"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: suo

bixty lok suo suisiuo | unable to predict who will be the winner | 未知鹿死誰手
goaxkaw-suo | diplomatic history, history of foreign relations | 外交署; 外交史
ihak-suo | history of medicine | 醫學士; 醫學史
koftai-suo | ancient history | 古代史
leeng suo putjiok | prefer death to disgrace | 寧死無辱
si suo juu kuy | look upon death as going home; fearless and dauntless | 視死如歸
suo buu cienle | unprecedented in history | 史無前例
suo buu zorngsyn cy te | die without a place for burial (a phrase usually used as a warning to somebody) | 死無葬身之地
suo iuo ukof | death would not expiate all his crimes; he deserves to die many times for his crimes | 死有餘辜
suo jii buu hoex | die without regrets | 死而無悔
suo jii hogsefng | wake up from death | 死而復生
suo jii hoxie | stop only at death | 死而後已
suo pud bengbok | be unwilling to die (because of some unfinished tasks; unfulfilled wishes; intensive grudge) | 死無瞑目
suo | die; die for; dead; death; used as an intensive or superlative; very; lifeless; inanimate; insensible; persevering; resolute; fixed or unchangeable | 死; 史
suo'ieen | give a feast | 賜緣
suo'iexn | give a feast | 賜宴
suo'ii | four ethical principles; i.e.; le; gi; liam; thi | 四維; (禮, 義, 廉, 恥)
suo'oo | four stringed fiddle | 四胡
suo'uo | give to, present to | 賜與
suo'uu | to grant; to bestow | 賜予
søsuo | instigate; sool; abett; suborn; instigate to a quarrel or to dangerous actions | 唆使
zu suo cix ciofng | from the beginning to end | 自始至終

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