"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: siofng

boxeg-siofng | an importer or exporter, a trader | 貿易商
bø'ar-siofng | a hatter | 帽仔商
cirnkhao-siofng | importers | 進口商
giam siofng | eaternal confinement room | 驗傷
høsiofng | wealthy businessman | 豪商
kafmjiarm-siofng | infected wound | 感染傷; 染毒傷
kofbut-siofng | the business-man deals with antiques | 古物商; 舊貨商; 收破銅爛鐵
køsiofng | senior commercial school | 高商
løsiofng | tuberculosis; TB; consumption; tuberculosis; weakened by over exertion | 癆傷; 肺結核
phut'siofng | wound | 刜傷
siofng kafmzeeng | hurt the feelings | 傷感情
siofng nawkyn | beat one's brain; a tough nut to crack; troublesome | 傷腦筋
siofng | commerce; trade; business; merchant; trader; discuss; exchange views; confer; the quotient (in arithmetic) | 商; 傷
siofng-nawkyn | make headache, give one a worry | 傷腦筋
siofng`tiøh | hurt | 傷到
siøsiofng | burn | 燒傷; 灼傷
su-loong-kafng-siofng | scholars; farmers; workers and merchants ─ the social castes of old China; in that order | 士農工商
tøsiofng | wounds; knife wound | 刀傷
u siofng honghoax | harmful to public morals | 有傷風化
ut'siofng | depression; gloomy | 鬱傷
zhutparn-siofng | publisher | 出版商
zhøsiofng | negotiation; consultation | 磋商
zu-siofng-mauturn | self contradiction | 自相矛盾

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