"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: peh

peh kiok'hoef | feverfew | 白菊花
peh phutøciuo | white wine | 白葡萄酒
peh tid`tiøh | got it for nothing | 平白得到; 無勞而獲
peh zao cidzoa | make a futile trip | 白跑一趟
peh | pure white; spotless | 白
peh'mr | uncle and aunt | 伯姆; 伯母
peh-bagbaai | white eyebrow- person who invite himself or herself to a party | 白目眉
peh-boftafn | white peony | 白牡丹
peh-bognie | tremella | 白木耳
peh-bongboong | vast expanse of white (snow, mist, etc.) | 白茫茫
peh-hietkiuu | white blood corpuscle, phagocyte, leucocyte | 白血球
peh-hociøf | white pepper powder | 白胡椒; 秦椒
peh-hoehkiuu | white blood corpuscle, phagocyte, leucocyte | 白血球
peh-holii | white fox | 白狐狸
peh-huihkiuu | white blood corpuscle, phagocyte, leucocyte | 白血球
peh-siaksiag | glittering white | 白爍爍
peh-so'efng | mountain jasmine | 白蘇英
peh-soatsoad | as white as snow | 白雪雪
peh-sviusy | white popinac; Leucaena glauca | 白相思
peh-thaumngg | white hairs | 白頭髮
peh-zhangzhafng | pale | 白蔥蔥

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