"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Sae kirn khortoax phaq-sykad | Something always happens when you are in a hurry; haste makes waste (Lit. rushed to the toilet; but the drawstring fastening the pants was knotted) | 欲速則無達。
cidee cvii phaq jixsix kad | cheapskate; tight fisted; has to untie knots before he will spend a dollar. (Lit. One dollar is tied up by twenty-four knots.) | 一個錢打二四結; 吝嗇鬼
hosiin-phaq | fly-swatter | 胡蠅打; 蒼蠅拍
phaq armhø | give a pre-arranged signal; give a cue | 打暗號
phaq baxngkiuu | play tennis | 打網球
phaq bor tikawguu | man beat his wife be like a beast | 打老婆者如禽獸
phaq boxngpaai | engrave a tomb stone | 刻墓碑
phaq bøo`khix | lose; make something vanish | 失無去; 遺失
phaq cidky ho y kaux | lay down a card (a piece) in order to make him win; to get a person into trouble | 打一枝乎伊夠; 想法子讓他受罪
phaq hengkharm | pound one's chest (to show confidence; defiance; acceptance of a challenge or responsibility) | 拍胸脯; 保證
phaq hunsox | grade (student papers); to grade (performance) | 打分數
phaq kao khvoax zwlaang | forgive someone for the sake of a related person (Lit. Consider its master before beating a dog.) | 打狗看主人
phaq kim'ar saihu | goldsmith | 打金仔; 金匠
phaq kim'ar | create a gold jewelry | 拍金仔
phaq kizhor | lay a foundation; to base; do spade work; prepare oneself for bigger tasks ahead | 打基礎
phaq kunthaau | practice shadow boxing | 打拳
phaq lasaam | soil; defile | 沾污
phaq paxngkiuu | play baseball | 打棒球
phaq sirnhø | communicate by signals | 打信號
phaq sykad | tie a square knot | 打死結
phaq texky | lay the foundation for a building | 打地基
phaq tiexn'oe | telephone; to speak by telephone | 打電話
phaq tiexn'viar | film; shoot a movie; to photograph with a movie camera; make a movie | 拍電影
phaq tiexnpøx | telegraph; send a telegram | 打電報
phaq tøhkiuu | play ping pong | 打桌球; 打乒乓球
phaq wmokiuu | play badminton | 打羽毛球
phaq zao`khix | drive away; put to flight | 打走去
phaq zhaekor | make the slightly higher ridges in a vegetable garden for planting vegetables | 造菜圃種菜
phaq zhao kviaf zoaa | beat the grass and startle the snake ─ frighten out of cover; cause undesired agitation | 打草驚蛇
phaq zhawchiøh | to weave a straw mat | 製草蓆
phaq zhawee | made straw sandals | 製草鞋
phaq zhuiekor | talk about unimportant matters; engage in idle talk | 聊天
phaq zhvekviaf | frighten people; startle; to scare | 驚嚇到
phaq | strike; to beat; to hit; smash; to attack; to fight; to knock; to play; to shoot; to cause (use as an auxiliary); copulate; to mate | 打; 拍
phaq-auxphaux | after the fact | 打後炮
phaq-bachiog | to play mahjong | 打麻將
phaq-bexkhuy | cannot be opened; try in vain to open | 打無開
phaq-bexthofng | can't get through | 打無通
phaq-binzhngg | make a bed | 打眠床; 舖床
phaq-boexsie | still alive after a hard beating; try in vain to beat to death; invulnerable | 打無死
phaq-bøextit | in debt | 打無直; 收支不平衡
phaq-bøgii | to act when one is off guard | 打無疑; 乘虛
phaq-bømngg | failed to hit | 打無門
phaq-bøtiøh | failed to hit an object | 沒打中
phaq-chimchiern | check deep or shallow | 打深淺
phaq-chiuhofng | autumn breeze | 打秋風; 拍秋風
phaq-chiwsex | to beckon, to gesture, gesticulation | 打手勢
phaq-chiwzhexng | masturbate; masturbation | 拍手銃; 手淫; 打手鎗
phaq-chvikviaf | to be frightened | 打青驚; 受驚
phaq-chvybiin | wake up | 打青眠; 吵醒
phaq-ciauhof | greeting | 打招呼
phaq-cietkhaux | to give a discount | 拍折扣
phaq-ciuhofng | to send a goodwill, to seek financial help | 打秋風
phaq-ciøhof | to greet, to nod | 打招呼; 拍招呼
phaq-ho`laang | sells; transfer | 打給人; 出讓
phaq-iukeg | to fight a guerrilla war | 打游擊; 拍游擊
phaq-jixhø | typing | 打字號
phaq-kachviux | sneeze | 打噴嚏; 拍咳啾
phaq-kanlok | to play a whipping top | 打陀螺
phaq-katkiuu | tangled | 打結球; 拍結毬; 糾纏不清
phaq-khachviux | to sneeze | 打噴嚏; 拍咳啾
phaq-khihkag | break | 打缺角
phaq-khøea'iog | make a contract | 打契約; 拍契約; 合約
phaq-kizhor | to do the groundwork | 打基礎; 拍基礎
phaq-kogkef | hen cry; cluck-cluck cries | 咯咯啼; 母雞叫聲
phaq-kongkef | share the cost | 打公家; 共同出錢
phaq-kunthaau | to do shadow boxing | 拍拳頭; 打把勢; 打拳
phaq-kvoasy | to litigate; to go to court | 打官司; 拍官司
phaq-mxkvix | lose | 打無見; 拍毋見; 遺失; 掉了; 丟掉
phaq-nakiuu | to play basketball | 打籃球; 拍籃球
phaq-phog'ar | to applaud; clapping of hands, hand clapping | 打拍仔; 拍噗仔; 鼓掌
phaq-pvoarsie | beating to half death | 打半死
phaq-sngrpvoaa | to operate; use; work an abacus | 打算盤; 拍算盤
phaq-sykad | tightly bound, tied firmly | 打死結; 拍死結
phaq-taotøea | to fight to a finish | 打到底; 拍到底
phaq-tengbi | holding a riddle competition event | 打燈謎
phaq-texky | to set the foundation | 打地基
phaq-tiexn'oe | make a telephone call | 打電話
phaq-tiexn'viar | to shoot a film | 打電影; 拍電影
phaq-tiexnpøx | send a telegram | 打電報
phaq-tørtngr | return | 打回去; 回手
phaq-zengsiin | wake (someone) up | 打精醒; 叫醒
phaq-zhawchiøh | make a grass | 打草席; 織草席
phaq-zhear | mark with "X", mark as "wrong" | 打叉仔
phaq-zhuiekor | to engage in chitchat | 打手鼓; 閒聊
phaq`cide | hit once | 打一下
siøphaq | fight; fray; passage of arms | 打架; 相拍; 相打

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