"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: siefn

bø'iuu bøsiefn | quiet; simple; unexciting and placid life; mild flavored food | 清淡; 無油膩; 無油無煙
chiahkhaf-siefn | unlicensed doctor quack | 赤腳仙; 密醫; 蒙古大夫
haykhao-siefn | good talker on one's money | 海口仙; 善辯者
khimzhat siefn khim'oong | If you want to capture a group of bandits; capture the ringleader first. ─ Stress what should be done first. First things first | 擒賊先擒王
khvoarmia-siefn | physiognomist | 看命先; 看命仙; 相士
kofngkor-siefn | story-teller | 講古仙
oaikøsiefn | swindler; grafter; wicked person | 歪哥仙; 貪污的人
poaqkiao-siefn | a reckless gambler | 好賭者; 賭博仙
sengkhw lorng si siefn | the body covered with hardened dust | 全身都是體垢
siefn haxchiuo uii kioong | It's always advantageous to make the first move or take the initiative | 先下手為強
siefn | fresh like fruits; meat; eggs or vegetables; one image, idol, doll, etc | 鮮; 鉎; 鏽; 仙
thitthøsiefn | man who has nothing to do but amuse himself | 拭桃仙

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