"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: por

ciofng kofng por zoe | make up for faults by one's merits | 將功補罪
por hoxsvoax | repair an umbrella | 補雨傘
por phoarbang | mend fishnet | 修補魚網
por y ee khoeq | fill up the vacancy left by him | 補他的缺
por zhuiekhie | denture | 補喙齒
por | to repair; to patch; to mend; to make up for; to fill (a vacancy); to supplement; repair; to patch; to mend; to supplement; add; fill a vacancy; to help; to aid | 補; 脯; 晡
siøpor | compliments | 相補
zhaotaf por bøsek | add insult to injury (Lit. substitute uncooked food for burnt food offered to someone to eat) | 截長補短

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Checking Exact will only show the specific term "zab". e.g. "zabor and "apzab" When input type is non-MTL, exact match is forced.
Checking Front with the search term "zab" will show all the vocabularies start with with "zab" such as "zabor".

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Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".

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