"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: søf

jidgoat juu søf | The sun and the moon pass over the sky as fast as a weaver's shuttle.--How fast time flies! | 日月如梭
kaarmsøsøf | very dark | 暗唆唆; 黑漆漆
lølie-løsøf | troublesome (as a man constantly talking; asking or making difficulties) | 囉哩囉嗦
lølyløsøf | troublesome; annoying with repeated and useless talk; beg for something persistently | 囉哩囉嗦
løløo-søsøf | troublesome; annoying with repeated and useless talk; beg for something persistently | 囉囉嗦嗦
løløsøsøf | troublesome, annoying with repeated and useless talk, beg for something persistently | 囉唆, 囉囉唆唆
løsøf | troublesome; annoying with repeated and useless talk; beg for something persistently | 囉嗦
pøløsøf | to commend and to appease | 褒囉唆; 褒獎安撫
pøsøf | to flatter; flatter; cajole as obsequious man | 奉承; 褒嗦; 諂媚; 褒獎善誘
søf thaukhag | pat (a child's head) | 撫摸頭
søf vi'afthngf | sell a bidding; illegal bidding--receiving money from a person to make him a successful bidder | 勸退 (選舉時); 搓圓仔湯
søf vi'ar | roll dumplings | 挲圓仔; 搓湯圓
søf | instigate; incite | 唆; 挲; 摩; 擦; 梭; 擵,
søf`khix | be seduced, be stolen | 唆去; 被拐走
søsøf | fondle | 挲挲

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