"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Serngbør butiaxm cy sym | Immaculate Heart of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母無玷之心
bøsym kea uxix | feign interest | 無心假有意
bøsym | careless | 無心
ciofng sym pie sym | judge another's feelings by your own; compare your feelings with his; empathize | 將心比心
cioong sym sor iok | do as one wishes connoting an absence of opposition or objection | 從心所欲
hiorngsiong-sym | ambition, desire to get ahead | 向上心
hvorkii-sym | curiosity | 好奇心
høsym | harmony | 和心
ienpid-sym | lead of a pencil | 鉛筆心
inai-sym | overly reliant nature | 依賴心
jiin lør sym putlør | young at heart; man may be old in years; but his heart need not be old; An old man chasing young women | 人老心無老
khao si sym huy | say one thing and mean another ─ hypocrisy; meaning contrary to what is spoken | 口是心非
khofkhao-pøsym | exhort or remonstrate with earnest words prompted by a kind heart | 苦口婆心
kofng sym | to launch a psychological offense | 攻心
kongteg-sym | regard for public welfare; public-mindedness | 公德心
laqzeg-sym | candlewick | 蠟燭心
lauxpøar-sym | kind and compassionate heart; excessive solicitude; useless precaution | 老婆仔心
lyjiin-sym | weak minded; feminine | 女人心
løsym | to labor mentally; to be anxious; thinking deeply or anxiously about something | 勞心
løsym-pehpag | much vexed or anxious about matters | 勞心疾苦
paithvaf-sym | parochial attitude | 排他心
pøsym | patience | 婆心
siøsym bøo siqpurn | be careful; you can't be too careful | 小心無蝕本; 小心不吃虧
siøsym | be careful | 小心
sym bee ix loan | muddle one's brains | 心迷意亂
sym beeng juu kexng | mind is as clear as a mirror ─ devoid of personal emotions; feelings or sense of gain and loss | 心明如鏡
sym boarn ix ciog | be fully contented complacent | 心滿意足
sym hoaan ix loan | fretful and confused | 心煩意亂
sym hoee ix zoarn | change one's mind; give up one's old (evil) ways; repent; start a new life | 心回意轉
sym hofng ix loan | lose one's wits totally; be shaken and perturbed; extremely nervous | 心慌意亂
sym hy | apprehensive; always fear or worry about something | 心虛
sym juu cysuie | Lit. the heart is like still water ─ a mind without worries; cares; ambition or worldly desires | 心如止水
sym juu tøf koaq | heart feels like it is being cut by a knife ─ heart broken | 心如刀割
sym kafm zeeng goan | be totally willing; willingly | 心甘情願
sym khao juu id | The mouth agrees with the mind (literally) ─ to speak one's mind frankly | 心口如一
sym kviaf baq thiaux | terribly frightened | 心驚肉跳
sym kviaf garn thiaux | terribly frightened | 心驚肉跳
sym lerng | my heart received it ─ phrase used when declining an invitation or a present | 心領
sym loan jumoaa | entangled; perplexed | 心亂如麻
sym loan | confused and perturbed | 心亂
sym niar | my heart received it ─ phrase used when declining an invitation or a present | 心領
sym nngr | tender hearted; kind hearted | 心軟
sym peeng khix høo | be in a calm mood | 心平氣和
sym pud iukie | cannot control one's mind or emotion; cannot help but.. | 心無由主; 心不由己
sym pud iuzuo | cannot control one's mind or emotion; cannot help but.. | 心無由主; 心不由己
sym putzai iexn | absent minded; the mind running on other things | 心無在焉
sym sngf | feel sick at heart from grief; grief stricken | 心酸
sym taau ix hap | be in perfect agreement or harmony (usually said of intimate friends or lovers) | 心投意合
sym thiaux | heart beat; palpitation of the heart caused by fear or anxiety | 心跳
sym thviax | grieved at heart; feel pain in one's heart (figuratively) | 心痛
sym tit zhuix khoaix | honest and outspoken | 心直口快
sym tok chiuo loah | callous and cruel; cold blooded; merciless in heart and deed | 心毒手辣
sym tong | become interested in something (usually as a result of persuasion) | 心動
sym | heart | 心
sym'axn | try a case (archaic) | 審案
sym'iet | examine; to review | 審閱
sym-sngf | sad at heart | 心酸
sym-soafn | sad, grief | 心酸
sym-tiexntoo | electrocardiogram, ECG | 心電圖
sym`nih | in mind | 心裡
thefthiab-sym | show appreciation of | 體貼心
toaxsøex-sym | partial, unfair | 大細心; 偏心
tvar toa sym søex | brave but cautious; courageous but careful or circumspect | 膽大心細
tøsym | be very suspicious; oversensitive; tricky; treacherous | 多心
uxzhuiebøsym | unintentional | 有喙無心
zoeatok huxjiin-sym | there is nothing more poisonous than the heart of woman | 最毒婦人心
zuxsixn-sym | self-confidence | 自信心
zuxzwn-sym | sense of self respect, pride | 自尊心
zørzhat sym hy | A thief has a guilty conscience. One who has done something bad secretly cannot look others in the eye | 做賊心虛
zøsym | discomfort; experience nausea; sad and uncomfortable; left auricle | 焦慮; 慒心; 悶悶不樂

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