Ciuozoa ho padlaang sie | to harm someone by association; (because I make a promise difficult to fulfill it also hurts other people who are involved with me or who work with me to complete the promise.) | 咒詛給別人死
anlok-sie | euthanasia | 安樂死
bao`sie`aq | windfalls | 卯死矣
boeq sie`ax | at the point of death | 要死呀; 快死了
chix`sie | stab to death | 刺死
cvy`sie | to beat to death | 擠死
geeng`sie | very depressed; very melancholy; frightfully bored | 凝死; 心悶至極
gø`sie | famished; starve; starvation | 餓死
gøsie | die of starvation | 餓死
hai`sie | set up someone to death | 害死
harm`sie | strike to death | 打死; 撼死
hib`sie | suffocate to death | 翕死
hmq`sie | hit to die | 打死; 撼死
hoee`sie | press (insect) to die; rub and press to did | 潰死; 揉輾至死; 回輾至死
hud`sie | to brush to death | 拂死
jøee`sie | crush something or someone to death | 揉死
ka`sie | bite to death | 咬死
kar`sie | wring to death | 絞死
kauq`sie | die of crush | 輾死
keg`sie | to be drowned | 溺死
khor`sie | bitter to death | 苦死
kofng`sie | to attack to death | 攻死
kvea`sie | to studk to death | 鯁死
kviaf`sie | Frightens badly; frightens to death | 驚死; 嚇死;
kvoaa`sie | cold to death | 寒死
lab`sie | step on to death | 踏死
lag`sie | beat to death | 打死
lek`sie | strangle; strangulation | 勒死
lok sie suii chiuo | At whose hand did the deer die ? ─ After all, who got it ? Who will win ? | 鹿死誰手
mxzai'sie | unaware of the danger | 毋知死
neq`sie | strangle with the hand | 掐死
oaqoaqbea pak ti sie-zhengchiu | A live horse tied to a dead banyan tree--to tie up resources and (personnel) in a useless project | 活馬綁在死榕樹; 埋沒人才
peg`sie | hound somebody to death; constantly aggravate | 逼死
sad`sie | killed | 殺死
satjiin`ciar sie | Murder is punishable by death | 殺人者死
sex sie putkhud | vow that one would rather die than yield | 誓死不屈
siag`sie | fall to death | 摔死; 甩死
sie bølaang khaux | May you die with none to lament for you! | 死了沒人哭
sie pud bengbok | be unwilling to die (because of some unfinished tasks; unfulfilled wishes; intensive grudge) | 死無瞑目
sie | die; die for; dead; death; used as an intensive or superlative; very; lifeless; inanimate; insensible; persevering; resolute; fixed or unchangeable | 死
sie'ee | four; tetrad | 四個
sie'uii | everywhere | 四圍
sie-ah'ar | dead duck | 死鴨仔
sie-bøkhix | was at the point of death; then recovered; escaped death by a hair's breadth | 死無去; 死裏逃生
sie-giexngien | dead | 死殗殗
sie-gvexgve | dead | 死殗殗
sie-høefsvoaf | dormant or extinct volcano | 死火山
sie-kaq tngxpvoaree | all dead; none left alive | 死光了
sie-khiaokhiaux | dead and rigid | 死翹翹
sie-liawliao | they are all dead | 死了了
sie-loaxlaang | kill one's self so as to cause trouble to one's opponent ─ entreat to urgently | 死賴人
sie`aq | dead | 死矣
sie`khix | to die; to pass away | 死去
sie`laq | dead | 死了
siøf`sie | burned to death | 燒死
siøsie | burn to death; be burnt to death | 燒死
sviuxbøeq sie | long for death | 想死
tah`sie | stumble to death | 踏死
taxng`sie | freezed to death | 凍死
thaai`sie | kill to death | 殺死
thau`sie | kill by poison | 毒死
thiarm`sie | tiresome | 忝死; 累死
tiaux`sie | hang to death | 吊死
tu`sie | drowned | 駐死
tuh`sie | pork to death | 刺死
tvaf tiøh sie`ar | darn it! | 糟死了
tve`sie | strangle to death with the fingers | 掐死; 捏死; 勒死
tvi`sie | die in the hands of someone | 按死
tviux`sie | overeaten to death | 脹死
ym`sie | drown | 淹死
zag`sie | choke to death | 扎死
zak`sie | choke to death | 嗾死
zefng`sie | hit to death | 衝死; 掙死
zeg`sie | die of asphyxiation | 積死; 窒息而死
zhar`sie | noisy; bothering | 吵死; 煩死
zhar`sie-laang | make someone angry; annoy; bother; disturb; also used as a light swear word with the meaning; You are driving me nuts. (Lit. You are so disturbing it's killing me.) | 吵死人
zhoxng`sie | put to death | 創死; 弄死
zhuy`sie | strangle | 勒死
zun`sie | to turn off | 熄滅
zøo`sie | restless dead | 嘈死
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