"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Hunsiaw-pøftien | Palace of Clouds | 雲霄寶殿
befnghofng pøxuo | fierce wind violent rain; a storm | 猛風暴雨
bukex cy pør | priceless treasure | 無價之寶
bøkex-pør | priceless treasure | 無價寶
bøo pøfliuu | unreserved | 無保留
bøpøq | not safe; risky | 無穩; 不妥當; 無卜
chitcied-pøehkhaux | various deductions; big discounts | 七折八扣
chitkhaux-pøehtuu | not much left after various deductions | 七扣八除
chitzhuix-pøehcih | all talking at once | 七嘴八舌
chvimr-pøo | in-laws grandmother | 親姆婆
ciaux pørzoar | according to the paper | 照報紙
cixntiofng pørkog | be loyal and patriotic | 盡忠報國
ciøf pøfhiarm | canvass for insurance | 招保險; 拉保險
enggiap pørkøx | business reports | 營業報告
giabbu pørkøx | business report | 業務報告
goanheeng pøxlo | completely unmasked or exposed; reveal the true nature or colors (of a person) completely | 原形暴露
haysiong pøfhiarm | marine insurance | 海上保險
hi'pøh | thin and diluted | 稀薄
hisex-cy-pør | very rare treasure; an invaluable gem; timeless treasure | 稀世之寶
hongtvoaa pølee | bulletproof glass | 防彈玻璃
høefsvoaf pøxhoad | a volcanic eruption | 火山爆發
høefzay-pøfhiarm | fire insurance | 火災保險
iegoa-pøfhiarm | accident insurance | 意外保險
inkør-pørexng | automatic repayment in later life for whatever one does (Buddhist) | 因果報應
jinsiu-pøfhiarm | life insurance | 人壽保險
jinzø-pøfciøh | imitation jewelry | 人造寶石
khiesiong-pørkøx | weather reports | 氣象報告
khofkhao-pøsym | exhort or remonstrate with earnest words prompted by a kind heart | 苦口婆心
kiongzex-pøfhiarm | compulsory insurance | 強制保險
koafnkef-pøo | a housekeeper | 管家婆; 婆婆媽媽
lengsiaw-pøftien | a treasure palace to ride the clouds; a treasure palace to rise up to the skies | 凌霄寶殿
lientaix-pøfzerngjiin | joint surety | 連帶保證人
lientaix-pøfzexng | joint surety | 連帶保證
løkafng pøfhiarm | labor insurance | 勞工保險; (勞保)
løkafng-pøfhiarm | labor insurance | 勞工保險
løpør | worker insurance | 勞保
mxbad pør | unwareness- a person who has no cludes of a precious thing | 毋識寶
ngrthvy pøfiu | look forward to the help (protection) of the heaven | 望天保祐
paai pøehji | combine the 8 letters of the horoscope (as the geomancer does when telling fortunes) | 排八字
pi pøfhoxkog | protectorate | 被保護國
pvoarkyn-pøehniuo | eight ounces and half a catty ─ six of one and half a dozen of the other; half and half; equal; no difference | 半斤八兩
pøciar | appraiser | 褒者
pøciarng | to commend and award | 褒獎
pøciorng | award; accolade; praise and encourage (an inferior) | 褒獎
pøe | to carry on the back | 背; 倍; 焙; 負
pøe'of | flying bird | 飛烏; 花翅文鰩魚
pøea | to push away; ward off; driving away (dust; fly) | 拂; 掰; 擋開
pøea`køex | to push aside | 拂掉
pøeapiaq | to wallpaper | 褙壁; 貼壁紙
pøeazoar | to cover with paper | 褙紙
pøechvy | meteor | 流星; 飛星
pøeciao | birds of the air | 飛鳥
pøecvii | make restitution with money | 賠錢
pøecviu | fly upward | 飛上
pøecvix | flying arrow | 飛箭
pøee | make restitution; pay compensation; repay | 賠
pøee`jibkhix | got in with loss | 賠進去
pøef | to fly | 飛
pøef`khix | flew away | 飛去
pøefchiuo | to push aside someone's hand | 拂手
pøefkhuy | to push aside | 拂開; 推開
pøefpøea | driving away (fly, dust) | 拂拂; 掰掰
pøefpøea`leq | drive away (fly, dust) | 拂拂咧; 掰掰咧
pøefzhao | to push aside the grass | 扒草
pøefzhøe | to search | 扒找; 掰揣; 翻找
pøeh | pull out, unseethe (sward, knife) | 扒; 拔
pøeh'ee | eight number of (things) | 八個
pøeh'iaa | native Taiwanese god (The eighth father god) | 八爺
pøehbøea | eight number of (fish) | 八尾
pøehciaq | eight number of (animal) | 八隻
pøehgøeh | August | 八月
pøehhngf | cover eight sides (all over the place) | 八方
pøehhøex | eight years old | 八歲
pøehia | flying ant; termite | 飛蟻
pøehii | flying fish | 飛魚
pøehji | the eight characters (of the horoscope of two persons considering marriage; for the year; month; day; and hour of the birth of each); eight zodiac character times used to determine one's fortune | 八字
pøehjixmia | eight words of a man's horoscope: year; month; day | 八字命
pøehjixthiab | document containing eight zodiac character times; often exchanged before marriage | 八字帖
pøehkag | eighty cents; an herb with eight petals | 八角
pøehkhof | eight dollars | 八元
pøehkor | eight threads entwined together | 八股
pøehliap | eight number of (circular objects) | 八粒
pøehpaq | eight hundred | 八百
pøehpo | eight steps patterns (in Chinese opera) | 八步; 搞小花樣
pøehsviaa | 80 percent, almost | 八成
pøehtex | eight pieces | 八塊
pøehzap | eighty | 八十
pøehzøeq | eight seasonal festivals | 八節
pøekhiim | birds | 飛禽
pøekhoarn | indemnity | 賠款
pøeleeng-zhaix | spinach | 菠苓菜; 菠薐菜; 波菜
pøelengzhaix | spinach | 菠苓菜
pøemia | pay compensation for accidental manslaughter with another life; compensate with your life | 賠命
pøepor | to recompense | 賠補
pøepør | make restitution | 賠補; 賠?; 賠償
pøeq | eight | 八
pøeq`gøeh | August | 八月
pøesioong | to pay back | 賠償
pøesioong-huix | compensation, indemnity | 賠償費
pøesiorng | indemnity | 賠償
pøesit | to support, to cultivate | 培育; 培植
pøesoad | flying snow | 飛雪
pøesoaf | dust | 飛砂
pøesy | flying spider | 飛絲; 飛著的蛛絲
pøethaang | flying insects | 飛蟲
pøex | treasure | 貝; 背
pøexau | behind | 背後
pøexbiu | offend against, apostatize | 背謬
pøexbong | beautify a grave (at [[Zhengbeeng]]); visit tomb | 培墓; 掃墓
pøexgek | rebel | 背逆; 悖逆
pøexgoan | break a vow | 背願; 背誓
pøexkerng | environment | 背景
pøexkog | back country | 背國
pøexleeng | retreat | 培靈
pøexleeng-hoe | revival meeting; retreat | 培靈會
pøexloo | oven for making tea leaves | 焙爐; 乾燥機; 焙茶之爐
pøexpøe`leq | toast in a pan | 賠賠咧; 焙焙咧
pøexsixn | break a promise | 背信
pøexsw | to promise in writing | 背書
pøextaf | to bake dry | 焙乾; 焙焦; 烘乾
pøextee | to make tea leaves | 焙茶
pøextoax | to wear | 背帶
pøextvax | bear a yoke, bear a burden | 背擔
pøextøf | wear a sword, gird on a sword, wearing sward | 背刀; 佩刀
pøexzaix | carry (a burden) on one's back | 背載; 背負
pøexzex | clean the tombs and make offering | 培祭; 掃墓
pøexzoa | reject one's oath, break a vow | 背誓
pøezhafn | participate in the Lord's Supper | 陪餐
pøezhuo | flying mouse | 飛鼠; 鼯鼠
pøezoaa | a skin disease; shingle | 飛蛇; 飛蛇(皮膚病)
pøezoe | beg one's pardon | 陪罪; 賠罪
pøezuun | airship | 飛船; 飛行船
pøf | praise too much; flatter; encourage with favorable; but sometimes unfounded; representations; to treat with flattery; to praise; to cite; to flatter | 褒
pøfafn kefngzhad | public security policemen | 保安警察
pøfafn | security; preserve peace and safety | 保安
pøfafn-jin'oaan | security personnel | 保安人員
pøfafn-kefngzhad | security police | 保安警察
pøfafn-liim | protection forest | 保安林
pøfafn-sietsy | security measure | 保安設施
pøfafn-tui | public security corps, public security policemen, security force | 保安隊
pøfafn-zhwhwn | Peace Preservation Measures | 保安處分
pøfah | jewel box | 寶盒
pøfankiofng | | 保安宮
pøfanliim | security forest; protected (national) forests | 保安林
pøfantui | public security corps; a unit of public security policemen | 保安隊
pøfap | jewel box | 寶盒
pøfaq | jewel box, jewel casket | 寶盒
pøfbea | valuable horse | 寶馬
pøfbek | valuable ink | 寶墨
pøfbit | to maintain secrecy; to keep something secret; to keep a secret; keep secret | 保密
pøfbuo | nanny | 褓母
pøfbut | precious things | 寶物
pøfbør | kindergarten teacher children's nurse; housekeeper; protector; nurse who looks after small children; a kindergarten teacher | 保姆; 褓姆
pøfchii kiexnkhofng | maintain good health | 保持健康
pøfchii kuxli | keep at a safe distance | 保持距離
pøfchii tiedsu | maintain order | 保持秩序
pøfchii | maintain; keep up; to preserve | 保持
pøfchikiok | maintain dept. | 保持局
pøfchvy | keep it fresh | 保鮮
pøfciexn | recommends; recommend (somebody for a job) and stand guarantee (cf.; thui-chian; ki-chian) | 保薦
pøfciofng | guarantee; security; to safeguard; protect; for the preservation of | 保障
pøfcioxng løkafng ee seng'oah | safeguard the livelihood of the workers | 保障勞工的生活
pøfcioxng | guarantee; security; to safeguard; protect; for the preservation of | 保障
pøfciøh | jewel; gem; precious stone; gem | 寶石
pøfciøqar | gemstone | 寶石仔
pøfciøqlaam | sapphire blue | 寶石藍
pøfcviax | police (in the old day); head of a neighborhood of families; precinct head | 保正; (現在的村里長)
pøfgek | precious jade | 寶玉
pøfgiah | insured amount; fill a position as a substitute, make up for loss of money or damage of goods | 保額
pøfgiok | precious jade | 寶玉
pøfhiafmhuix | premium on an insurance policy; insurance fees | 保險費
pøfhiafmjiin | underwriter; person covered by an insurance policy; policyholder | 保險人
pøfhiafmkvoae | bumper | 保險桿
pøfhiafmkym | insurance | 保險金
pøfhiafmsviw | a safety box; x; bank vault | 保險箱
pøfhiafmthøx | male contraceptive | 保險套
pøfhiafmtoax | safety belt | 保險帶
pøfhiafmtvoaf | insurance policy | 保險單
pøfhiarm kikafn | period of insurance | 保險期間
pøfhiarm kimgiah | sum for which the subject is insured; insured value | 保險金額
pøfhiarm kongsy | insurance company | 保險公司
pøfhiarm | insurance; insurance; insure; to guarantee; insure against risk; dangers | 保險
pøfhiarm-huix | insurance premium | 保險費
pøfhiarm-kym | insured amount | 保險金
pøfhiarm-sviw | safe, safety box | 保險箱
pøfhiarm-thøx | condom | 保險套
pøfhiarm-tvoaf | insurance policy | 保險單
pøfhiet | treasure hole | 寶穴
pøfho tixafn | preserve the peace | 保護治安
pøfho | to protect; defend; protection; to guard | 保護
pøfho-kex | bed cradle | 保護架
pøfho-kog | protectorate | 保護國
pøfhoxciar | guardian | 保護者
pøfhoxhoad | protection law | 保護法
pøfhoxhuix | protection fees | 保護費
pøfhoxjiin | guardian | 保護人
pøfhoxkhw | protection area | 保護區
pøfhoxkog | protectorate | 保護國
pøfhoxliim | forest preservation; conservation | 保護林
pøfhoxseg | protective coloration | 保護色
pøfhoxte | protectorate | 保護地
pøfhuix | insurance premium | 保費
pøfhø | precious title | 寶號
pøfiofngphirn | are products | 保養品
pøfiofngtviuu | maintenance yard | 保養場
pøfiog'vi | nursery; orphanage | 保育院; 育幼院
pøfioglui | conservation | 保育類
pøfiok | to protect; educate; raise (child); nourish and care for | 保育
pøfiorng | to protect; maintain; maintenance (of a car; ship); take care (of health) | 保養
pøfiu | to ask god for protection; protect; bless (usually used in prayers) | 保佑
pøfiuo | to ask god for protection | 保佑
pøfji | promissory note | 保字; 保證書
pøfjiin | stand security for, countersign, a guarantor | 保人
pøfjin | to pledge as a collateral; stand security; be responsible for a man | 保認; 擔保; 保證
pøfjixnlaang | guarantor | 保證人
pøfkaix | complement | 補界
pøfkaq | a sub-division of a city or town; it usually consists of ten households | 保甲
pøfkar | compensatory leave | 補假
pøfkaxm | valuable reference | 寶鑑
pøfkef | person who serves as a reference (for a loan; background check; etc.) | 保家; 保證人
pøfkexng | unit of public security policeman | 保警
pøfkhix | precious vessel | 寶器
pøfkhox | vault (for storing valuables); treasury | 寶庫
pøfkiaxm | precious sword; magic sword | 寶劍
pøfkied | to serve as a reference (for background check) | 保結; 保證身世
pøfkien | health protection; health care; health plan; to take care of one's health | 保健
pøfkietzng | a document that serves as a reference (for background check) | 保結狀
pøfkiexnseg | infirmary | 保健室
pøfkiexnzof | health group | 保健組
pøfkiux | save from danger | 補救; 保救
pøfkoafnhuix | storage fee | 保管費
pøfkoafnjiin | custodian | 保管人
pøfkoafnliau | storage fee | 保管費
pøfkoarn | have in custody; manage property; take care of; have a thing in one's charge; safekeeping | 保管
pøfkog | protect country | 保國
pøfkox | guarantee delivery in good shape within time limit | 保固
pøfkuix | precious; valuable; valuable; precious | 寶貴
pøfkuo | kep forever | 保久; 保舉
pøfkviax | treasure mirror | 寶鏡
pøfkvoaf | keeper of a gambling house | 補官; 睹場老闆
pøfleeng kiutviuu | bowling alley | 保齡球場
pøfleeng | bowling | 保齡
pøfleeng-kiutviuu | bowling alley | 保齡球場
pøflengkiuu | bowling ball; bowling | 保齡球
pøflexlioong | styrofoam | 保麗龍
pøflinkiuu | bowling ball | 保齡球
pøfliongkiok | protecting people bureau | 保良局
pøfliuløqlaai | save it; keep it | 保留落來
pøfliute | land reserved for a certain purpose; territory set apart for a certain class of people | 保留地
pøfliuu ee zoe | reserved sin (Catholic) | 保留的罪
pøfliuu | defer; preserving; retain; reservation; preserve; retain (officials); to reserve (a decision) | 保留
pøfloarn | keep warm | 保遠; 保暖
pøfluie | earthwork for defense; fortress | 堡壘
pøfluii | fortress | 堡壘
pøfmia | save life | 保命
pøfmih | precious, valuable thing | 寶物
pøfnaseg | royal blue | 寶藍色
pøfniar | set as guarantor; guarantee; stand security for | 保證; 保領; 擔保
pøfoe | guard; protect; protect; to guard | 保衛
pøfoe-kwn | military guard (squad) | 保衛軍; 警衛
pøfpix | protection by God; protect; to help (used in the sense of guard against); defend | 保庇; 庇佑; 保佑
pøfpiøf | bodyguard; armed escort (for passengers; cargo; bank messenger); act as a bodyguard | 保鏢; 保鑣
pøfpoea'afkao | baby dog | 寶貝仔狗
pøfpoea'ar | baby | 寶貝仔
pøfpoeaafkviar | baby | 寶貝仔囝
pøfpoex | precious; valuable; treasure; precious things; treasures; cherished object; darling | 寶貝
pøfsaxng | send a student (or a group of students) to school or college without entrance examination; usually in view of their high scholastic qualifications | 保送
pøfseg | bail; release on bail; get a man out on bail | 保釋
pøfsekjiin | one who is out on bail | 保釋人
pøfsengtaixtex | a respectful Dr. who became a god | 保生大帝
pøfsinhuu | charm; talisman for protection; charm for self-protection | 保身符; 護身符
pøfsiuo kaoiuo | catechumen (Catholic) | 保守教友
pøfsiuo | conserve; maintain; preserve; conservative; maintain; keep watch over | 保守
pøfsiuo-phaix | conservative party | 保守派
pøfsiuo-zwgi | conservatism | 保守主義
pøfsiwphaix | conservative party | 保守派
pøfsiwsor | catechumenate (Catholic) | 保守所
pøfsiwtorng | Conservative Party | 保守黨
pøfsiøq | cherish; love; take care of; love and cherish (a treasure); take great care of | 保惜; 寶惜; 愛惜
pøfsvoaf | treasure mountain, Golconda', source of great wealth | 寶山
pøfsyn | take care of oneself; save one's own skin; self-defense; protect oneself | 保身
pøftafn | precious pill | 寶丹
pøftao | treasure place | 寶斗
pøfte | treasure land | 寶地
pøfthaq | precious shrine; pagoda | 寶塔
pøftiern | precious book; valuable book | 寶典
pøftiong sinthea | take care of the health | 保重身體
pøftiong | take care of oneself; take good care of | 保重
pøftit | to preserve the value | 保值
pøftor | treasure island - Taiwan | 寶島
pøftvoaf | formal note; document of guaranty | 保單
pøftøf | precious knife; treasured sword; magic sword | 寶刀
pøftøf-hii | long-tailed anchovy, wolf herring, silver-bar fish | 寶刀魚
pøftør | treasure island | 寶島
pøfui | imperial throne, royal throne | 寶位
pøfuixtui | guard | 保衛隊
pøfunkoaxn | thermal bottle; thermos flask | 保溫罐
pøfunpaan | vacuum thermos bottle; jug | 保溫瓶
pøfunpoef | thermos cup | 保溫杯
pøfunsviw | incubator | 保溫箱
pøfviuo | look after, care for, maintain | 保養
pøfwn | keep warm | 保溫
pøfwn-koaxn | thermos bottle | 保溫罐; 熱水瓶
pøfzerngjiin | guarantor; surety; voucher | 保證人
pøfzerngkym | security deposit; money paid as guarantee or bail | 保證金
pøfzerngliin | guarantor | 保證人
pøfzerngsw | deed of security; letter of guaranty | 保證書
pøfzexng | certify; guarantee; give a security; certification; ; guaranty; security; assurance; to guarantee; assure; to warrant; ensure | 保證
pøfzexng-jiin | bondsman, guarantor | 保證人
pøfzexng-kym | bond, deposit, security money | 保證金
pøfzng | document for certification | 保狀
pøfzo | make up a deficiency, subsidize | 補助
pøfzoaan lefngthor | preserve territorial integrity | 保全領土
pøfzoaan | protect to make whole; assure the safety of; protect or guard; keep intact; preserve intact | 保全
pøfzong | treasure | 寶藏
pøfzoong | keep safely; protect; storehouse; treasury; treasure house; collection of treasures | 寶藏; 保藏
pøfzoxngsi | treasure temple | 寶藏寺
pøfzunciar | keeper | 保存者
pøfzuun sveamia | preserve one's life | 保存生命
pøfzuun | keep; conservation; conserve; maintain; preserve; store; maintain; safeguard; safekeeping | 保存
pøfzw | precious pearl; pearl; precious beads | 寶珠
pøfzø | imperial throne; royal throne; throne | 寶座
pøh | thin; foil; gilt; curtain; frame for raising silkworms | 薄; 箔
pøh-lielix | very thin | 極薄的
pøh-sisy | very thin (like a thread) | 薄絲絲
pøhbin | surface | 卜面
pøhhvoa | revetment | 駁岸
pøhhvoaxgoa | outside revetment | 駁岸外
pøhhvoaxkhaf | revetment | 駁岸跤
pøhhvoaxlai | inside revetment | 駁岸內
pøhhvoaxpvy | revetment | 駁岸邊
pøhhvoaxterng | revetment | 駁岸頂
pøhkhaxm | refute | 駁崁
pøhkhvoarbai | take a chance; have a try at; risk it; chance it | 試試看; 碰碰運氣
pøhtvia | maybe | 或許
pøhzhuix | (n) altercation; spat; wrangle; bicker; squabble; quarrel; to argue; to debate; to contend; argument; contention; controversy; debate | 駁嘴
pøhøo | mint | 薄荷
pøioong | praising | 褒揚
pøkoaf | serenade | 唱情歌
pøle'aw | glass cup | 玻璃甌
pølee kan'ar | glass bottle | 玻璃矸仔
pølee | glass | 玻璃
pøleiuo'ar | tiny pieces glass | 玻璃幼仔
pølekafn | glass bottle | 玻璃瓶
pølekhix | glassware | 玻璃器; 玻璃器皿
pølekoaxn | glass tubing | 玻璃管
pølekviax | mirror | 玻璃鏡
pølepaan | glass bottle | 玻璃瓶
pølephoex | glass crumbs | 玻璃杮
pølephviear | glass pieces | 玻璃片仔
pølephvix | glass panel | 玻璃片
pølepoear | glass cup | 玻璃杯仔
pølepoef | glass; tumbler | 玻璃杯
pølethafng | glass window | 玻璃窗
pøletuu | glass cabinet; show case | 玻璃櫥
pølezhaix | cabbage | 玻璃菜; 高麗菜
pølezoar | cellophane | 玻璃紙
pølezw | glass beads | 玻璃珠; 玻璃球
pøløbit | pineapple | 婆羅蜜
pøløbuun-kaux | Brahmanism | 婆羅門教
pøløchiu | pineapple tree | 婆羅樹
pøløsøf | to commend and to appease | 褒囉唆; 褒獎安撫
pøo | old woman | 婆
pøor'pøqpøh | very thin | 薄薄薄
pøpiern | bouquets and brickbats | 褒貶
pøpvy | skinned; very sensitive to pain; crying readily when scolded | 薄皮; 嬌嫩
pøq | make a venture; take chance; to risk | 卜; 冒
pøqbixnphoee | thin skin | 薄面皮
pøqciuo | light wine; light wine; insipid wine; diluted wine (polite expression used by the host) | 薄酒
pøqhog | not very lucky; evil fate; unlucky | 薄福
pøqhwn | thin smoke | 薄煙
pøqhøiuu | mint oil; peppermint oil | 薄荷油
pøqhøo | mint; peppermint | 薄荷
pøqjiok | weak; fragile | 薄弱
pøqlea | cheap gift; shabby presents; a meager present; my humble gift (a polite usage) | 薄禮
pøqli tøsiaw | small profits and quick returns (S P Q R); quick turnover | 薄利多銷
pøqli | a narrow margin of profit; small profits; little advantage | 薄利
pøqlisy | very thin; thin; light; slight | 薄如絲; 薄薄的
pøqlo | expose; detect; bring to light; bring out | 暴露
pøqmoh | thin membrane | 薄膜
pøqpafn'ar | thin wood panel | 薄板仔
pøqpafng | thin planks; lath | 薄板
pøqpang'ar | thin planks; lath | 薄板仔
pøqparn | thin wood; skeleton | 薄板; 很瘦
pøqphoear | thin skin | 薄皮仔
pøqphoee | thin layer | 薄皮
pøqphøe | thin blanket | 薄被
pøqphøee | thin skin | 薄皮
pøqpiaq | thin wall | 薄壁
pøqpviafkauq | thin wrap | 薄餅捲
pøqpviar | thin wrap | 薄餅
pøqpøh | thin | 薄薄
pøqpøqar | thin | 薄薄仔
pøqtee | light tea | 薄茶
pøqzhuix | bland | 薄嘴; 味道無夠
pøqzoar | thin paper; fine; very thin paper; tissue paper | 薄紙
pør | preserve; fortress; treasure; treasure; coin; jewel; gem; precious; valuable; honorable; respectable | 保; 堡; 寶
pør`zhutlaai | bail out (of custody) | 保出來
pørar | messenger | 報子; 傳令使
pøraxn | give information about a case to police office; report a case (theft; missing person; murder) to the police | 報案
pørbea | an informer | 報馬
pørbeeng | to report; state clearly to a higher authority | 報明
pørbefar | an informer; scout; spy; detective | 報馬仔; 探子; 打小報告
pørbøea | an informer | 報馬
pørciet | to report a victory; to announce a success | 報捷
pørciofng | newspaper | 報章
pørciuo | a banquet to announce the new birth | 報酒; 報產喜酒
pørernglaq | retribution | 報應啦
pørexng | retribution; payment; rebound; reckoning; wage; retribution (especially in the Buddhist concept that one inevitably reaps what he sows); reward or punish; to recompense justly | 報應
pørgee | the cry of insects or birds in cluster | 播牙; 成群而鳴; (蚊子)[*]
pørgiap | newspaper business | 布業; 報業
pørhiao | to announce the arrival of dawn | 報曉
pørhie | announce good news | 報業; 報喜
pørhoeatvoaf | application to pass goods through the customs | 報貨單
pørhok | take revenge | 復仇; 報復
pørhoxkhao | census report | 報戶口
pørhoxng | play; broadcast | 播放
pørhuix | newspaper subscription bill | 報費
pørhysu | announce good news; announce good news (such as births; marriages) | 報喜事
pørioong | declare, proclaim, spread abroad | 播揚; 宣揚
pørkaix | press circle; journalist circle | 報界; 新聞界
pørkerng | report to the police; sound; raise; beat an alarm | 報警
pørkex | quotation | 報價
pørkexng | report to the police; sound; raise; beat an alarm | 報警
pørkhafn | newspaper and magazine | 報刊
pørkhix | wrinkled | 襞去
pørkhør | participate in a entrance examination; enter one's name in an examination | 報考
pørkib | to report the urgency of | 報急
pørkoafn | to apply to the customs; declare at the customs | 報關
pørkoafn-haang | customs service department; customs broker | 報關行
pørkoafn-tvoaf | customs declaration | 報關單
pørkoanhaang | customs service department; customs broker | 報關行
pørkoantvoaf | bill of entry | 報關單
pørkoarn | newspaper office | 報館
pørkoex | reported | 報過
pørkog | serve one's country; devote oneself to the national cause | 報國
pørkuo | recommend for employment | 保舉; 推薦就業
pørkvoathviaf | newsroom | 報官廳
pørkvy | retribution | 報更
pørkørpafng | bulletin board | 佈告欄
pørkørsw | written report | 報告書
pørkøx | report; make an announcement; report; information; memoir; to report; to inform | 報告
pørkøx-sw | written report | 報告書
pørkøx`aq | reported | 報告矣
pørlo | report the way | 報路
pørloxlaq | report the way | 報路啦
pørmiaa | enroll; report for duty; register; enlist; enter one's name (in an examination; competition) | 報名
pørmiaa-zhux | registration office | 報名處
pørniawchyafoafn | revenged | 報鳥鼠仔冤
pørniawzhwafoafn | revenged | 報鳥鼠仔冤
pøroafn | to seek or take vengeance for injuries or wrongs; take vengeance for a murder or great injury; retaliate | 報冤
pøroaxn | to complain; requite an injury | 報怨
pørpaang | report | 報房
pørpeh | the announcement of death | 報白; 死亡通知
pørpeng'afn | report safety | 報平安
pørphexng | to announce the acceptance of a position | 報聘
pørpiør | report | 報表
pørsarngtiøh | broadcast | 播送著
pørsex | file return | 報稅
pørsia | a newspaper office | 報社
pørsiaux | to record the accounts and transactions of a business; present a bill of expenses (to the employer or the accountant) | 報數
pørsiaw | gone; out of order; out of service; send in accounts; something is spoiled or broken (slang); to report to one's superior on a useless article to be removed from the inventory | 報銷
pørsid | register loss | 報失
pørsie | announce a death | 報喪
pørsiuu soat'hin | wipe out a grievance | 報仇雪恨
pørsiuu | avenge a grievance; take revenge | 報仇; 報酬; 酬報
pørsixn | give news; give information | 報信
pørsoex | declare goods (at customs); report tax returns | 報稅
pørsofng | bereavement notice; announce a death | 報喪
pørsoxng | bereavement notice | 報喪
pørsviuo | to give a reward to or for; reward | 報賞
pørsøeq | telegraph | 通知; 報說
pørsøex | to file a report on one's liable taxation | 報稅; 報歲
pørtab | reward; give a return for; repay another's kindness; to recompense | 報答
pørteg | repay another's kindness; show gratitude | 報德
pørthaau | low pressure | 播頭; 低氣壓
pørthauhofng | the blast of wind precedes a typhoon | 播頭風; 颱風前奏風
pørthoaan | proclaim | 報傳; 宣布; 報導
pørtvoaf | an entry; an application to pass goods through the customs | 報單
pørty | inform | 報知
pørtø | to report (news); to cover | 報導
pørtøx | enroll; register; report one's arrival | 報到
pørwn | to pay a debt of gratitude; to repay another's kindness | 報恩
pørzay | to inform | 報知
pørzhud | broadcast | 播出
pørzhunlaan | primrose | 報春蘭
pørzoafsiang | in the newspaper | 報紙上
pørzoafsiong | in the newspaper | 報紙上
pørzoar | newspaper; newsprint; newsprint | 報紙
pøsiorng | reward (for a praiseworthy act); to reward; to give as a mark of favor | 褒賞
pøsviuo | reward (for a praiseworthy act); to reward; to give as a mark of favor | 褒賞
pøsym | patience | 婆心
pøsøf | to flatter; flatter; cajole as obsequious man | 奉承; 褒嗦; 諂媚; 褒獎善誘
pøx kaym | carol; caroling; caroling; report good news | 報佳音
pøx laang zay | inform a man | 告人知
pøx niawchyafoafn | take a petty vengeance on another | 報小仇
pøx oansiuu | take revenge; avenge (a grievance) | 報冤仇
pøx zhanle'afoafn | seize opportunity to retaliation; revenge on account of a grudge | 乘機報小恨
pøx | sow; scatter; disperse; to spread; propagate; publish; make known; remove; cast aside | 播; 報
pøx-ka'ym | sing carols in Christmas evening | 報佳音
pøx-oansiuu | take revenge, take vengeance | 報冤仇; 報冤讎
pøxbiin | mobs; mobsters | 暴民
pøxcirn-thienbut | wasted, spoil merchandise | 暴賑天物
pøxgek | cruel; tyrannical | 暴虐
pøxgieen | abusive or violent language | 暴言; 狂言
pøxgiok | brutal; cruel; tyrannical | 暴虐
pøxheeng | act of violence; an outrage; an assault; violent conduct; savage act; atrocities | 暴行
pøxhoad | violent eruption; sudden flare up; become rich; attain high position all of a sudden | 暴發; 爆發
pøxhoat'ho | an upstart; the new-rich | 暴發戶
pøxhofng | fierce wind; tempest | 暴風
pøxhofng-poarnkexng | radius of a typhoon; hurricane | 暴風半徑
pøxhong'uo | a rainstorm; a tempest | 暴風雨
pøxhux | sudden wealth; rise in power | 暴富
pøxirm | excessive drinking; intemperance; drink too much | 暴飲
pøxjiok | insult | 暴辱; 羞辱
pøxkijieen | suddenly; abruptly | 暴其然; 突然
pøxkwn | tyrant; despot | 暴君
pøxlek | violence; brute force; naked force | 暴力
pøxlek-hoaxnzoe | violent crime | 暴力犯罪
pøxlek-uxntong | violent movement | 暴力運動
pøxli | profiteering; undue profits | 暴利
pøxlioong | tyrannosaurus | 霸龍; 暴龍
pøxlo | expose; disclose; bring a matter to light; debunk | 暴露; 暴怒
pøxloan | a riot; a rebellion; a revolt | 暴亂
pøxlok | to drop suddenly | 暴落
pøxluii | thunder storm | 暴雷
pøxno | rage; violent anger; furious | 暴怒
pøxog | cruel and evil | 暴惡
pøxpek | to insult; to humiliate | 侮辱
pøxpiin | suddenly; abruptly | 步頻; 突然; 暴憑; 初次相見
pøxpvi | sudden attack of a serious illness, sudden illness | 暴病
pøxsexng | violent temper; hot temper | 暴性
pøxsie | to meet sudden death | 暴死
pøxsøx | irritable, irascible | 暴躁
pøxthiaux-juluii | stamp with fury; rampage; frenzy | 暴跳如雷
pøxthiern | to misuse things | 暴殄
pøxtioxng | to rise sharply and quickly | 暴殄; 暴漲
pøxtong | insurgent; riot; outbreak; sedition | 暴動
pøxtoo | mob; mobster; rioter; gangster | 暴徒
pøxuo | downpour, heavy rain | 暴雨
pøxzexng | oppressive rule; tyranny of the government | 暴政
pøxzud | a sudden (or a violent) death | 暴卒
pøzng | a certificate of merit; a certificate of award | 褒狀; 獎狀
safnbut pøfhiarm kongsy | property insurance company | 產物保險公司
sengkii-pøx | weekly newspaper | 星期報; 週報
sitgiap pøfhiarm | unemployment insurance | 失業保險
siøpøf | praise and award each other | 相褒
siøpøkoaf | compliment song | 相褒歌
siøpøx | word of mouth | 相報
suxhiø pørkøx | an ex post facto report | 事後報告
swnhai pøfhiarm | insurance against loss | 損害保險
søpøo | Saha | 娑婆
thaux khaq-pøh | to dilute | 沖淡一點
thogsw pørkøx | book report | 讀書報告
thogsw-pørkøx | book report | 讀書報告
thvite bøo pøx | Heaven and Earth allowing wickedness to go unpunished | 天地無報
tiexnsi pørsarngky | television transmitter | 電視播送機
tiongkwn-pørkog | loyal to the sovereign and dynasty | 忠君報國
tiwn-pørpurn | recompense the favors of those from whom we spring (our parents) | 知恩報本
wn ciofng kiuu pøx | return evil for good; ungrateful | 恩將仇報
wn ciofng siuu pøx | return evil for good | 恩將仇報
yoaxn-pørteg | bite the hand that feeds | 以怨報德
yteg pøroaxn | return good for evil; repay injury with kindness; kill'em with kindness | 以德報怨
yteg pørteg | return good for good | 以德報德
zengtiofng pørkog | serve one's fatherland with unreserved loyalty | 精忠報國
zhozhaix-pøqciuo | ordinary food and weak wine | 粗菜淡酒
zuxkie pøfzuun | self preservation | 自己保存
zuythor pøfchii | soil conservation | 水土保持
zøx pøfzerngjiin | stand surety or guarantee for someone or something | 做保證人

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