"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: syn

huxn putkox syn | do something regardless of personal safety | 奮不顧身
iøo syn itpiexn | change one's form with one shake of the body | 搖身一變
jiafhøea-siøsyn | stir a fire and burn oneself--to bring trouble upon oneself | 惹火燒身
jit syn goat i | new every day; different every month--make constant progress | 日新月異
jit syn iu syn | daily renewal or modernization; constant progress | 日新; 日新又新
karm toong syn siu | feel deeply moved by a kindness (shown to somebody else) as if one were actually the object thereof (an expression used often in letters asking favors on behalf of someone else) | 感同身受
kox zhuix bøo kox syn | care only about food; careless about one's dress (appearance) | 只顧吃的; 無顧穿的
køsyn | high salary; high pay; handsome salary | 高薪
syn hoaai liogkaq | be pregnant | 身懷六甲
syn khiesiong | new atmospheric phenomena | 新氣象
syn kielok | new record | 新記錄
syn kiogbin | new situation; new aspect of affairs | 新局面
syn kygoaan | new era | 新紀元
syn nithaau | new year | 新年頭
syn pai beeng liet | lose both fortune and honor | 身敗名裂
syn put'iuu zuo | unable to act according to one's own will | 身不由主
syn seakie | new century | 新世紀
syn sitai | new era | 新時代
syn susiorng | modern thinking; modern thought | 新思想
syn taixliok | new continent | 新大陸
syn thaunao | new brains | 新頭腦
syn tiauliuu | new trend; new movements | 新潮流
syn tiauphaix | avant garde school | 新潮派
syn zhutparn | new edition (of a book) | 新出版; 新版
syn | body; classifier for idols dolls; statues | 尊; 身; 新; 伸
syn-bunhoax | new culture | 新文化
syn-hagzex | new educational system | 新學制
syn-jinsengkoafn | new view of life | 新人生觀
syn-simpu | new daughter-in-law | 新媳婦
syn-tiafmtiarm | new and bright | 新點點
syn`ee | new one; fresh; up-to-date | 新的
syn`nih | insdie body | 身裡
syn`siong | body | 身上
thafnpvy syn | in profile | 側面
togsien kii syn | keep oneself clean and pure; conduct oneself virtuously | 獨善其身
u syn | be pregnant | 懷孕

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Checking Exact will only show the specific term "zab". e.g. "zabor and "apzab" When input type is non-MTL, exact match is forced.
Checking Front with the search term "zab" will show all the vocabularies start with with "zab" such as "zabor".

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