"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bao-sii | 5~7 a.m | 卯時
bi-sii | 1~3 p.m | 未時
bøsii | unprecedented | 未曾; 無時
bøsii-bøzun | indefinite tense | 無時無陣; 無定時
ci-sii | 9-11 a.m | 巳時
cidtuix-sii | through twenty four hours | 一對時; 經過二四小時
cviagøeh-sii | lunar January | 正月時
ee sii | when; while | 的時
huisioong-sii | time of crisis | 非常時; 非常時期
høsii | At what time? | 何時; 何時?
iin-sii | 3~5 a.m | 寅時
jit`sii | daytime; during the day; day | 日時; 白天
kvoathy-sii | winter time; cold weather time | 寒天時
lit`sii | day tie | 日時
mee`sii | in the night | 暝時; 晚上
mii`sii | in the night | 暝時; 夜間
mxsi-sii | out of season (fruit); ad timing | 毋是時
phofthofng-sii | ordinary time, generally, ordinarily | 普通時; 平時
pit'iaux-sii | if necessary, in time of need, in case of necessity | 必要時
put'sii | do not hesitate | 不時
sii thaulo | quit office (one's job) | 辭職
sii | decline; to leave; depart; resign; dismiss; refuse (an offer; present; invitation) | 辭; 匙; 鰣; 時
sii-bøexkhix | be unable to have one's resignation accepted | 辭無掉
sii`khix | resign and go | 辭去
sii`laang | dismissed | 辭人
siøsii | say good-bye | 告辭; 相辭
symmih sii | At what time? When? | 什麼時; 何時
tagput'sii | from time to time | 逐不時
tiongtaux-sii | noon time | 中晝時; 中午
zafkhie-sii | in the morning | 早起時; 早上
zeeng`sii | in the past | 前時; 以前

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