"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ofng

chvi'ofng | eastern blue-tail robin | 青翁; 籃尾唧
hi'ofng | old fisherman | 漁翁
huo'ofng | a man of wealth | 富翁
huoka'ofng | man of wealth; rich man | 富家翁
lai'ofng'aq | contact | 來往矣
liuli'ofng | eastern blue-tail robin | 知更鳥; 藍尾鯽
ofng | Siberian flycatcher; old man; title of respect; one's husband's father | 鶲; 翁
ofng'hok | to and from | 往復
ofng'orng | often; frequently; occasionally; now and then; often so; frequently | 往往
pahban huo'ofng | millionaire | 百萬富翁
pan'ofng | Siberian flycatcher | 捕蠅器; 西伯利亞灰斑鶲
peqly'ofng | Formosan little forktail | 白里翁; 白里鶲
peqthaau-ofng | Chinese bulbul, gray starling | 白頭翁
peqthau'ofng | grackle (bird); gray starling | 白頭翁
puttør-ofng | tumbler, roly-poly | 無倒翁; 不倒翁
sae'ofng | Siberian flycatcher | 捕蠅器; 西伯利亞灰斑鶲
si'ofng | old poet | 詩翁; 詩人
sirnthien'ofng | albatross, short-tailed albatross, Stelleis albatross | 信天翁
toa-huo'ofng | millionaire | 大富翁
toaxbuo-ofng | thumb | 大拇公; 大姆指
zuie'ofng | drunkard | 醉翁
zun'ofng | your father (honorific) | 尊翁
zwjin'ofng | housemaster; host; goodman | 主人翁
zwlang'ofng | respectful term for host | 主人翁

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