"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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buhoad khør sy | unable to do anything about it | 無法可施
bukex khør sy | at the end of one's rope; helpless; powerless | 無計可施
chitgieen-sy | verses of seven-character lines | 七言詩
gvofgieen-sy | poem of five character-verses | 五言詩
kied-sy'oafn | engage in a blood-feud | 結死冤
lioggieen-sy | Chin verse form; with six syllables in each line | 六言詩
niu'ar-sy | silk fiber | 娘仔絲; 蠶絲
onglaai-sy | pineapple fiber | 鳳梨絲
suxsu-sy | epic poem, narrative poetry | 史事詩; 敘事詩
sy | a tiny thread; poem; take charge of; manage; to rule; governmental department (See su for many other meanings.) | 絲; 施; 司; 屍; 詩
sy'au | after death | 死後
sy'axn | murder case | 死案; 課殺案
sy'ixm | shadow of death | 死蔭; 死亡的蔭影
sy'mngg | gate of death, door of death bare subsistence | 死門; 死亡之門
sy'oafn | serious feud | 死冤; 深仇
sy'oah | death and life, die or live | 死活
søeabu-sy | commissioner of customs | 稅務司
søsy | wind silk off the cocoon | 唆繭; 繅絲
thwzeeng-sy | lyric poetry, a lyric | 敘情詩; 抒情詩
titw-sy | cobweb filament | 蜘蛛絲
zarnbie-sy | hymn, songs of praise | 讚美詩

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