"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Hoea siøf khaf suilaang poea | have to take care of or protect yourself (Lit. When people's feet get burnt; everyone has to rub out their own fire.) | 火燒腳隨人拂; 自己顧自己
Iasof si siexnbok | Good Shepherd | 耶穌是善牧
Liap`si hanswpiør | Celsius centigrade thermometer; a Celsius | 攝氏寒暑表
Liap`si | Centigrade | 攝氏
Liongsafn-si | an old temple in Taipei | 龍山寺
Serngsiin siøfsiuvi | Holy Ghost Minor Seminary (Catholic) | 聖神會小修院
biq-siøzhøe | hide-and-seek | 匿相尋; 覕相揣; 捉迷藏
bøkax-bøsi | rudeness; un-educated | 無教無示; 無教養
bømiaa-si | anonymous | 無名氏
bøo siøfsym | carelessly | 無小心
bøo siøkaang | different; distinctive; unlike | 無相仝; 無相同
bøo siøkauzhab | no mutual concern; not at all involved in his affairs | 無相交插; 無相往來
bøo siøphvef | equal; even; fifty and fifty; half and half | 無相摒; 互無佔便宜
bøo siøtaang | not identical; not the same | 無相同
bøo-siøkang | different; distinctive; unlike | 無相仝; 無相同
bøsiøh | lonely; lonesome | 寂寞; 寞寂
bøsiøphvy | equal; even; fifty and fifty; half and half | 無相摒; 互無佔便宜; 相等的
bøsiøq | not stint; not spare; not scruple; not to use sparingly; careless to somebody; be ready to go to extreme lengths; do not spare | 無惜
chienkym siøfciar | young lady of a wealthy family | 千金小姐
chviwviaa si siaux | To the victor belong the spoils; Possession is nine points of the law; Possession is proof of ownership | 搶贏算數
chyn siøfti | brother | 親小弟
cidsyn si pve | be affected by several ailments or diseases | 一身是病
cidsyn si zex | be deep in debt (said of individuals) | 一身是債
eeng-kaq liah satbør siøka | Have time to catch lice and watch them fight each other--don't know what to do with my leisure | 閒甲捉虱母相咬; 無所事事; 閒得無聊
ef siøfthekhiim | play a violin | 拉小提琴
gutøf siøfchix | waste of energy (Lit. use a large butcher knife to cut a little thing) | 牛刀小試
guu khankhix kaux Pakkviaf iao si guu | unchangeable; remains the same; character is difficult to improve (Lit. If you lead a cow to Beijing; it is still a cow.) | 牛牽到北京還是牛; 永遠改無掉壞習慣
haf-hof siøf | warm freezing hands with breath | 呵熱; 呵手; 呵乎燒
hoea siøf bagbaai | imminent crisis or emergency (fire singeing the eyebrows) | 火燒眉毛; 燃眉之急
hoea siøf koliaau | no hope; hopeless (Lit. the net house is burnt down; it's hopeless.) | 火燒罟寮; 形容無望了
hoethaau si gan | repent and salvation is at hand (turn the head and there is the shore) | 回頭是岸
huitoong siøfkhør | tremendously important; no small matter; very serious; having grave consequence | 非同小可
huosiok-siøfhak | primary school affiliated with an educational institution of higher level; an attached primary school | 附屬小學
høesviu-si | monk's temple | 和尚寺
ili si too | interested only in material gain | 唯利是圖
jiafhøea-siøsyn | stir a fire and burn oneself--to bring trouble upon oneself | 惹火燒身
jit`si'ar | daytime | 日時仔
karm m si | isn’t it? | 敢毋是
khao si sym huy | say one thing and mean another ─ hypocrisy; meaning contrary to what is spoken | 口是心非
khia koansvoaf khvoax bea siøthad | look on unconcerned | 豎高山看馬相踢; 袖手旁觀
kho'si'ar | whistle | 呼哨仔
khof-si'ar | whistle | 呼哨仔; 呼口哨; 吹口哨
khongtiofng-siøfciar | stewardess | 空中小姐
khvoakhvoa'ar si | take one's time; Take it easy. Don't hurry! | 寬寬仔是; 款款仔是; 緩緩仔是
kokbiin-siøfhak | primary school | 國民小學
laluun-siøf | lukewarm | 拉圇燒; 溫的
lenghor siøthin | it is lucky for persons born in the year of the dragon and the year of the tiger to marry each other | 龍虎相配
liah satbør siøka | catch lice and make them to fight in order to pass the time; nothing to do | 捉蝨子相咬; 閒著無聊; 無所事事。
liap`si | Celsius | 攝氏
linhiofng-siøhgiok | fond of women; have a tender heart for the fair sex | 憐香惜玉
lioxngpid si afnny | I think it must be so most probably it is so | 諒必如此
lit`si'ar | day time | 日時仔
long kao siøka | Tease dogs and make them fight. ─ to cause others to quarrel | 弄狗相咬; 挑撥離間
lorng si | all | 攏是
lyhoad-siøfciar | a woman barber | 理髮小姐
m si | no | 毋是
ma si | too | 嘛是
mitøsi | Buddha temple | 彌陀寺
na si | if it be | 要是; 如果; 假如
nngfsiøsiøo | extremely soft | 軟荍荍
oannar-si | also (to be) | 也哪是; 還是; 仍是
parnghoea siøf | burn it | 放火燒; 縱火
piao-siøfbe | younger female cousin | 表小妹; 表妹
piao-siøfmoe | younger female cousin | 表小妹
piao-siøfti | younger male cousin | 表小弟; 表弟
put'siøfsym | careless | 無小心; 不小心
sengkhw lorng si siefn | the body covered with hardened dust | 全身都是體垢
si juu putkiexn | look at but not pay attention to | 視如無見
si suo juu kuy | look upon death as going home; fearless and dauntless | 視死如歸
si zaai juu beng | regard wealth as one's life | 視財如命
si | yes; is; are; am; surname Shi; Shih; show; indicate; demonstrate; make known; exhibit | 是; 寺; 示
si'ab | pressure | 施壓
si'afboeh | silk stockings or socks | 絲仔襪
si'afkyn | silk scarf | 絲仔巾
si'afpox | silk cloth | 絲仔布
si'afsvoax | silk thread | 絲仔線
si'aftoax | silk ribbons | 絲仔帶
si'ar | small spoon, small spoonful | 絲仔; 湯匙
si'iu | puedo (fruit) | 絲柚; 時袖
si'iuo | friend in poetry | 詩友
si'ix | poetry | 詩意
si'iøh | dispense medicines free of charge | 施藥
si'mii | floss silk; gossamer | 絲棉
si'ofng | old poet | 詩翁; 詩人
si'uix | awe, create a sense of fair and respect | 示視畏; 使敬畏
si'un | man's fate at present; rhyme of verses | 詩韻; 時運
si'wn | bestow grace, show grace to | 施恩
si`bøo | Are you? Aren't you? Is it? Isn't it? etc | 是無; 是不是; 對無對
si`laq | yes | 是啦
si`m | yes or no | 是毋
siezap siøfsii bengkiofng Serngthea | forty hours devotion (Catholic) | 四十小時明供聖體
sin-siøfkiuu | glomerulus | 腎小球
siø'aq | roasted duck | 燒鴨
siø'esiøkheq | squeeze each other | 相挨相擠
siø'iern | wrestle | 摔角; 相偃
siø'ofkhafng | reveal short | 相挖空
siøaang | burning read | 燒紅
siøaix | love each other | 相愛
siøbad | acquaintance; know each other; acquainted (with a person) | 相識; 相捌
siøbahzaxng | roasted pork rice ball wrapped with leaves | 燒肉粽
siøbaq | roast meat (especially pork) | 燒肉
siøbiet | destroy by fire | 燒滅; 燒燬
siøchiofng | purposes or wishes of two persons directly opposed; directly opposite; so as to injure the good fortune of a house or grave; coming in collision with the horoscope | 相沖
siøchiøx | laugh at each other | 相笑
siøchviuo | scramble (struggle) for a thing | 相搶
siøciab | connect (one thing to another); to piece (strings) together; to meet at a certain place (e.g.; two roads) | 連接; 相接
siøciaokox | take care of each other | 相照顧
siøciapkhaf | continuation; come one by one | 相接跤; 接踵
siøciexn | engage in warfare; fight with | 相戰; 作戰
siøcin | burn completely, burn everything | 燒盡
siøciog | cauterize | 燒灸; 燒灼
siøciuo | arrack; any intoxicating liquor (not necessarily warmed) | 燒酒; 酒
siøciwkef | chicken marinated with alcohol | 燒酒雞
siøciwkoef | chicken marinated with alcohol | 燒酒雞
siøciwlee | snail marinated with alcohol | 燒酒螺
siøciwzuix | drunk | 燒酒醉
siøciøf | call for or invite someone to do (or go) together | 相邀; 相招
siøciøhmng | ask for a question; exchange greeting | 相借問; 打招呼
siøciøhzhuix | greeting | 打招呼
siøciøq | borrow | 相借
siøcvix | argue, dispute wrangle | 相爭; 相諍; 相爭論
siøcvy | contend (with a person for a thing); compete (with a person in doing something); strive to be the foremost; scramble for a seat; try to outdo one another | 相爭; 爭先
siøcym | kiss; to kiss | 接吻
siøf ginzoar | burn paper money for the dead | 燒冥紙
siøf hoefthvoax | make charcoal | 燒木炭
siøf zng'ar | bake bricks | 燒磚仔
siøf | each other; one another; mutually | 相; 燒; 熱; 暖,
siøf-bah'oaan | hot meatball | 燒肉丸
siøf-bahpaw | roast pork bun | 燒肉包
siøf-bahzaxng | hot rice ball wrapped with leaves | 燒肉粽
siøf-bøextøh | burn without flame, not kindle, not start fire | 燒無燃; 燒袂著; 燒不著
siøf-chinchviu | resemble; seem to be alike | 相親像
siøf-liensoax | continuously | 相連續
siøf-lientoax | relatives; objects or associates so closely connected that when you take away one the other comes with it | 相連帶
siøf-pangzo | help each other | 相幫助
siøf-parngphvoa | number of men uniting to help one another in turn; to help mutually | 相放伴; 輪流幫忙
siøf-tharnviu | follow the example of others | 相探樣; 相仿效
siøf-thngrthngx | burning hot | 燒燙燙
siøf-tvaxgo | mutual misunderstanding; commit the same error; make the same mistake; fail mutually | 相耽誤; 互相耽誤了
siøf`khix | petty minded; mean spirited | 小氣
siøf`sie | burned to death | 燒死
siøf`tiøh | alight; burn; on fire | 燒著
siøfaii | youngest aunt on the mother's side | 小阿姨
siøfangbøar | little red hood | 小紅帽仔
siøfbak | small wood | 小木
siøfbe | retail sale | 零售; 小妹
siøfbea | colt; pony | 小馬
siøfbear | younger sister | 小妹仔
siøfbefar | a pony, acolt | 小馬仔
siøfbeh | wheat | 小麥
siøfbie | millet | 小米
siøfbiin | nap; doze | 小睡
siøfbixnsiin | very shy; very bashful | 很怕羞
siøfboe | retail | 小賣
siøfbøe | retail sale | 小賣; 零售; 零賣,
siøfbøexkex | retail price | 零售價
siøfbøextiaxm | retail shop | 零售店
siøfciah | eat lightly (very little) | 小食
siøfciaqpo | finger food area | 小食部
siøfciaqtiaxm | finger food shop | 小食店
siøfciar | young lady; Miss | 小姐
siøfcied | minor; trivial; unimportant point; a detail; a measure (in music) | 小節
siøfcirm | sister-in-law; wife of husband's younger brother | 小嬸
siøfcix | small blog | 小志
siøfefng | small hawk | 小鷹
siøferng | small wave | 小浪
siøfgeh | leap month | 小月
siøfgiin | fake money for wordshop | 小銀
siøfgiog'ar | small watermelon | 小玉仔
siøfgoeh | slack season | 小月
siøfgu'ar | a calf | 小牛仔
siøfguu | a calf | 小牛
siøfguun | small money, small change | 小銀; 零錢
siøfgvofkym | small hardware | 小五金
siøfgøeh | slack season | 小月; 淡季
siøfhaai | a child | 小孩
siøfhag'ar | elementary school | 小學仔
siøfhaghau | elementary school | 小學校
siøfhagsefng | a pupil, an elementary school student | 小學生
siøfhak | elementary school; primary school | 小學
siøfhang | narrow lane | 小巷
siøfhee | shrimp | 小蝦
siøfheeng | small type (of), a miniature | 小型
siøfho | drizzle, dribble | 小雨
siøfhoaxn | a pedler; a vender; a hawker; peddlers; stall keepers | 小販; 攤販
siøfhoe | Kirk Session | 小會
siøfhoefchiaf | small train | 小火車
siøfhoong | small rice grasshopper | 小蝗
siøfhuix | tip; tip (given to a waiter; porter) | 小費
siøfhujiin | little woman | 小夫人
siøfhø | small number | 小號
siøfhøo | a stream, a brook | 小河
siøfiesux | slight token of regard | 小意思
siøfiexn | small feast | 小筵
siøfirm | drink a little | 小飲
siøfirn | introduction (of a book) | 小引
siøfjibapiezexng | polio | 小兒麻痺症
siøfjibapix | polio | 小兒麻痺
siøfjii bapix | polio; infantile paralysis | 小兒麻痺
siøfjii | an infant; a child | 小兒
siøfjii-khøf | pediatric clinic, pediatric department | 小兒科
siøfjiin | a poor fellow, an insignificant fellow, a nobody | 小人
siøfjikhøf | pediatrics; narrow minded; niggardly (slang) | 小兒科
siøfjinbut | a small figure | 小人物
siøfjinhii | little mermaid | 小人魚
siøfkaau | little monkey | 小猴
siøfkaf | small family | 小家
siøfkafng | unskilled laborer | 小工
siøfkang'ar | an unimportant laborer | 小工仔
siøfkao | a puppy | 小狗
siøfkarng | small harbor | 小港
siøfkateeng | nuclear family; separate home set up by a young couple | 小家庭
siøfkaw | small ditch | 小溝
siøfkelang'ar | small chicken kage | 小雞籠仔
siøfkhae | calligraphy in small characters of the standard type | 小楷
siøfkhao | small mouse; small port | 小口
siøfkhapøo | small feet old lady | 小跤婆
siøfkhix | petty minded; mean spirited | 小氣
siøfkhoad | insufficient, lacking | 小缺
siøfkhoafar | a little bit; slightly | 小可仔; 稍微
siøfkhoar | a little; a few; slightness; slightly; a little; somewhat | 小可; 小許; 稍微; 一點
siøfkhoarn | small-scale; small; minor | 小形
siøfkhuix | narrow-minded, mean, stingy | 小氣
siøfkhuxn | a nap | 小睡; 小睏
siøfkhw | sub-district | 小區
siøfkhøef | a brooklet | 小溪
siøfkhør | special examination conducted for students by the teacher; a quickie exam | 小考
siøfkiarmkheq | little swordsman | 小劍客
siøfkim | younger brother's wife | 小妗; 弟弟的太太
siøfkimmngg | little golden gate | 小金門
siøfkiok | small scale; scope | 小局
siøfkngfar | type of cuttlefish | 小烏賊; 鎖卷; 小卷; 墨魚
siøfkngr | type of cuttlefish | 墨魚; 柔魚; 小烏賊; 小卷; 鎖卷
siøfko'ar | husband's younger sister | 小姑仔; 丈夫之妹
siøfkoar | a little bit; a few; morsel | 小可; 少量
siøfkof | husband's younger sister | 小姑; 丈夫之妹
siøfkofng | minor merit (recorded for an employee by the employer or for a student by the school authorities) | 小功
siøfkog | small country | 小國
siøfkoniuar | little giar | 小姑娘仔
siøfkoniuu | missy; a young girl | 小姑娘
siøfkox | a small matter | 小事
siøfkud | ossicles | 小骨
siøfkuie | little ghost; demon; common inferior ghost | 小鬼
siøfkuun | a small flock, small group, minority group | 小群
siøfkuyar | little devil | 小鬼仔
siøfkviar | young fellow (usually said with some contempt) | 小囝
siøfkvoaf | petty official | 小官
siøfkøx | minor mistake; minor demerit (recorded for an employee by the employer or for a student by the school authorities) | 小過
siøflegthaang | little green worm | 小綠蟲
siøfli | small profit | 小利
siøfliabcie | little twerp; a short person | 小粒子; 身材短小
siøflibapix | polio | 小兒麻痺
siøflikhøf | pediatrics | 小兒科
siøfliong | a sprinkle; a small quantity; minor amount | 小量
siøfliukiutør | Liuqiu Island | 小琉球島
siøfliukiuu | Liuqiu Island | 小琉球
siøflo | path; trail | 小路
siøflo'ar | path | 小路仔
siøflui | small item | 小類
siøfmia | humble life, unimportant life | 小名; 小命
siøfmiaa | my (insignificant) name | 小名; 敝名
siøfmngg | side door | 小門
siøfmoe | younger sister | 妹妹; 小妹
siøfmoe`ar | younger sister | 小妹仔
siøfmoe`laq | younger sister | 小妹啦
siøfmoexmoe | younger sister; little girl | 小妹妹
siøfmui | sister | 小妹
siøfnao | cerebellum | 小腦
siøfoafn | a creek | 小灣
siøfoaoaf | little doll | 小娃娃
siøfoarn | little far away | 小遠
siøfog | a cabin, a lodge | 小屋
siøfoong | little king | 小王
siøfpafn | lowest of the three grades of kindergarten children | 小班
siøfpan'gii | small advantage | 小便宜
siøfpanzex | small class | 小班制
siøfparoong | little overlord; bully | 小霸王
siøfpaw | packet; pouch; parcel | 小包; 包裏
siøfpeeng | left side, less honorable side | 小平; 左邊
siøfpefng | little soldier, unimportant soldier | 小兵
siøfpeqthox | little rabbit | 小白兔
siøfpeqzhaix | cabbage | 小白菜
siøfphirn | an essay | 小品
siøfphiøx | little paper money | 小票
siøfpid | small amount of | 小筆
siøfpien | pass water; urination; urine | 小便
siøfpiet | part for a short while; brief separation | 小別
siøfpiexnkhix | urinal | 小便器; 尿壺
siøfpoaxn | a portion smaller than a half; the lesser part; the smaller part; little half | 小半
siøfpoex | members of the younger generation in a family or clan | 小輩
siøfposimkhw | | 小埔心區
siøfpoxhun | small part; small portion; the minority | 小部份
siøfpurn senglie | business with a small capital | 小本生意
siøfpurn tøli | small capital and great profits | 小本多利
siøfpurn | small capital | 小本
siøfpux | little wealthy | 小富
siøfpve | aliment | 小病
siøfpvi | an indisposition, slight illness | 小病
siøfpvoaa senglie | retail business | 小盤生意; 零售
siøfpvoax | minority | 小半
siøfpør | little treasure | 小寶
siøfsarn | premature birth; miscarriage | 小產; 流產
siøfseeng | small accomplishment | 小成
siøfseeng-pudkaux | Theravada Buddhism | 小乘佛教
siøfsefng | the young man's role (especially in Chinese opera) | 小生
siøfsengsefng | little ape | 小猩猩
siøfsex | tiny | 小細
siøfsiar | lower case letters (of the alphabet); small letters | 小寫
siøfsidgiam | small experiment | 小實驗
siøfsii | hour | 小時
siøfsiofng | minor injury; retailer | 小傷; 小商
siøfsixn | little faith, faithless | 小信
siøfsiør | small, unimportant | 小小
siøfsoad | novel | 小說
siøfsoad-kaf | a novelist | 小說家
siøfsortiarm | decimal point | 小數點
siøfsortorng | minority political party | 少數黨
siøfsox binzok | minority ethnic group (in a multi-racial nation) | 少數民族
siøfsox | a small quantity; fraction; coparatively small number; decimal; minority; few; minor; minority; decimals | 小數
siøfsu | a trifle; a trival matter; triviality | 小事
siøfsuun | 旬- 10 days | 小旬
siøfsvix | my surname | 小姓; 敝姓
siøfsvoaf | small mountain, hill | 小山
siøfsw | small loss | 小輸
siøfsym | careful; cautious | 小心
siøftafncide | just a second | 小等一下
siøftao | small measure | 小斗; 小牛
siøftarn | wait a moment | 小等; 稍等
siøftheeng | stop a while, wait a while; small boat | 小艇; 稍停一下; 小停
siøfthekhiim | violin | 小提琴
siøftherng | small boat | 小艇
siøfthiuo | clown; buffoon; contemptible wretch | 小丑
siøfthiw'ar | a clown, a jester, a buffoon | 小丑仔
siøfthiwar | clown | 小丑仔
siøfthuie | calf of the leg | 小腿
siøfthvisaix | little angel | 小天使
siøfti | younger brother; younger brother; your younger brother; me | 小弟; 弟弟
siøfti'ar | young brother | 小弟仔
siøftiaau | neap tides | 小潮
siøftiau | folksongs; ballads | 小調
siøftixn | little town | 小鎮
siøftngg | alvine; chitterlings; small intestine | 小腸
siøfto | bladder (pig); bladder; especially of a pig | 豬肚; 小肚; 豬膀胱
siøftoan | short biography | 小段; 小傳
siøftong | small hole | 小洞
siøftor | lower abdomen | 小腹
siøftui | small contingent; a detachment | 小隊
siøftvaf | little yoke | 小擔
siøftvar | coward; timidness; craven; chicken | 膽小; 小膽
siøftvoax | actor who takes female parts | 小旦
siøfty | a piglet | 小豬
siøftøee taixzog | make great trouble out of a trifling matter; make much of a trifle; make a mountain out of a molehill | 小題大做
siøftøf | dagger | 小刀
siøftør | little island | 小島
siøfviu'ar | a lamb | 小羊仔
siøfviuar | a lamb | 小羊仔
siøfviuu | a lamb | 小羊
siøfzaai | small fortune | 小財
siøfzefng | little monk | 小僧
siøfzeg | brother-in-law ( husband's younger brother); younger brother of husband | 小叔; 丈夫之弟
siøfzek'ar | uncle | 小叔仔
siøfzerng | small race; minor swelling | 小種; 小腫
siøfzex | altar | 小祭
siøfzhadthaw | thief | 小賊偷
siøfzhaix | plain dishes (as distinct from expensive courses) | 小菜
siøfzhat | petty thief; pilferer | 小偷; 茅賊
siøfzheq | pamphlet | 小冊
siøfzhoaxn | a kind of tuna | 小串; 小黃鮨鮪
siøfzhoef | small trumpet | 小叭
siøfzhongbeeng | mortal wisdom | 小聰明
siøfzhongbeng'ar | mortal wisdom | 小聰明仔
siøfzhongbiin | mortal wisdom | 小聰明
siøfzhux | small house, mense, personage, rectory | 小厝; 小房子
siøfzoe | venial sin | 小罪
siøfzof | group formed for a specific purpose | 小組
siøfzut'ar | little pawn | 小卒仔
siøfzuun | a small boat | 小船
siøfzuy'aq | green-winged teal (duck) | 小水鴨
siøfzw | small round ornament | 小珠
siøføh | elementary school | 小學
siøgiin | stare at each other, glare at each other | 相銀; 相睨
siøgiuo | struggle or wrestle together | 相拉
siøgu | meet one another | 相遇
siøguun | burn paper money | 燒銀; 燒紙錢
siøh | customer; bad smelling moisture; moisture; slight perspiration | 俗; 液; 騷臭; 變壞; 汗
siøhanghafng | toast | 燒烘烘
siøhap | contribute jointly; bear the expenses mutually | 相合
siøhbut | cherish things | 惜物
siøhcvii | care about money | 惜錢
siøhhoef | care about flowers | 惜花
siøhhog | care about luck | 惜福; 節省
siøhia | fire tile in a kiln | 燒瓦
siøhiexn | offer a burnt offering | 相獻; 燔祭
siøhii | burn fish | 燒魚
siøhioxng | be face to face; be opposite | 相對; 相向
siøhkviar | love children | 惜囝
siøhlat | cherish strength | 惜力
siøhliøh | careful, carefully | 惜略; 小心(用)
siøhmia | care about life | 惜命
siøhmiaxmia | love dearly | 惜命命
siøhofng | hot wind | 燒風
siøhoxnghong | hot | 燒烘烘
siøhphee | taking good care for oneself | 惜皮
siøhphoee | taking good care for oneself | 惜皮
siøhphøee | be careful of one's skin; be afraid of beating; be afraid of getting sick | 惜皮; 怕打; 怕病
siøhpiet | be unwilling to part with | 惜別
siøhsiøq | carefully with love | 惜惜
siøhtøq | shortcut; crazy | 短路; 神經無正常
siøhuie | destroy by burning | 燒毀
siøhuii | fire pottery | 燒陶; 燒磁
siøhuii`ee | pottery maker; potter | 燒陶的
siøhut'hud | hot | 燒唿唿
siøhvahhvaq | hot | 燒熁熁
siøhviw | to burn joss sticks; incense; burn incense | 燒香
siøhw | ashes | 燒灰
siøhzeeng | care; passionate | 惜情
siøhøea | fire | 燒火
siøhøef | burn flower | 燒花
siøiefn | smoke | 燒煙
siøiern | wrestle | 摔角; 角力
siøiog | reach agreement; make an appointment | 相約
siøioong | compatible | 相容
siøiøo | kilm | 燒窯
siøjiarng | scream at each other | 相嚷
siøjiet | warm; warmth; in heat | 暖和; 燒熱; 火熱; 發燒
siøjin | recognize one another | 相認
siøjiorng | scream at each other | 相嚷
siøjoah | be warm | 暖和; 燒熱; 溫暖
siøka | bite each other | 相咬
siøkaang | alike; the same; similar | 相仝; 相同
siøkab | put together to share (food; the same house); collaborate with; (to work) together | 互相; 一齊; 合夥; 一起
siøkang | alike; the same; similar | 相仝; 相同
siøkar | twist | 相絞
siøkauzhab | socialized | 相交插; 來往; 打交道
siøkaxn | sexual intercourse (slang) | 相幹; 相姦; 性交
siøkeazhoa | married | 相嫁娶
siøkef | roast chicken | 燒雞
siøkeg | stir up; provoke or irritate one another | 相激
siøkeng | support or assist mutually | 相楗; 互助
siøkhafn | hand in hand | 相牽; 手拉手
siøkhanlieen | implicated | 相牽連
siøkhausea | jeer at eachother | 相剾洗; 諷刺; 刨洗
siøkheg | mutually destructive | 相剋
siøkhiarmzex | to mutually owe a debt of gratitude (wife and husband) | 相欠債
siøkhiaxm | owe | 相欠
siøkhiehiaam | disagreeable; disgusting; hard to handle | 相棄嫌; 無滿意
siøkhiuo | struggle or wrestle together | 相拉
siøkhix | central heating | 暖氣
siøkhoafnthai | hospitality | 相款待
siøkhok | come knocking together | 相撞
siøkhuix | nice and warm | 燒氣; 溫暖的感覺
siøkhvoarviu | following one another's example | 相仿效
siøkhvoax | look at one another | 相看
siøkhøeq | be jammed together be pressed against one another | 相擠; 相𤲍
siøkiekix | burning hot | 燒記記
siøkoaxn | vacuum flask | 燒罐; 熱水瓶; 保溫瓶
siøkviebin | meet each other | 相見面
siøkvix | meet | 相見
siøkvoar | catch up | 相趕
siøkwnkurn | broling hot | 燒滾滾
siøkym | burn mock paper in worship of the gods | 燒金; 燒金紙
siøkøef | roast chicken | 燒雞
siøkøx | start legal action mutually | 訴訟; 相告; 控告
siølam | mixed together | 混合; 摻在一起
siølarm | embrace together | 相擁
siølerng | heat and cold, temperature | 燒冷; 冷熱
siøliaam | joined together | 相黏; 粘在一塊
siøliao | burned | 燒了
siøliarmchiuo | direct; guide; give directions in secret | 相捏手; 暗中指點
siøliawliao | burned down | 燒了了
siølieen | connected; successively; in rapid succession | 相連
siølienciab | connected | 相連接
siøliensoax | continuously | 相連紲
siølin | recognize one another | 相認
siøliorng | scream at each other | 相嚷
siøloah | fever | 燒熱
siøloo | stove; furnace; burner; heater | 火爐; 烤爐; 燒爐
siøloxng | bump into each other | 相撞
siølø | pleasantly warm (weather or food), uneasy feeling due to excessive expenditure of money | 燒暖; 燒烙; 溫暖
siøløafsiølø | cozy | 燒烙仔燒烙
siøløf | pleasantly warm (weather or food); uneasy feeling due to excessive expenditure of money | 暖和; 心痛; 過度花費
siøløh | pleasantly warm (weather or food); uneasy feeling due to excessive expenditure of money | 暖和; 心痛; 過度花費
siøma | quarrel; verbal dispute | 口角; 相罵
siømai | a dim sum item | 燒邁
siøme | quarrel; verbal dispute | 口角; 相罵
siømexpurn | reserved for used in scolding | 相罵本
siømoaa | conceal | 相瞞
siømoaf | put arms around one another's shoulders or necks | 相披; 鉤肩搭背
siømoq | mutually embrace; to hug | 相抱; 擁抱
siøngx | facing each other | 相向
siøniu | comity; yield or give place to another or one another | 相讓
siøo | often | 常
siøoafpng | rely on each other | 相倚傍
siøoar | lean on or draw near one another; be very close (e.g.; two places); to combine for some purpose | 相靠; 相鄰
siøoex | infect each other; be contagious | 相穢; 相傳染
siøor'siøsiøf | very hot | 燒燒燒
siøpaai | phase arrangement | 相排
siøpaan | vacuum flask | 燒瓶; 保溫瓶
siøpad | know eacher | 相捌
siøparngphvoa | take turn to help each other in farming | 相放伴
siøphahkear | street fighter | 相拍雞仔
siøphahkef | fighting cock | 相打雞
siøphahkoear | street fighter | 相拍雞仔
siøphahkoef | street fighter | 相拍雞
siøphahtien | short circuit | 相拍電
siøphaq | fight; fray; passage of arms | 打架; 相拍; 相打
siøphiexn | deceive | 相騙
siøphnghphngq | very hot | 燒嗙嗙
siøphoah | crossed or interlaced; e.g.; legs crossed; arms on each other's arms; arms over another's shoulders | 交纏
siøphoax | burned | 燒破
siøphoex | make a suitable pair; (things) fit well together; be betrothed; become man and wife | 相配
siøphud | cut off | 相砍
siøphuxn | scream at each other | 相噴
siøphvae | damage by fire | 燒壞
siøphvef | overreach or get the better of (in trade or in dividing money) | 相摒; 佔便宜
siøphvoa | two or more people doing something together | 相伴
siøpie | compare | 相比
siøpng | join together and assist each other | 相靠; 相托福
siøpoefhoe | mutually explain; clarify; expound; to clear away a misunderstanding; explanation; clarification; exposition; statement; interpretation of the constitution | 相拂會; 互相解釋誤會
siøpong | collide | 相撞; 相碰
siøpor | compliments | 相補
siøpviar | hot cake; type of baked cake; to bake cakes | 燒餅
siøpviax | contest; to compete; mutually lay the blame on one another | 相拚; 競爭; 互相歸罪於他人
siøpwn | divide among one another | 分施
siøpypheng | compare | 相比並
siøpøf | praise and award each other | 相褒
siøpøkoaf | compliment song | 相褒歌
siøpøx | word of mouth | 相報
siøq bixnphee | cherish one’s reputation | 惜面皮
siøq bixnphoee | be careful of one's reputation, be afraid of losing face | 惜面皮
siøq bixnphøee | be careful of one's reputation; be afraid of losing face | 顧面子
siøq pwnhun | attend to one's duty | 惜本份
siøq sveamia | hold one's life dear; be very careful of one's self (often over care); e.g.; taking great care when slightly unwell; afraid to meddle with a matter or travel on a road where there is some danger | 愛惜生命
siøq | to show kindness and consideration; to allay fear of distress; to comfort someone; to begrudge something; to pity; to regret | 惜
siøqsiøh | common, unimportant | 小小; 凡俗
siør | small; little; tiny; minor; young; humble; mean; junior; unimportant; petty; trivial | 小
siør-bøefbøe | small business | 小買賣
siør-chiuxnaa | grove | 小樹林
siør-lionghee | crayfish | 小龍蝦
siør-peng'iuo | little friends; children (a term expressing goodwill) | 小朋友
siør-piautøee | a subheading | 小標題
siør-poxhun | a small part | 小部分
siør-senglie | small business | 小生意; 小生理
siør-simgarn | petty-minded | 小心眼
siør-thekhiim | violin | 小提琴
siør-toxngmeh | arterioles | 小動脈
siør-tøebak | a smallsmal subject | 小題目
siør-zexngmeh | venules | 小静脉
siør-zhongbeeng | sharp witted but petty minded | 小聰明
siør-zuyliux | small water pipet | 小水鷚
siøsaxng | mutually exchange gifts; (a service) given free of charge; premium or gift given by a business as a promotional gimmick | 相送; 贈送; 互送禮物
siøsek | roast until done | 燒熟
siøsiaam | embrace eacher | 相尋
siøsiaang | same; identical; similar; alike | 相同; 相𫝛; 相像; 同樣,
siøsiafmchiaf | shunt one car to allow another to pass; trains meeting at a station | 相閃車; 錯車
siøsiafmsyn | get out of one another's way | 相閃身
siøsiang | alike; sameness; identity; homology | 相同; 相𫝛; 相像; 同樣,
siøsiarm | pass each other on the way | 相閃; 錯身而過
siøsiartai | reveal short | 相卸代
siøsie | burn to death; be burnt to death | 燒死
siøsii | say good-bye | 告辭; 相辭
siøsiofng | burn | 燒傷; 灼傷
siøsiong | burn | 燒傷
siøsioxng | look at each other | 互視
siøsiø'ar | hot | 燒燒仔
siøsiøf | hot; warm; mild (of temperature) | 燒燒; 熱熱的
siøsiøo | dilatorily, indolently | 相趖; 懶散; 懶洋洋地
siøsoax | connected in unbroken order or succession; continuously one after another | 連續; 繼續; 接著
siøsuii | good friends or man and wife keep company | 相隨
siøsutlo | miss; let slip | 相捽路; 擦身而過
siøsuviaa | gamble | 相輸贏
siøsviaa | allure each other | 相眩
siøsvoaf | burnt mountain | 燒山
siøsw | betting; bet; wager; get | 打賭; 相輸
siøsym bøo siqpurn | be careful; you can't be too careful | 小心無蝕本; 小心不吃虧
siøsym | be careful | 小心
siøtaang | identical; same | 相同
siøtaetiøh | involve (in trouble); implicate; drag in | 相帶到; 互相牽連
siøtaf | burn dry, dry by fire | 燒乾
siøtaktee | trip over; stumble over | 相嘖題; 絆腳 [*]
siøthaai | draw the sword; war; to battle | 互砍; 相刣; 相殺; 戰爭
siøthab | mortise and tenon fitting into each other | 相湊; 互相遞補
siøthad | kick eachother | 相踢
siøthah | overlap; books; timber laid on each other | 相疊
siøthaux | communicate by a road or door; having a passage through; making direct communication | 相通
siøthaxm | visit one another | 相探; 互相探訪
siøthaxn | follow one another's example | 相學; 彼此效法
siøthaxng | pass through | 相透
siøtheavoa | take turns; in alternate shifts | 相替換; 輪流
siøthef | shift a piece of work off on each other; neither willing to do it himself | 相推
siøthin | mutually extended courtesy | 相伨; 禮數互相往來
siøthngf | hot soup | 熱湯
siøthngrthngx | very hot (food; things) | 熱呼呼
siøthngx | burned | 燒燙
siøthuix | change a person or article deceitfully and fraudulently | 互調
siøthviarthaxng | cherish each other | 相疼痛
siøthviax | mutual love or affection; love one another | 相疼; 相愛
siøthvy | add; increase (of number) | 相添; 原有的數再增加
siøthøex | alternate | 相退; 相替; 交互
siøtiafmtuq | remind each other | 相點醒; 相提醒
siøtiau | destroy | 銷毀
siøtiøh | burn | 灼傷
siøtng | meet with another person accidentally | 相遇
siøtngxthaau | meet another on the road accidentally; when going in opposite direction | 相遇頭
siøtoax | to dwell together | 相住; 性交(狗)
siøtoex | follow each other | 相隨
siøtuiebin | face to face | 相對面
siøtuiekhvoax | face to face | 相對看
siøtuiesioxng | face each other | 相對相
siøtuietek | enemy | 相對敵
siøtuo | encounter; meet; meet with each other coming from deferent directions | 相遇; 相拄
siøtvii | intertwined | 相纏
siøtwthaau | meet with each other coming from different directions | 相抵頭
siøvaa | protect each other | 相攬
siøvoa | mutually exchange | 相換
siøx | sheath; scabbard | 鞘
siøzaix | help eacher other | 相載
siøzay | know each other | 相知
siøzefng | engage in fisticuffs; bump or knock together (cars or ships) | 打架; 相舂; 相撞
siøzex | burnt offering | 相祭; 燔祭
siøzhafm | mix together | 相參; 混合
siøzhaq | cross pinky as a symbol for gambling | 相插
siøzhoa | go together; travel together | 同往; 相𤆬; 同行
siøzhoaxzao | took away | 相𤆬走
siøzhoe | mutual | 相揣
siøzhoexze | mutual | 相揣坐
siøzhorngti | joke; make fun of; jest | 開玩笑; 互相戲弄
siøzhutlo | pass each other on the road without knowing it; miss each other on the road; to cross (letters) | 相出路; 互相錯過
siøzhuun | treat each other with politeness; especially by each declining what the other offers or by consulting on an intended action | 相尊; 相禮讓
siøzngf | fire brick | 燒磚
siøzoar | burn paper, burn paper money | 燒紙; 燒金銀紙
siøzuie | hot water | 燒水; 熱水
siøzuykoaxn | vacuum flask; thermos bottle | 熱水瓶
siøzuyloo | water heater | 燒水爐; 熱水爐
siøzuypaan | a thermos bottle | 燒水瓶; 熱水瓶
siøzuyte | hot water bottle | 燒水袋; 熱水袋
siøzuyzvoaa | hot spring | 燒水泉; 溫泉
siøzvef | contend (with a person for a thing); compete (with a person in doing something); strive to be the foremost; scramble for a seat; try to outdo one another | 相爭; 爭先
siøzvex | disagree; wrangle | 抬槓; 互相爭論
siøzøx | burned as | 燒做
su si jii huy | seemingly correct but really incorrect; like the reality; but not so | 似是而非
suijieen si afnnef | be that as it may | 雖然如此
taixtoong siøfvi | substantially the same; much alike | 大同小異
taux-siøkang | match | 鬥相仝; 鬥相同
thaxn siøf | serve while hot | 趁燒
tiupi siøfzof | ad hoc committee | 籌備小組
tng'ar siøphoah | intestinal malfunctions | 腸仔相纏; 腸纏住
toaxkef siøfhang | streets and lanes; in every street and alley; all over the city | 大街小巷
toaxkviaf siøfkoaix | be afraid of one's shadow; be scared to death of nothing | 大驚小怪
toaxtngg køx siøftngg | large intestine accuses the small intestine ─ hungry | 大腸告小腸; 肚饑
tvafsiaw si'ix | withdraw a resignation | 打消辭意
tøsi afnnef | indeed; it is so; everything is just that way; all that way | 都是這樣
tøsi | all; no exception | 都是
tøsiøx | scabbard | 刀鞘
u siøtoartiøh | willing to do a favor on account of some third party | 互相尊重
zexput'si | sit down unease | 坐無是
zorng`si | after all | 總是
zu-ie-uii-si | opinionated | 自以為是

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