"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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karm toong syn siu | feel deeply moved by a kindness (shown to somebody else) as if one were actually the object thereof (an expression used often in letters asking favors on behalf of someone else) | 感同身受
kawhia-siu | ants' net | 螞蟻窩
køsiu | What is your venerable age? (to an old person) | 高壽
laxnbiin siu'iongsor | haven or shelter for refugees; refugee camp; center | 難民收容所
laxnbiin-siu'iongsor | a shelter for refugees; a refugee camp | 難民收容所
siu hoangeeng | be welcomed; be received or treated graciously; find favor in one's eyes | 受歡迎
siu kafmtong | be moved (to tears) | 受感動
siu kuxzoat | rebuff | 受拒絕
siu køf teg tiong | of a ripe old age and great virtue | 壽高德重
siu liongsym ee zekpi | suffer remorse | 受良心的責備
siu pie Lamsafn | May your life be as lofty as the Southern Mountain Ranges. ─ a greeting for a person on his birthday | 壽比南山
siu thorngkhor | undergo pain; suffer pain | 受痛苦
siu uykhud | suffer a wrong or humiliation; be troubled or inconvenienced | 受委屈
siu | bird's nest; haunt; den; hideout (for bandits) | 巢; 壽; 窩; 岫
siu'aan | hold in (one' belly) | 收緊
siu'eg | gain, profit, to benefit, to profit | 收益
siu'iaw | control evil | 收妖
siu'ieen | collect donation | 收緣; 收捐款
siu'imky | radio; radio receiving set; radio | 收音機
siu'iongsor | camp; temporary home (for refugees) | 收容所
siu'ioong | take in; accept | 收容
siu'ioong-sor | camp (prisoner-of-war, refugee, etc.) | 收養所; 收容所
siu'iorng | culture; accomplishment; training; discipline | 修養; 收養
siu'iu | accept a bribe | 收賄
siu'oaan | to sell out | 售完
siu'y | a prison-garb | 受衣; 囚衣
siu-bøexkhie | cannot accept, too much to accept | 受無起; 受袂起; 不敢當
siu-uykhud | aggrieved | 受委屈
tøhog tøsiu | happiness and longevity; amply blessed | 多福多壽
tøsiu | three abundances (abundance of blessings; abundance of longevity; abundance of male offspring) which the people of old considered as the ingredients of happy life | 多壽; 三多 (多福; 多子)
zaizuo-siu | fortune, talent, and long life | 財子壽
zøsiu | incur losses | 遭受

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