"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: peeng

Høpeeng cy Ho | Queen of Peace (Catholic) | 和平之后
Høpeeng | a city in Taichung County Taiwan | 和平
cviarchiuo-peeng | right hand side | 右手邊; 正手爿; 右邊
efngkiuo høpeeng | everlasting peace | 永久和平
hofng peeng long zeng | calm and unruffled sea | 風平浪靜
høpeeng hoexgi | peace conference | 和平會議
høpeeng kaykoad | amicable settlement | 和平解決
høpeeng tiauiog | peace treaty | 和平條約
høpeeng zwgi | pacifism | 和平主義
høpeeng | a city in Taichung County | 和平
ichii seakaix høpeeng | maintain or preserve world peace | 維持世界和平
katøpeeng | reamer | 鉸刀爿
peeng thienha | tranquilize the empire | 平天下
peeng | level; even; equal; equity; equality; peaceful; satisfactory; amity; conquer; quell; calm down; to control; regulate; (prices) go back to normal after sharp rises | 平l 爿
peeng-sirntoo | layman (compared to clergy) | 平信徒; 普通信徒
seakaix høpeeng | world peace | 世界和平
sym peeng khix høo | be in a calm mood | 心平氣和
tørchiuo-peeng | left side | 左手邊; 倒手爿; 左邊

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