"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: sit

beeng huu kii sit | name matches reality; be worthy of name | 名符其實
beeng køx kii sit | have an exaggerated reputation | 名過其實
gieen køx kii sit | exaggerate; to boast or brag | 言過其實
hoex cyn kex sit | commercial slogan meaning; goods of high quality sold at reasonable prices | 貨真價實
ky puttek sit | when one is hungry; one is not particular about what he is going to eat (both literally and figuratively) | 飢無擇食
sit | eat; food | 食; 實; 翼
sit'hak | uneducated | 失學
sit'hau | lose legal; be invalidated; null and void; (medicines) lose potency or efficacy (usually because of a prolonged lapse of timeD4358) | 失效
sit'hoeq | lose blood | 失血
sit'huun logpheg | despondent; listless; dejection | 失魂落魄
sit'høea | accidental fire; catch fire; have a fire | 熄火; 失火
sit'høo | discord; dissension; be on bad terms | 失和
sit'iog | missed an appointment; break one's promise; fail to appear at an appointed time; be unfaithful to an agreement | 失約
sit'ix | dejection; disappointment; disappointed | 失意
sit'sinsit'siin | absent (mind) | 失神失神
sit'siongsit'sioong | abnormal | 失常失常
sit'siuo | fall | 失守
sit'ui | lose a throne, be dismissed from a position | 失位; 失去王位
sit'ym | lost voice | 失音
sit-seg sexng ia | The desire for food and sex is part of human nature | 食色性也
uxmiaa-bøsit | having the name but no reality; in name only | 有名無實
y-sit-zu-heeng | clothing; food; housing; and transportation | 衣食住行
zengtviuu sit'ix | frustrated in love | 情場失意
zhoaq sit | pluck the wings of a fowl or bird to prevent flight | 拔翼毛
zu sit kii kør | reap what one has sown; suffer the consequences of one's own deeds | 自食其果
zu sit kii lek | live by one's own wits | 自食其力

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