"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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arm'of | dusk | 薄暮
boah'of | to defame, to discredit | 抹黑; 抹烏
hay'of | common gull, sea- | 海鷗
hoafn'of | anti-black | 反黑
hoah'of-hoahpeh | talk without truth or restraint; alk nonsense | 喝黑喝白; 亂說話
hun'of | to blacken by smoke | 燻黑
hø'of | Formosan dipper | 河鷗; 臺灣河鳥
iern'of | edible nest of cliff swallows; bird's nest (edible) | 燕窩
kaw'of | a kennel | 狗窩
o'of | blackish, black, dark (skin) | 黑黑; 烏烏; 黑暗
of ciah of | one who would deceive; rob; cheat; is himself taken in; double-crossed | 黑吃黑
of simkvoaf | evil hearted | 黑心; 黑心肝
of | black | 黑; 烏; 海鷗; 鷗
of-beqafciuo | black beer | 黑啤仔酒; 烏麥仔酒
of-haythuun | black dolphin | 黑海豚
of-hoansoaf | black shark | 黑番鯊; 黑鮫
of-kuykuie | dark | 黑鬼鬼
of-marmax | dark | 黑嘛嘛
of-mixpaw | brown bread | 黑麵包
of-poe'of | vega herring gull | 黑鯡鷗; 黑脊鷗
of-siaxhoe | gang, band of hoodlums | 黑社會
of-soa'thngg | unrefined sugar | 黑砂糖
of-tehteq | dark black | 黑壓壓
oor'o'of | dark black | 烏烏烏
pek'hab'of | black-headed gull | 百合黑; 紅嘴鷗
peqkexng'of | collared crow | 白烏鴉; 玉頸鴉
peqpeh-pox nie-kaq of | bear false witness against the innocent (Lit. dye a snow white cloth into a black one) | 硬將白布染成黑; 無中生有; 加罪於人
phag'of | to tun, sunburned | 晒黑; 曝烏
phah'of | blacken, stain | 打黑; 弄黑
phak of`khix | get browned; tanned; blackened by the sun | 晒黑去
piern'of | turned into black | 變黑
pøe'of | flying bird | 飛烏; 花翅文鰩魚
sao'of | anti crime | 掃烏
soan'of | eddy, whirlpool, vortex | 漩渦; 旋渦
svoa'of | East Asia rook, eastern rook | 山烏; 禿鼻鴉
thvy o'of | sky is getting dark | 天黑黑
thvy of te axm | heaven and earth dark; very dark weather; great distress and calamity | 天黑地暗
tiao'of | well-sweep (device for raising and lowering a bucket in a well, using a pivoted pole) | 吊槔
tuiebixn'of | fine-leaved chaste-tree | 對面烏
zhat'of | ebony; pitch-dark; darkness | 漆黑
zun'of | dock (in a shipyard); dry dock | 船塢

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