofng'oe | learn to talk | 學講話

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