"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: sviu

bø'sviu bøniu | come to mind suddenly | 無想無量; 無意間
bøo sviu kaux | did not consider so far | 沒想到
maix sviu | do not expect it | 甭想
pat'sviu | had thought about .. | 捌想
sviu khaq-khuy`leq | Don't take it (failure; misfortune) too seriously. Cheer up! | 想開
sviu khaq-tngg | be far seeing | 想較遠; 看遠一點
sviu khvoarbai`leq | try to call to mind; think over again | 想想看
sviu | think; consider; to hope; expect; to plan | 想
sviu'ar | chest; cabinet; trunk; box; case | 箱仔; 箱子
sviu'ar-tøea | bottom of a box | 箱仔底
sviu-bøe khie`laai | unable to call to mind; cannot remember | 想未出來
sviu-bøe zhud`laai | unable to call to mind; cannot remember | 想未出來
sviu-bøe-khylaai | unable to call to mind | 想袂起來
sviu-bøexkaux | cannot reach a conclusion; cannot presumed; one's surprise; unexpectedly | 想未到; 想袂到; 想不出來
sviu-bøexkhuy | unable to take a resigned attitude; take some misfortune too seriously | 想未開; 想袂開; 想不開
sviu-bøexthofng | can't figure it out; beyond comprehension | 想未通; 想袂通
sviu-bøexzhud | be unable to think the plan, fail to anticipate | 想未出; 想袂出
sviu-bølo | in dire straits, unable to figure out | 想無路
sviu-bøpo | run out of idea | 想無步; 想不出辦法
sviu-hoatto | devise means; think up a scheme | 想法子
sviu-paxnhoad | devise means; think up a scheme | 想法子
sviu-poxsox | scheme; plan; contrivance; plot for managing a matte | 想步數
sviu-sviafhøex | what (you) think ( want) ? | 想什麼
sviu-tørtngr | think if over | 想倒轉
sviu`tiøh | think of; remember; to hit upon (an idea) | 想到
tørtngr-sviu | reconsider; think out of box | 倒轉想; 再想

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