"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: svoax

anggoa-svoax | infrared ray | 紅外線
bagtao-svoax | thread used in carpenter's ink box and line for printing guidelines; ink utensil used by the carpenter to make markings | 墨斗線
bøsvoax tiexn'oe | radio telephone | 無線電話
bøsvoax tiexnpøx | radiogram; wireless telegram | 無線電報
bøsvoax | wireless | 無線
chia'ar-svoax | cuts the sewing thread; reel | 車仔線; 裁縫線
chiorngkoaxn-svoax | the railway or highway running the length of Taiwan | 縱橫線; 縱貫線
cidlaang svoax cidlo | each goes his own way | 分道揚鑣; 一人散一路
haygan-svoax | coastal route of the Taiwan Railway | 海岸線
hayhvoa-svoax | coast-line | 海岸線
høekuy-svoax | the tropic of cancer or capricorn | 回歸線; 南回歸線
imkek-svoax | cathode ray | 音階線; 陰極線
panbea-svoax | pedestrian crosswalk | 斑馬線
pengheeng-svoax | parallel lines | 平行線
pengheengg-svoax | parallel lines | 平形線
phaubut-svoax | parabola | 拋物線
pvythøo-svoax | tonsil | 扁桃腺
pvythøsvoax | tonsillitis | 扁桃腺
pvythøsvoax-iam | tonsillitis | 扁桃腺炎
sefar-svoax | type of thread | 紗仔線
siauhoax-svoax | digestive gland | 消化腺
sixnsiong-svoax | adrenal gland | 腎上腺
svoax | gland | 散; 線; 腺
svoax-seapaw | gland cell | 腺細胞
svoax-søeapaw | gland cell | 腺細胞
svoax`khix | to disperse, to drop away | 散去
texit'svoax | first line | 第一線
tiu'ar-svoax | silk thread | 綢仔線; 絹線
tvii svoax | wind thread | 纏線; 繞線
wtiu-svoax | cosmic ray | 宇宙線
zwgvor-svoax | a meridian | 子午線

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