Sin'og | a city in Taoyuan County | 新屋
Zok'og-tøtoafn | indulge in all sorts of evildoings; commit many crimes | 作惡多端
baxn'og iim ui siuo | Lewdness is the worst of all sins | 萬惡淫為首
baxn'og | all the evils; extremely evil | 萬惡
befng'og | fierce evil; very very bad | 猛惡
bin'og | regular citizen house | 民屋
bu'og putzog | capable of committing every crime under the sun | 不惡不作
bu'og-putzog | stop at nothing in doing evil; to be as wicked as possible | 不惡不作
hiafm'og | malicious; evil; treacherous | 險惡
hiam'og | to loathe | 嫌惡
hiong'og | atrocity; ruffianism; infernal | 凶惡; 兇惡
hvoai'og | wicked | 橫惡; 邪惡
iarm'og | to detest | 厭惡
im'og | sexual wickedness | 淫惡
ka'og | house, building | 家屋
ka'og-soex | house-tax | 家屋稅
ka'og-søex | house-tax | 家屋稅; 房捐
kah'og | pipistrade, bat | 蝙蝠
kan'og | treacherous; malicious | 奸惡
keg'og | extreme atrocity | 極惡
khie'og-ciongsien | reform (personal conduct); shun the evil and follow the good | 去惡從善
kiet'og ciøzof | house for rent; house to let | 吉屋招租
kim'og | golden house | 金屋
kim'og-zongkiaw | build a magnificent house for a beloved woman (especially a concubine or mistress) | 金屋藏嬌
luxn'og | to enrich the house with material wealth | 潤屋
mau'og | bothie; bothy | 茅屋
og | hate; hateful; ok means evil; wrong; bad | 惡; 兇猛
og-khiagkhiak | radically bully | 惡確確
og-sealek | evil power; wicked influential person; pressure groups | 惡勢力
og-tagtak | radically bully | 惡確確
og`laang | a wicked person | 惡人; 罵人
ok'og | evil appearence, bad, violent | 黑惡; 惡惡; 相貌凶惡
pang'og | house; house | 房屋
sia'og | vicious, wicked, viciousness, wickedness | 斜惡; 邪惡
sib'og | heinous | 十惡
siexn'og | good and evil | 善惡
thau'og | a city in Miaoli County | 頭屋
thiw'og | ugly, repulsive | 丑惡
ui'og | do evil | 為惡
zek'og | evil | 積惡
zha'og | a log cabin | 柴屋
zhat khaq-og laang | A thief becomes ferocious on being detected | 賊比失主還兇; 強詞奪理。
zoea'og | to do bad things | 做惡
zok'og | do wrong | 作惡
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