"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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hoarn pai uii sexng | turn the battle's tide; turn defeat into victory | 反敗為勝
kirmcie-pai'ar | prohib sign | 禁止牌仔
liw pai'ar | draw cards from the pack | 抽牌仔
pai mnghofng | disgrace the good name of the family; tarnish the good name of one's family | 敗門風
pai texlie | disturb the good luck of a place | 敗地理; 敗風水
pai | be defeated; go wrong; be ruined; ruin; decline (power); defeat an army; destroy; to ruin; to spoil; be defeated; go bad (meat); rotten; decayed destroyed; spoiled; beaten | 敗
pai'afthaau | pier | 棑仔頭
pai'ar | small tablet; signboard; playing card; bus stop; card; tag; playing cards | 牌仔; 牌子
pai'iern | rehearsal; to rehearse; direct | 排演
pai'iu'ienky | exhaust fan above a gas stove or range | 排油煙機
pai'iw | variety show; vaudeville act; player in such show; actor; actress | 明星; 演員; 戲子
pai'ixn | set type and print | 排印
pai'nng | ovulate | 排卵
pai'nngxkii | monthly fertile period | 排卵期
pai'ui | memorial tablet, ancestral tablet | 牌位
pai-miasviaf | to discredit one's reputation | 敗名聲
pai-mnghofng | to discredit one's family name | 敗門風
sinzuo-pai'ar | tablet | 神主牌仔
syn pai beeng liet | lose both fortune and honor | 身敗名裂
zhab-pai'ar | shuffle cards | 插牌仔; 洗牌
zoarn pai uii sexng | turn defeat into victory | 轉敗為勝

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