ciah laang ee png | be in a man's employ; dependent on him | 吃人的飯; 受雇
holii png hofuy | influence; a fox that has influence because of his relationship with a tiger's majesty; a donkey in a lion's skin | 狐假虎威
kalea-png | curry rice | 咖喱飯; 咖哩飯
png y ee sex | take undue advantage of his power; influence; make use of his influence | 靠他的勢力
png | cooked rice; cooked rice; food; a meal; provisions | 飯
png'aang | maple red | 楓紅
png'afchiu | maple; maple tree | 楓仔樹
png'afhiøh | maple leaves | 楓仔葉
png'ar | maple | 楓仔
siøpng | join together and assist each other | 相靠; 相托福
zafkhie-png | breakfast | 早起飯
zhvebie zwcviaa png`ar | fait accompli; What is done cannot be undone (Lit. The rice has been cooked.) | 生米煮成飯
zudbie-png | glutinous rice | 糯米飯
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]