"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: svoaf

Kanyoafliok svoaf | Mt. Calvary (Catholic) | 加爾瓦略山
hefsiøsvoaf | forest fire | 火燒山
hoefsiøsvoaf | mountain fire | 火燒山
høefsiøsvoaf | a firing volcano; meaning the super high heat in temperature | 火燒山
keq cidliap svoaf | separated by a mountain | 隔一座山; 隔一粒山
koaan svoaf | high mountain | 懸山
siøsvoaf | burnt mountain | 燒山
soat'svoaf | snow mountain | 雪山
svoaf pafng te lih | mountains collapsing and the earth cracking up (descriptive of sound) | 山崩地裂
svoaf | mountain; hill; island; dry land or the shore as opposed to water; wild (animal or plant); a grave | 山
svoaf-bøefliw | crest or peak of a mountain | 山尾抽; 山尾溜; 山頂
svoaf-cysof | sansakun (Bunun) (plant) | 山紫蘇
svoaf-enghoef | Taiwan cherry | 山櫻花; 緋櫻
svoaf-genggerng | mountain longan | 山龍眼
svoaf-gipee | Taiwan loquat | 山枇杷
svoaf-hociøf | aromatic litsea, mountain litsea, Taiwan devilpepper | 山胡椒
svoaf-jiogkuix | fragrant cinnamon; Cinnamomum randaieuse | 山肉桂
svoaf-khofkoef | Japanese hop (plant) | 山苦瓜
svoaf-khofleng | Asia bell-tree, Formosan ash, Hocker beggartick | 山苦楝
svoaf-kiet'ar | Taiwan lemon | 山桔仔
svoaf-koahzhaix | cress | 山葛菜
svoaf-koarzhaix | Taiwan melicope | 山芥菜
svoaf-kwzhaix | a herb of lily | 山韮菜
svoaf-mokuo | Taiwan beech | 山毛櫸
svoaf-nataau | climbing screw-pine | 山露兜
svoaf-ngky | cape jasmine | 山黃梔
svoaf-ngmoaa | dense-flowered false nettle, India charcoal tremas | 山冀麻; 大苧麻
svoaf-onglaai | Taiwan adina | 水王梨; 鳳梨
svoaf-pankhiw | Formosan turtle-dove | 山斑鳩
svoaf-peqzhaix | Blumea lacera | 山白菜
svoaf-phu'ioong | Taiwan cotton-rose, mountain rose mallow | 山芙蓉
svoaf-phutøo | porcelain ampelopsis, wildgrape | 山葡萄
svoaf-porcie | Cuming cordia | 山布子
svoaf-pun'nngg | Formosan beauty-berry | 杜虹花
svoaf-sienzaf | Formosan crabapple | 山仙查
svoaf-soarnthaau | Formosan veratrum, Formosa lily | 山蒜頭
svoaf-sorefng | mountain jasmine | 山素英
svoaf-teglaan | Japanese eupatorium | 山澤蘭
svoaf-thotau | a kind of alyce clover, Alysicarpus nummularifolius | 山土豆
svoaf-tibaq | Ceylon ardisia | 山豬肉
svoaf-zhaethaau | Asi Bell-tree | 山菜頭
svoaf`nih | in the mountain | 山裡
toaxsoat'svoaf | big snow mountain | 大雪山
zhut'svoaf | funeral | 出山
øh-phvae zuie pafng svoaf | hard to learn good thingsd and easier to learn bad things | 學歹水崩山

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