"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: pvoax

chitgøeh-pvoax | a festival on the seventh full moon in a lunar year | 七月半; 中元
cviagøeh-pvoax | mid lunar January | 正月半
pvoax geqlit | half month | 半月日
pvoax goeqjit | half month | 半月日
pvoax kofgoeh | half a month | 半個月
pvoax kongkhay | semi-open | 半公開
pvoax kørgoeh | half a month | 半個月
pvoax sengphirn | semi-finished products; half-finished products | 半成品
pvoax sidbinte | country nominally independent (whose sovereignty is often infringed upon by great powers) | 半殖民地
pvoax thaobengthea | translucent; partially transparent | 半透明體
pvoax tiafmzefng | half an hour | 半小時
pvoax | half | 半; 絆
pvoax-chviuar | lower wall | 半牆仔
pvoax-cviapeh | half fat and half lean meat | 五花肉; 半肥半瘦
pvoax-khafm'ar | half of a storefront | 半坎仔; 半間的門面
pvoax-løflau | middle-aged | 半老老
pvoax-tamtaf | demp | 半濕乾
pvoax-tiongtngg | mid-point | 半中長; 半路
pvoax-tiongtoo | mid-point of the trip | 半中途
pvoax`tør | to fall by an obstruction | 絆倒
tøpvoax | assumedly; as like as not; for the most part | 多半

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