"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Hoea siøf khaf suilaang poea | have to take care of or protect yourself (Lit. When people's feet get burnt; everyone has to rub out their own fire.) | 火燒跤隨人拂; 自己顧自己
haf-hof siøf | warm freezing hands with breath | 呵熱; 呵手; 呵乎燒
hoea siøf bagbaai | imminent crisis or emergency (fire singeing the eyebrows) | 火燒眉毛; 燃眉之急
hoea siøf koliaau | no hope; hopeless (Lit. the net house is burnt down; it's hopeless.) | 火燒罟寮; 形容無望了
laluun-siøf | lukewarm | 拉圇燒; 溫的
parnghoea siøf | burn it | 放火燒; 縱火
siøf ginzoar | burn paper money for the dead | 燒冥紙
siøf hoefthvoax | make charcoal | 燒木炭
siøf zng'ar | bake bricks | 燒磚仔
siøf | each other; one another; mutually | 相; 燒; 熱; 暖,
siøf-bah'oaan | hot meatball | 燒肉丸
siøf-bahpaw | roast pork bun | 燒肉包
siøf-bahzaxng | hot rice ball wrapped with leaves | 燒肉粽
siøf-bøextøh | burn without flame, not kindle, not start fire | 燒無燃; 燒袂著; 燒不著
siøf-chinchviu | resemble; seem to be alike | 相親像
siøf-liensoax | continuously | 相連續
siøf-lientoax | relatives; objects or associates so closely connected that when you take away one the other comes with it | 相連帶
siøf-pangzo | help each other | 相幫助
siøf-parngphvoa | number of men uniting to help one another in turn; to help mutually | 相放伴; 輪流幫忙
siøf-tharnviu | follow the example of others | 相探樣; 相仿效
siøf-thngrthngx | burning hot | 燒燙燙
siøf-tvaxgo | mutual misunderstanding; commit the same error; make the same mistake; fail mutually | 相耽誤; 互相耽誤了
siøf`khix | petty minded; mean spirited | 小氣
siøf`sie | burned to death | 燒死
siøf`tiøh | alight; burn; on fire | 燒著
siøføh | elementary school | 小學
siøor'siøsiøf | very hot | 燒燒燒
siøsiøf | hot; warm; mild (of temperature) | 燒燒; 熱熱的
thaxn siøf | serve while hot | 趁燒

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