"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: paix

Ciah koefcie bøo paix chiuxthaau | ungrateful to the benefactors | 吃果子無拜樹頭; 忘本
giaqhviw tøex paix | not whole heartedly do or believe in something (Lit. grab the incense and follow the line) | 拿香隨拜
paix Serngthea | adore the Blessed Sacrament; make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament (Catholic) | 拜聖體
paix Sioxngtex | adore God (old protestant term for Christianity) | 拜上帝
paix Thienzuo | worship God; adore God (Catholic) | 拜天主
paix goeqniuu | worship the moon | 拜月亮
paix gvofsiong | worship idols; idol worship | 拜偶像
paix khoflo | make the Way of Cross (Catholic) | 拜苦路
paix khofsiong | veneration of the Cross (Catholic) | 拜苦像
paix kongmar | worship ancestors, reverence, honor the ancestors | 拜公媽
paix pudar | worship idols | 拜偶像
paix siasiin | worship false gods | 拜邪神
paix siensvy | study under the guidance of a preceptor; teacher; special instructor | 拜先生; 拜師
paix thvite | worship Heaven and Earth | 拜天地
paix thvitøe | wedding ceremony | 拜天地; 結婚
paix zofkofng | worship ancestors | 拜祖宗; 拜祖先
paix zofsiefn | worship ancestors | 拜祖宗; 拜祖先
paix | bow in veneration; pay respect to; perform ceremonial acts of warship; bow the head to the ground; make a bow; to worship; to visit; to honor; to reverence; to salute; pay one's respects to; venerate; salute; obeisance | 拜
paix-gvofsiong | worship images | 拜偶像
phag-teq paix | kneel and bow very low | 伏著拜

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