"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: piø

ciøpiøf | invite to a tender; invitation to bid at a tender | 招標
khørtheeng-piør | schedule of classes | 課程表
kiwkiuo-piør | multiplication table | 九九表
kongkhay ciøpiøf | open tender; competitive bidding; public tender | 公開招標
kongkhøx-piør | schedule of classes | 功課表
loxkngf-piør | exposure meter | 露光表
phogkofng-piør | photometer, exposure-meter | 曝光錶; 曝光表
piøar | javelin | 標仔; 標槍
piøchiøx | joke; jest; sign; to signal; to fall | 標笑; 說玩笑
piøchviw | javelin; spear; lance; throw a javelin | 標槍
piøf | isinglass from the intestines of the fish; air bladder or scrotum of a fish; spermary of a fish | 鰾; 鏢
piøfafciafm | hand of a watch | 錶仔針
piøfafkhag | watchcase | 錶仔殼
piøfaflien | watch chain | 錶仔鏈
piøfaftoax | wrist watch band | 錶仔帶
piøfar | watch; watch | 錶仔; 錶
piøfciofng | rubber stamp | 表章
piøfid | table one | 表一
piøfkeq | form or blank (for filling); table or chart | 表格
piøfkhag | watch case | 錶殼
piøfkoad | to put to vote | 錶蓋; 表決
piøhe'ar | Taiwanese community loan club | 標會仔
piøhear | private economic mutual aid | 標會仔
piøhii | some kind of fish | 標魚
piøhoe | make bids or draw lots to determine who should get the loan from the private loan association | 標會
piøhoe'ar | make bids or draw lots to determine who should get the loan from the private loan association | 標會仔
piøhoear | Taiwanese community loan club | 標會仔
piøkex | price tag; listed price; indicate the price of a commodity on a tag | 標價
piøkheq | hired escort for traveling merchants (in former times) (obsolete) | 鏢客
piøkiok | dart like weapon office | 鏢局
piør | report card; transcript of a student's scholastic record | 表; 錶
piøsiuu | sell by tender | 標售
piøsw | bid | 鏢書
piøthaau | the person in charge of project bid rigging | 標頭
piøtiøh | make a successful bid; be knocked down to | 得標
piøtvoaf | bid | 標單
piøzuie | small flat stones thrown by children to skim along the water surface | 漂水; 漂石子
pvixlek-piør | patient's case history | 病歷表; 病歷單
tengkix-piør | registration table | 登記表
texngkex-piør | list of fixed prices | 定價表
thofngkex-piør | statistical table | 統計表
unto-piør | clinical thermometer, temperature chart | 溫度表
uxsngx-piør | budget table | 預算表
uxsoaxn-piør | budget table | 預算表
zernggo-piør | corrigenda, errata | 正誤表

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