"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Ciongliim tøexid Zwjit | First Sunday of Advent | 將臨第一主日
Hoefsiøtør | Green Island | 火燒島; 綠島
Honglaai-tør | the island of Taiwan | 蓬萊島
Ke'nng badbat tøf uxphang | The closest affair has some hole in it | 雞蛋密密也有縫; 紙包無住火
Phøtøgee | Portugal | 葡萄牙
Zok'og-tøtoafn | indulge in all sorts of evildoings; commit many crimes | 作惡多端
ahbuo-tøee | flat feet | 鴨母蹄
ahbør-tøee | flat feet | 鴨母蹄; 平底腳
bad thaity ciaq zaiviar tølo | learn by experience (Idiom. He who slaughters pigs knows how meat should be cut.) | 曾殺豬才知道刀路
bølun tøfui | no matter where; wherever | 無論那裏
bølun tøh'ui | no matter where, whereever | 無論佗位
bølun tøsiao | no matter how many | 無論多少
bøo tøxteg | immoral; unethical | 無道德
bøthvy-bøtøe | lawless | 無天無地; 極無道理
bøtøea chimkhvef | bottomless abyss | 無底深坑
bøtøea | bottomless | 無底
bøtøea-hang | endless ally | 無底巷
chid-tøh'ar | to wipe the table | 拭桌仔
chih hof tøh | switch on the light by pressing the button | 按乎燃; 壓乎燃; 按亮
ciaqpng tøh'ar | dining room table | 吃飯桌仔; 餐桌
ciaqpng-tøq | dining table | 吃飯桌; 食飯桌
ciaxm tøsox | constitute a majority; have a majority | 佔多數
cioktix tøboo | wise and resourceful | 足智多謀
cviarkhaw tørsiaq | sarcasm and mockery | 冷嘲熱諷; 正刮左削
cviarkhaw-tørsiaq | sarcasm and mockery | 正刮倒削; 諷刺
ef`tør | to topple | 推倒
efng tøar chied | to slice with a knife. | 用刀切
erngsviaf jii tør | dead on the spot at the first shot | 應聲而倒
giaqhviw tøex paix | not whole heartedly do or believe in something (Lit. grab the incense and follow the line) | 拿香隨拜
gieen tøf pid sid | One is bound to make a slip of the lip if he talks too much | 言多必失
hayzuie tørkeg | seawater pours in | 海水倒激
hmq`tør | hit to fall | 打倒; 撼倒
hoad-tøftngr | paper got rejected | 發倒轉; 退回文書
hoatgoaan-tøe | the place of origin, source | 發源地
hoatsioong-tøe | place of origin | 發祥地
hoea tøh | the fire blazes up or kindles | 著火; 火燃
hoxsyn-tøf | self defense kinife | 護身刀
hud`tør | to brush to fall down | 拂倒
hun`tør | block out | 昏倒
huothngf-tøxhøea | go through fire and water to attain an objective | 赴湯蹈火
høfsu tøf moo | road to happiness is strewn with setbacks | 好事多磨
høtøe | where | 何地
iafmnie tøxleeng | cover one's ears when he steals a bell--to deceive oneself (literally) | 掩耳盜鈴
iern`tør | fall down | 偃倒
iet-hof tøh | fan a fire into flame | 搧火; 搧乎燃
isafn tørhae | move mountains and empty the water out of the sea--mighty power | 移山倒海
isvoaf-tørhae | to remove mountains and drain seas; very capable | 移山倒海
it'hw tøzhef zwgi | polygamy | 一夫多妻主義
jih`tør | overwhelming | 壓倒
kafngtaai-tøq | pulpit | 講台桌; 講壇
kauthofng-tøxteg | traffic etiquette | 交通道德
kax e tør | fully able to teach | 教得了; 教會倒
kee`tør | trip | 絆倒
khee`tør | to cause to trip | 卡倒; 絆倒
khiuo-tørtngr | pull back | 拉倒轉; 揪倒轉
khiuo`tør | pull down | 揪倒; 拉倒
khofng-tuix-tøe huitvoaa | air-to-ground missiles | 空對地飛彈
khuy-tøfchiaf | to back a car; train; cte.; to be old-fashioned or anachronistic; to turn back the clock; to retrograde | 開倒車
khuykex-tøtoafn | full of schemes and tricks | 詭計多端
kipjim-tøxsw | home-room teacher; the teacher in charge of a class | 級任導師
koai`tør | to trip over; to trip | 絆倒
koan'iuo-tøe | land owned by government | 官有地
kokbiin tøxteg | national morals | 國民道德
kongbeeng ee tøxlo | the illuminative way | 光明的道路
korng-tøxlie | preach, speak justice, speak fairly | 講道理
kunkux-tøe | a base (of operation); a home-base | 根據地
kut`tør | to slip and fall | 滑倒
kuykex tøtoafn | full of schemes and tricks; very tricky; crafty | 詭計多端
køtøe | high land | 高地
laam tøx luo iu | left represents the male; the right represents the female (a popular concept); The male sits on the left side; female on the right | 男左女右
lab`tør | being crushed down | 踏倒
lea tøf jiin putkoaix | Nobody blames excessive politeness | 禮多人無怪
leeng`ciar tøløo | capable are usually the busy ones (compliment to a busy person) | 能者多勞
limhae-tøxlo | coastal road | 臨海道路
lixzuo-tøxtien | ionic conductance | 離子導電
na'aau-tøea | throat bottom | 嚨喉底
oksexng tøfpix | fraudulent bankruptcy | 惡性倒閉
paisafn-tørhae | overthrow a mountain and upset the sea ─ of great ability; over-helming or sweeping | 排山倒海
paxnkofng-tøq | office desk | 辦公桌
pefngtharn-tør | to turn over from a prostrate position | 俯躺倒; 倒下成橫
perng-tøftngr | turn upside down | 反倒轉
perng-tørtngr | turn upside down | 翻倒轉
phaq tøhkiuu | play ping pong | 打桌球; 打乒乓球
phaq-tørtngr | return | 打回去; 回手
phied tørpeeng | stroke to the left and another to the right | 撇左爿
phud`tør | cut down | 砍倒
phut`tør | to cut something down | 斬倒
phøtøciab | grape juice | 葡萄汁
phøtøciuo | wine; port wine | 葡萄酒
phøtøhngg | vineyard | 葡萄園
phøtøiu | grapefruit | 葡萄柚
phøtøkiukhurn | staphylococcus | 葡萄球菌
phøtøkvoaf | raisins; sultanas | 葡萄干; 葡萄乾
phøtøo | grapes | 葡萄
phøtøpvee | grapevine trellis | 葡萄棚
phøtøthngg | grape sugar; glucose | 葡萄糖
phøtøtiin | grapevine | 葡萄藤
phøtøzaang | grape tree | 葡萄欉
piernhoax tøtoafn | changeable | 變化多端
pog-tørtngr | return; turn down | 駁倒轉
pog`tør | rebut; contradict | 駁倒
puih`tør | pull up | 拔倒; 拉倒
put'tøxteg | immoral, unethical | 無道德; 不道德
putlioong tøxthea | non-conductor (physics) | 無良導體
pvipvii tør`teq | prostration | 平平倒著; 平臥
pvoaa`tør | stumble | 絆倒
pvoax`tør | to fall by an obstruction | 絆倒
pøqli tøsiaw | small profits and quick returns (S P Q R); quick turnover | 薄利多銷
seakaf-tøea | family | 世家底
sefngpurn tøli | making large profits with small capital | 省本多利
siab tøhkhaf | wedge something under the leg of a desk or table (so as to make it steady) | 塞棹腳
siafji-tøq | writing table | 寫字桌
siafng tøthaezex | Double Elimination Tournament | 雙淘汰制
siag`tør | fell | 摔倒
siaxhoe tøxteg | social morality | 社會道德
siekex tøo | wander about; run about trying to escape | 到處流蕩; 到處逃
simkvoaf chinchviu tøf teq koaq | heart feels like it is being cut by a knife ─ heart broken | 心如刀割
siøfpurn tøli | small capital and great profits | 小本多利
siør-tøebak | a smallsmal subject | 小題目
soeboea-tøxjiin | un-auspicious person; un-lucky person | 衰尾道人
soeq tøsia | give thanks; thank | 道謝
sviu'ar-tøea | bottom of a box | 箱仔底
sviu-tørtngr | think if over | 想倒轉
swlie tøsefng | escape death by a narrow margin; have a close call | 死裏逃生
sylie-tøsefng | escape death by a narrow margin; have a close call with death | 死裏逃生
sym juu tøf koaq | heart feels like it is being cut by a knife ─ heart broken | 心如刀割
søeq-tøsia | say thanks | 說道謝; 說多謝
søezngf-tøq | dressing table | 梳粧桌
tah tøexky | build the foundation | 搭地基
tai-tøsox | majority, the greater number | 大多數
thaity-tøfviuu | have pigs and goats killed in great numbers for sacrificial offerings or great festivals | 殺豬屠羊
thaukhag tørlwn | draw in one's head (like a turtle) | 頭倒縮
thienkofng-tøexsoaq | heaven and earth | 天公地煞
thiethaau-tøf | razor | 剃頭刀
thiw-tørtngr | pull back | 抽倒轉
thoaan tøxlie | transmit; proclaim; teach; or preach doctrine | 傳道理
thoaf-tørtngr | draw or lead something back to the original place | 拖倒轉; 拉回來
thokkoarn-tøe | trust territory, mandated territory | 託管地
thviaf tøxlie | listen to preaching | 聽道理
tiarm-hof tøh | to burn; to light; kindle; light a fire | 點亮
tiarm`tøh | clicked | 點著
tientiefn tøftør | constantly stumbling and falling; mentally deranged; lunatic | 顛顛倒倒
toa-tøsox | majority | 大多數
toxng-tørtngr | block to reverse | 堵倒轉
tøar | knife; small knife; dagger | 刀仔; 刀子
tøbaq | blade of a knife | 刀目; 刀肉; 刀鋒; 刀刃
tøboong | go into exile; runaway; desertion; run away; to escape; flee; abscond | 逃亡
tøbuun tøkiexn | extensively informed | 多聞多見
tøbuun | well-informed, learned | 多聞
tøciao | ostrich | 鴕鳥; 駝鳥
tøcie | chef; cook; chef | 廚子; 鉈子; 秤鍾; 廚師
tøciorng | many kind | 多種
tøciøh | hone; whetstone; grindstone | 刀石; 磨石
tøcvie | clean out a well | 淘井
tøe | put or carry in bag or pocket; bag; pocket; sack; land | 地; 袋
tøe'afsvoax | ramie thread | 苧仔線
tøe'ar | ramie fiber | 地仔; 苧仔; 苧麻
tøe'tang | earthquake | 地震
tøe-id cviw | first chapter | 第一章
tøe-id jit | the first day | 第一天
tøe-id pae | first time | 第一次
tøe-id | The first | 第一
tøe-tang | earthquake | 地震; 地動
tøea | store; short | 短; 底; 貯
tøea'au | follow, succeed | 隨後; 綴後; 跟在後面
tøea-høeasiu | short-lived, short life | 短歲壽; 短命
tøeabøea | come after, follow up | 隨尾; 綴尾; 跟在後面
tøealaang | follow others | 跟人
tøealo | accompany | 隨路
tøeapaix | accompany to worship | 隨拜
tøeazeeng-tøea'au | follow closely | 隨前隨後
tøebak | topic; problems; subject | 題目
tøebok | subject | 題目
tøecvii | collect subscription, raise money | 隨錢; 題錢; 認捐
tøee | write; problem; subject | 題; 蹄
tøefaq | mortgage; guaranty; pledge | 抵押
tøefbogtviuu | A place where timber is stored before transporting to a saw mill | 貯木場
tøefchviw | short spear, dart | 短搶; 短槍
tøefciør | be deficient, be short, be too few | 短少
tøefhan | lower limit | 底限
tøefkafng | temporary work | 短工
tøefkarng | short speech; table speech; short essay of speech | 短講
tøefkex | the base price, the minimum price | 底價
tøefkhox | trunk; scanties; pantie; knickers; pants | 短褲
tøefkhoxng | resist; counteraction; make a stand against; rebel | 抵抗
tøefkii | short term | 短期
tøefkør | draft, manuscript | 短稿
tøeflo | short circuit | 短路; 捷徑
tøefmia | to die early; short lived | 短命
tøefmiaxkuie | ghost | 短命鬼
tøefmoar | fill up, filled up | 添滿; 貯滿; 裝滿
tøefphvix | negatives | 底片
tøefphvy | short (novel, story) | 短篇
tøefphøf | short wave | 短波
tøefpng | add rice | 添飯
tøefpurn | short of capital | 短本
tøefsex | details | 底細
tøefsvaf | short dress, short jacket | 短衫
tøefsvoax | bottom line | 底線
tøefsøex | details | 底細
tøefti | background past record | 底置
tøeftix | background | 底蒂
tøeftøea | short | 短短
tøeftøeftøea | very short | 短短短
tøefzaan | the basement, the ground floor | 底層
tøefzhexng | pistol, revolver | 短槍; 短銃; 手鎗
tøeguun | raise money by subscription to help some purpose | 題銀
tøeji | write an inscription | 題字
tøemiaa | land name | 地名
tøetang | earthquake; seismos | 地震
tøex | follow; with | 隨; 綴
tøex-chiwbøea | repeat what was talken | 隨手尾; 綴手尾; 跟著說
tøex-liuheeng | follow the fashion | 隨流行; 綴流行; 學時髦
tøex-zabor | follow a woman, chase after woman | 隨查某; 綴查某; 與女人私通
tøex-zhuiebøea | repeat what was talken | 綴喙尾
tøex`laang | follow people | 隨人
tøex`tiøh | with; follow | 隨著
tøexbin | ground; land | 地面
tøexbin-cviu | on the earth | 地面上
tøexchid | seventh | 第七
tøexcid | geology | 地質
tøexcid-hak | geology | 地質學
tøexcie | mailing address; address | 地址
tøexciefn | grass carpet, grass rug | 地氈
tøexcirn | earthquake | 地震
tøexcviu | surface of the earth | 地上; 地面
tøexe | underworld, hades, earth | 地下
tøexgagmngg | hell gate | 地獄門
tøexgak | underworld; hell | 地獄
tøexgek | a hell, an inferno | 地獄
tøexgo | fifth | 第五
tøexha | underground | 地下
tøexham | covered pit, trench, trap | 地陷; 壕; 坑,; 陷阱
tøexhaxseg | basement, cellar, underground room | 地下室
tøexhaxtø | subway, underpass | 地下道
tøexhaxzuie | subterranean water | 地下水
tøexheeng | topography; geography | 地形
tøexhek | district, region | 地域
tøexhiet | hole in the ground, pit | 地穴
tøexhngf | district; local; place; regin | 地方
tøexhngkvoaf | official over a locality or region | 地方官
tøexhofng | district; local; place; regin | 地方
tøexhuo | hades, hell | 地府
tøexhvoa | dike of earth | 地岸; 堤
tøexhøxmiaa | name of a place | 地戶名; 地號名; 地名
tøexid | the first, first | 第一
tøexji | second; decondly | 第二
tøexkaf | additional | 遞加
tøexkaix | the borderland | 地界
tøexkao | nineth | 第九
tøexkaxng | descending | 遞降
tøexkeasøex | land tax | 地價稅
tøexkek | the ends of the earth | 地價; 地極
tøexkex | price of the land | 地價
tøexkhag | earth's crust | 地殼
tøexkhix | 'earth vapor', the air near the ground | 地過; 地氣; 大氣
tøexkhoxng | a pit | 地亢; 地壙
tøexkhud | a cellar | 地坑; 地窟
tøexkhw | area; region; zone | 地區
tøexkhøex | land title deed | 地架; 地契
tøexkiuu | earth; global representation of the earth; the earth; the globe | 地球
tøexkiuu-budlyhak | geophysics | 地球物理學
tøexkoef | (Mandarin) a sweet potato | 地瓜
tøexkud | a cellar | 地坑
tøexkuie | Which number? Which sequence? | 第幾; ...?
tøexkutphii | Chinese matrimony vine (tree) | 地骨皮
tøexky | the foundation of a building | 地基
tøexky-ciøh | foundation stone | 地基石
tøexlak | sixth | 第六
tøexlak-karm | sixth sense, hunch | 第六感
tøexlat | fertility of the land | 地力
tøexlie | geography | 地理
tøexlie-hak | geography | 地理學
tøexlie-sw | geomancer | 地理師; 風水先生
tøexluii | a land | 地雷
tøexmiaa | the name of the place | 地名
tøexparn | flooring; boarding; floor | 地板
tøexpengsvoax | the horizon | 地平線
tøexphøee | land; land-estate | 地皮
tøexpiao | surface of the earth | 地表
tøexpo | situation; condition | 地步
tøexpor | make up | 遞補
tøexpox | white linen, ramie-fiber fabric | 苧布
tøexpvoaa | one's turf; one's territory under control | 地盤
tøexsarn | produce of the soil, real-estate | 地產
tøexsex | geography; topography | 地勢
tøexsix | fourth | 第四
tøexsvaf | third; thirdly | 第三
tøexsym-khiplat | gravity | 地心吸力
tøextai | district; region | 地帶
tøextaix | a place and its vicinity; land; zone | 地帶
tøextefng | Chinese osbeckia (flower) | 地丁
tøextek | the earth axis | 地軸
tøexthaau | local; place; location | 地頭
tøexthaau-zoaa | local strong man | 地頭蛇
tøextharn | carpet; rug | 地毯
tøextiarm | place; point; site; situation; spot | 地點
tøextoo | map; atlas; plat | 地圖
tøextviuu | place, region | 地場
tøextø | subway, underpass, tunnel | 地道
tøexui | condition; place; position; standing; status | 地位
tøexwn | soil temperature | 地溫
tøexzaan | stratum of earth; layer of soil | 地層
tøexzngf | a floor tile, a floor board | 地磚
tøexzof | rental | 地租
tøexzuo | land owner; landlord; lessor | 地主
tøezaai | floor material | 地材
tøezhaai | subject matter, theme | 題材
tøezo | raise money for charity | 地助; 題助; [*]; 慈善募款; 捐助
tøf bøo | not... at all | 就是沒有; 都沒有
tøf | many; much | 多; 刀; 都
tøf-hongbin | many-sided | 多方面
tøf-imzad | polysyllable, polysyllabic | 多音節
tøf-khaihuix | spent more money | 多開費
tøfao | upside down | 倒拗; 返折
tøfbiin | islanders | 島民
tøfbuun | prayer in a set form or formula; litany (Catholic) | 禱文
tøfcidee | which one | 那一個
tøfcidhang | Which one? | 哪一個
tøfcidkag | which place | 那一角; 何方
tøfcidui | which person | 那一位
tøfhe'ar | participate in a Money club and failed to pay back loan | 倒會仔
tøfhear | bankruptcy in private economic mutual aid club | 倒會仔
tøfhoai | collapse (building) | 倒壞; 倒塌
tøfhoe | not continue to contribute to a hoe-a after one has successfully bid for and got his share | 倒會
tøfhoear | participate in a Money club and failed to pay back loan | 倒會仔
tøfie | falling chair | 倒椅; 臥椅
tøfioong | male impotence | 陽痿
tøfkog | island kingdom | 島國
tøfkøq | resignation of the cabinet (in the face of a political crisis); bankrupt | 倒閣
tøfkørhoe | prayer meeting | 禱告會
tøfkøx | pray | 禱告
tøfliawliao | fall down | 倒了了
tøflo | have gone bankrupt, have died | 倒路; 破產
tøfloan huxnzuo | one who gives trouble; disturbing element | 搗亂份子
tøfloan | bother, disturb | 搗亂
tøfpaang | branch of a family become extinct; a ruined family | 絕嗣
tøfpix | bankruptcy; close down shop; go bankrupt or insolvent | 倒閉
tøfsiarm | to dodge; to ward off | 躲閃
tøfsiaux | not pay back a debt; bad debts | 倒數
tøfsiong | on the island | 島上
tøfsu | island | 島嶼
tøfsuun | put the press in trousers or clothes; determine the nature of a relationship | 倒紋; 使衣服線條固定; 使定性
tøftaai | downfall | 倒台
tøfthøex | to fall back; counter march; retro speck | 倒退
tøftiaocie | betel nut that grew abnormally | 倒吊子
tøftiaux | upside down | 倒吊
tøftiaxm | bankrupt store; go bankrupt; bankruptcy | 倒店; 倒閉
tøftngfkhix | go back | 倒轉去
tøftngflaai | come back | 倒轉來
tøftvax | peddler goes bankrupt | 倒閉
tøftøe | fall to the ground | 倒地
tøftør | fell; oblique | 倒倒; 斜著
tøftørtiau | throw away | 倒倒掉
tøfui | where | 哪裡
tøfui'ar | where | 佗位仔
tøfviar | the reflection of something in the water | 倒影
tøfzhaix | an edible brown alga | 倒菜; 搗菜
tøfzhngg | bed, flat bed, to be confined to bed | 倒床; 病於床上
tøfzoarn-khienkhwn | reverse the universe | 倒轉乾坤
tøgieen | loquacity | 多言; 多嘴
tøgii | full of suspicion ─ mental hesitancy and distress | 多疑
tøgoaan | diversity | 多元
tøgoaan-lun | pluralism | 多元論
tøgoanhoax | diversification | 多元化
tøgoanlun | pluralism | 多元論
tøgoansexng | diversification | 多元性
tøh | burn; to blaze; to flame; blaze up; catch fire; kindle | 燃; 著; 燃燒
tøh'afbin | table surface | 桌仔面
tøh'afkhaf | under the table | 桌仔跤
tøh'afkvii | table edges | 桌仔墘
tøh'afpvy | table side | 桌仔邊
tøh'afterng | table top | 桌仔頂
tøh'afthoaq | table drawer | 桌仔屜
tøh'afui | table seats | 桌仔位
tøh'ar | table; desk | 桌仔; 桌子
tøh'ar-pvy | side of a desk or table | 桌仔邊
tøh'ar-terng | top of a table | 桌仔頂
tøh'ie | table and chair | 桌椅
tøh'ui | table position | 佗位
tøh'uii | table hanging | 桌帷
tøh`khylaai | burst into flames; blaze up; flare up; begin to burn | 燃起來; 燒起來
tøhak | play truant | 逃學
tøhaxngseg | polynomial (math.) | 多項式
tøhbin | table top; surface of a desk or table | 桌面
tøhbixnparn | desktop board | 桌面板
tøhii | white herring, long-finned herring (fish) | 棹魚; 長鰳
tøhkag | corner of a desk or table | 桌角
tøhkhaf | under a table; legs of a table; table legs; under the desk | 棹腳; 桌跤; 桌子下; 桌腳
tøhkhaxm | rib and mesh device for covering food on a table | 桌罩
tøhkinsuy | table clothes lace | 桌巾繐
tøhkiuu | table-tennis; ping-pong; ping pong; table tennis | 桌球
tøhkoax | wood cover put on a desk | 桌蓋; 紗罩
tøhkui | table cabinet | 桌櫃
tøhkuixpvy | table cabinet | 桌櫃邊
tøhkuun | table cloth | 桌裙
tøhkvii | table edge | 桌緣
tøhkvoay | cross bars or rungs connecting the legs of table | 桌杆; 桌撐; 桌子架
tøhkwn | tablecloth | 桌巾
tøhkyn | table cloth | 桌巾
tøhoaan siawpor | return the overcharge and demand payment of the shortage; if any (The expression is used when money is paid in advance for a specific use; the cost of which is unknown beforehand) | 多退少補; 多還少補
tøhoan | fugitive; fugitive from the law; escaped criminal; jail breaker; wanted; criminal | 逃犯
tøhofng | by all means, in every way | 多方
tøhog tøsiu | happiness and longevity; amply blessed | 多福多壽
tøhog | three abundances (abundance of blessings; abundance of longevity; abundance of male offspring) which the people of old considered as the ingredients of happy life | 多壽; 三多 (多福; 多子)
tøhpox | table cloth; cloth for wiping the table; dust cloth; duster; wash rag | 桌布; 抹布; 檯布
tøhpvy | edge of a table | 桌邊
tøhtaux | rib and mesh device for covering food on a table | 桌罩
tøhtax | rib and mesh device for covering food on a table | 桌罩
tøhtefng | table lamp | 桌燈
tøhterng laqjit | desk calendar | 桌上日曆
tøhterng ny kafm | As easy as picking up the orange on the table ─ easy as falling off a log | 桌上取柑; (易如反掌)
tøhterng | on the table; on top of the table | 桌頂; 桌子上
tøhthaau | defraud; extort; lure; seduce | 訛詐; 引誘 (語)
tøhthoaq | desk drawer | 桌屜
tøhu | polyandry | 多夫; 一妻多夫
tøhuun | scar | 刀痕
tøhw | polyandry | 多夫
tøhzeeng | in front of desk | 桌前
tøhøo | Dalmatian pelican | 斑點鵜鶘; 淘河
tøjip | escape into | 逃入
tøkak'heeng | polygon | 多角形
tøkak'hoax | diversification | 多角化
tøkee | tool carrier be bind at waist | 刀枷; 繫在腰間的一種刀架
tøkhefng | back of a knife | 刀背; 刀銎
tøkhix | naughty; annoying; mischievous | 淘氣; 淘器
tøkiaxm | sword | 刀劍
tøkiexn tøbuun | have seen and heard a lot; have wide experience; well versed | 多見多聞
tøkiexn | well-experienced | 多見
tøkoarn engsu | be a meddlesome busybody; poke one's nose into other people's business | 多管閒事
tøkoex | escape | 逃過
tøku | knives | 刀具
tøkym | gold hunting | 淘金
tølaan | very difficulty | 多難
tølan | to seek refuge from calamities; seek safety inflight; seek refuge from calamities | 逃難
tøliong | great quantity | 多量; 大量
tølo chym | doctors asking high fees; the charges are exorbitant | 刀路深; 索價昂(醫生)
tølo | cutting technique | 刀路; 切菜技術
tømee | cutting edge of a knife | 刀刃
tømia | flee for one's life; to escape with one's life | 逃命
tømii | sharp edge of a blade | 刀鋩
tømuithea | multimedia | 多媒體
tøniao | ostrich | 駝鳥
tønisefng sidbut | perennial plants | 多年生植物
tøo cy iauiaw | escape without leaving a single trace behind | 逃之夭夭
tøo | to flee; to run away; run away; flee; to escape; abscond; evade; avoid | 逃; 馱
tøo`khix | ran away | 逃去
tøo`zhutkhix | escape out of a place; flee away | 逃出去
tøpefng | deserter; deserter | 逃兵
tøphiaq | to run away from; to dodge; get temporarily out of the way of danger | 逃避
tøphvix | a razor blade | 刀片
tøpi | avoid, escape from | 逃避
tøpiexn | changeful | 多變
tøpvex | knife handle | 刀柄
tøpvi | sickly | 多病
tøpvix | knife-handle | 刀片; 刀柄
tøpvoax | assumedly; as like as not; for the most part | 多半
tøpvy-heeng | a polygon | 多邊形
tøq | table | 桌
tøqaix | must; should; need | 須要
tøqhea | fire | 著火
tøqhoea | the fire blazes up or kindles | 著火
tøqhøea | fire burns | 著火
tøqkhylai'aq | the fire blazed up | 著起來矣
tør cidee | which one? | 佗一个
tør laang ee cvii | fail to pay a debt; either; as a bankrupt or just refusing to pay | 倒人的錢; 倒人的帳
tør laang ee siaux | fail to pay a debt; either; as a bankrupt or just refusing to pay | 倒人的數; 倒人的帳
tør | to lie down; fall down; bankrupt; collapsed; fallen or lying flat; island; isle | 島; 倒; 躺; 佗; 那
tør-thafnchiøx | laughing loud | 倒袒笑
tør-thafnhvoaai | lying crosswise; e.g.; across a bed | 倒坦橫
tør-thafnkhab | fall or lie up-side-down; fall face down | 倒坦伏
tør-thafnkhisyn | lie on one's side | 倒坦敧身; 側臥
tør-thafnkhy | lie on one's side | 倒坦敧; 側臥
tør-thafntit | lying straight along | 倒坦直; 縱臥
tør-tidtit | lying full length | 倒直直; 躺直直
tør`aq | fell; failed | 倒矣
tøraxn | come before the court; answer a court summons | 到案
tørbin | left hand side; wrong or reversed side of anything; left side | 反面; 左面
tørchiuo | left hand | 左手; 倒手
tørchiuo-peeng | left side | 左手邊; 倒手爿; 左邊
tørchiwaf | lefty | 倒手仔
tørchiwafkaau | lefty | 倒手仔猴
tørchiwafkvoae | left hand | 倒手仔桿
tørchiwafvoaiq | lefty | 倒手仔𨂿
tørchiwkoad | lefty | 倒手抉
tørchiwkoae | lefty | 倒手拐
tørchiwkoaiq | lefty | 倒手拐
tørchiwkvoayar | lefty | 倒手拐仔
tørchiwparn | lefty | 倒手板
tørchiwpeeng | left hand side | 倒手邊
tørciøx | reflect (mirror) | 倒照; 反照
tørhe | to place by turning over | 倒放
tørhietkak | pour out; throw away | 倒擲角
tørhoankhof | go back and start from the beginning; the dying flicker of a man's life | 倒翻頭; 回光反照
tørhoansyn | turn over | 倒翻身
tørhoanthaau | turn around | 倒翻頭
tørhoarn | contrary to what one expects | 相反
tørhviax | backward | 倒向; 向後翻身
tørhviesag | pour out; throw away | 倒擲捒
tørhør | be good on the contrary | 倒好
tørjim | arrive to take up the position | 到任
tørkab | put together improperly | 倒蓋; 倒縫
tørkaw | barb | 倒鉤
tørkhab | turn upside down | 倒蓋
tørkhaf | left foot; left leg; left foot | 左腳
tørkhaw cviarsiaq | speak ironically; satire; criticize in a satirical way | 倒剾正削; 諷刺
tørkhaw | to satirize; satire | 反刨; 諷刺
tørkhaxm | invert in covering | 倒蓋
tørkhia | handstand | 倒豎; 倒立
tørkiw | shrink back | 倒縮; 退縮
tørkoax | upside down | 倒掛
tørkoaxn | flow backward (said of a flood which spills over river banks or dikes on to the adjoining land) | 倒灌
tørkviaa | walk backwards | 倒行
tørliam | repeat backwards | 倒念
tørliao | loss instead | 倒了; 反而虧損
tørliuu | backflow | 倒流
tørlwn | draw straight back (the head or the whole body) | 倒縮
tørma | reviling or scolding others after doing thing wrong | 倒罵
tørme | reviling or scolding others after doing thing wrong | 倒罵; 反罵
tørmng | answer with a question | 倒問; 反問
tørmoar | fill full | 倒滿
tøroad | left turn | 倒斡
tørpaw | upside down | 倒包
tørpaw`laai | upside down | 倒包來
tørpeeng | left hand side | 左邊; 倒爿
tørperng | inverted; reversed; to turn inside out; to wear inside out; on the other hand | 反面; 倒反; 翻過來
tørphag | face down | 倒覆
tørpiin | left side | 左爿
tørsaxng | father | 父親; 爸爸
tørseh | turn counter clockwise; revolve in the opposite direction | 倒轉; (反時針方向)
tørsiaolieen | younger than before | 倒少年
tørsiarnghviax | fall backwards | 倒相懸
tørsviu | reconsider | 倒想; 再想; 重想
tørtah lienhoef | breech presentation (obstetrics) | 臀位生產
tørtah | step down | 倒踏
tørthaau | turn back; turned in the opposite or wrong direction; the wrong end | 倒頭; 反面; 反端
tørthaau-tiaux | hang upside down | 倒頭心; 倒吊
tørthaau-zay | fall head foremost | 倒頭栽
tørthad | kick backwards with the heel | 倒踢; 反踢
tørthaqpvee | shield | 倒疊棚
tørthaukviaa | wrong way | 倒頭行
tørthauthaxn | lose in trade instead of gaining | 倒頭賺; 虧損
tørthauthuii | counter attack to win | 倒頭槌
tørthauzay | fall head foremost | 倒頭栽
tørtheakviaa | go or walk backwards | 倒退行
tørthealw | driving backwards | 倒退推
tørtheapo | go backwards; retrogress (as in studying) | 倒退步
tørthex | retreat; become worse than before (in some work; art; or study); to walk back wards from a spot to which we had advanced; to regress | 倒退; 退步
tørthiab | pay out of one's own pocket | 倒貼
tørthoe | old; age; grow older; senile | 倒退; 精神衰退
tørthvoaa | retrogress | 倒彈; 倒退
tørthwn | swallowed by opponent | 倒吞
tørthøex | withdraw, retire | 倒退
tørtiaocie | handstand | 倒吊子
tørtiau | pour out; throw away | 倒掉
tørtiaux | placed with the wrong end up; hand upside down | 倒吊
tørtie | after all, actually, in the final analysis | 到底; 畢竟
tørtiong | oceanic bonito (fish) | 巴鰹
tørtngfkhix | go home | 倒轉去
tørtngflaai | come back | 倒轉來
tørtngflai'aq | back home | 倒轉來矣
tørtngr | inversion; reverse; reverse turn | 倒轉; 回; 反轉; 回轉
tørtngr-sviu | reconsider; think out of box | 倒轉想; 再想
tørtngr`khix | turn around and go back | 返轉去
tørtvi | fill full | 倒滿
tørtvoa | rebound | 反彈
tørtøx-zhutlaai | pour out | 倒倒出來
tørviaa | counter to win | 倒贏
tørzay | fell | 倒栽; 倒身
tørzhud | pour out | 倒出
tørzhux | everywhere | 處處; 到處
tørzuie | pour water | 倒水
tøsafnhu | multiparous woman | 多產婦
tøsefng | flee for one's life | 逃生
tøsengmngg | emergency exit | 逃生門
tøsi afnnef | indeed; it is so; everything is just that way; all that way | 都是這樣
tøsi | all; no exception | 都是
tøsia | thanks a lot; thank you very much; many thanks; Many thanks. Thank you very much. | 多謝
tøsia`aq | thanks | 多謝啊
tøsiao | more or less; more or less; somewhat | 多少
tøsiarm | under shelter | 逃閃
tøsiin-kaux | polytheistic religions | 多神教
tøsiofng | wounds; knife wound | 刀傷
tøsiu | three abundances (abundance of blessings; abundance of longevity; abundance of male offspring) which the people of old considered as the ingredients of happy life | 多壽; 三多 (多福; 多子)
tøsiøx | scabbard | 刀鞘
tøsorkoad | decided by the majority | 多數決
tøsox zarnseeng | majority approved | 多數贊成
tøsox | many; majority; numerousness | 多數
tøsox-koad | majority vote | 多數決; 多數決定
tøsu | officious; interfering | 多事; 很多事
tøsveamia | flee for one's life; goldbrick | 逃性命
tøsvef | flee for one's life; to escape with one's life | 逃生
tøsviemia | flee for one's life; goldbrick | 逃性命
tøsviux | scabbard, sheath | 刀鞘
tøsvy | flee for one's life; to escape with one's life | 逃生
tøsym | be very suspicious; oversensitive; tricky; treacherous | 多心
tøteeng | multiple | 多層; 多重
tøthaehoad | concentration (in mining) | 淘汰法
tøthaix | eliminate inferior contestants; goods; to clean out; weed out superfluous elements; select and separate | 淘汰
tøthex siawpor | return the overcharge and demand payment of the shortage; if any (The expression is used when money is paid in advance for a specific use; the cost of which is unknown beforehand) | 多退少補; 多還少補
tøthoa | to learn gradually by looking on | 徒導; 學習
tøthoad | escape from; free oneself from; succeed in escaping from; run away | 逃脫
tøtiafm | cutting board | 刀砧; 砧板
tøtiøh | well; then; it is quite right; thus it is quite right | 就對
tøtoafn | many kinds; a great variety; many parts; in many ways | 多端
tøtøf eksien | the more the better | 多多益善
tøtøf pauhaam | understanding | 多多包涵
tøtøf | much; more | 多多
tøtør-hae | archipelago | 多島海
tøtøsiafmsiarm | escape | 逃逃閃閃
tøu | have them all; all have...; include all kinds or varieties | 都有
tøuu | superfluity; superfluous; unnecessary | 多餘
tøviu | many varieties | 多樣
tøviuxsexng | diversity | 多樣性
tøx | arrive; to reach (a place; time; quantity); come to an end (a finish)--at games of cards etc | 到; 倒; 左
tøx`khix | to go back; to return | 倒去; 回去
tøx`laai | came back | 到來
tøx`løh | pour down | 倒落
tøxchiuo | helmsman; steersman | 舵手
tøxgi | moral; morality; sense of righteousness | 道義
tøxgieen | introduction | 導言
tøxgixsiong | morally | 道義上
tøxhaang | to navigate, to pilot | 導航
tøxhagciar | Taoist | 道學者
tøxhagsu | religious teacher, bachelor of divinity (B.D.), bachelor of theology (Th.B.) | 道學士
tøxhak | teaching of Confucius, study of Taoism, Theology, theological | 道學
tøxhak-phoksu | doctor of divinity (D.D.), doctor of theology (Th.D.) | 道學博士
tøxheng | capability | 道行
tøxhie | congratulate; offer congratulations | 道喜
tøxhioxng huitvoaa | guided missile | 導向飛彈
tøxhioxng | to conduct to | 導向
tøxho | guide | 導護
tøxhoad | Taoism | 道法
tøxhoefsvoax | direct cause (of a development or event); fuse; train of powder | 導火線
tøxhuie | robbers; bandits | 盜匪
tøxhø | offer congratulations | 道賀
tøxhøea | fuse for explosives | 導火; 導火線
tøxhøefsvoax | fuse (for igniting explosives); the direct cause of an event | 導火線
tøxiar | to cultivate or shape; edification | 陶冶
tøxiern | direct (a movie, play), director | 導演
tøxiuo | fellow | 道友
tøxiuu | tourist guide; tour leader | 導遊
tøxjiin | holy man; a Taoist priest | 道人
tøxjiø | catheterize | 導尿
tøxjiø-koarn | urethral catheter | 導尿管
tøxkaux | Taoism | 道教
tøxkefng | Taoist classics | 道經
tøxkhiarm | apologize | 道歉
tøxkoarn | duct, pipe | 導管
tøxku | props | 道具
tøxlafm'oaan | guide | 導覽員
tøxlan | escape | 逃難
tøxlarm | guided tour | 導覽
tøxlie | reason; mean; doctrine; reason; rationality; the right way; the proper way | 道理
tøxlimzoar | ordinary printing paper (for books) | 道林紙
tøxlo | course; path; road; way; road | 道路
tøxparn | piracy | 盜版
tøxsexng | inertia; laziness; nonreactivity | 惰性
tøxsexng-khiethea-goansox | inert gas element | 惰性氣體元素
tøxsi | namely; no other than; be; quite right; exactly; precisely; even if; even | 就是
tøxsia | say thank you | 道謝
tøxsiong | on the way | 道上
tøxsiuo | whellsman; steersman; coxswain | 舵手
tøxsngrkorng | even if | 就算講
tøxsngx | even if | 就算
tøxsu | taoist; Taoist priest | 道士
tøxsu-phaux | Taoism | 道術袍
tøxsuar | Taoist priest | 道士仔
tøxsut | Taoist magic or sorcery | 道術
tøxsw | academic; advisor; faculty; tutor; teacher; teacher; spiritual guide; tutor; teacher charged with the responsibility of providing guidance to a class of students in their conduct or other nonacademic activities; director | 導師
tøxteg buxntøee | question of morality or ethics | 道德問題
tøxteg ieseg | moral consciousness | 道德意識
tøxteg koanliam | moral concept | 道德觀念
tøxteg paixhoai | moral decadence; demoralization | 道德敗壞
tøxteg tuixløh | moral decadence; demoralization | 道德墮落
tøxteg | morals; morality; moral; virtue; morals | 道德
tøxteg-phaix | moralist school | 道德派
tøxteksiong ee zekjim | moral responsibility | 道德上的責任
tøxteksym | moral integrity | 道德心
tøxthea | electric conductor | 導體
tøxtien | conductance | 道電; 導電
tøxtiexnthea | conductor | 導電體
tøxtix | to result in, to give rise to | 導致
tøxtviuo | Taoist | 道長
tøxtviuu | place where Taoist ceremonies for delivering a soul from purgatory are performed; exercise hall | 道場
tøxtvoaa | a missile, a guided missile | 導彈
tøxu | there exists, then there happens, there happens at onces | 都有; 就有
tøxzhat | robbers and thieves | 盜賊
tøxzhuo | house breaking; purloin | 盜取
tøxzuix | euphoria; euphory; inebriation; inebriety | 陶醉
tøxzurn | just right | 就準
tøzaai tøge | great ability; versatile; master of all trades | 多才多藝
tøzaai | versatile | 多才
tøzao | take to flight; run off; get away; run away; to escape; flee; abscond | 逃走
tøzay tølan | be plagued by frequent ills; be dogged by bad luck | 多災多難
tøzeeng | to relieve one's feeling; affectionate; emotional | 多情; 熱情
tøzhae tøzw | many faceted | 多彩多姿
tøzhae | well-rounded | 多采
tøzhaytøzw | colorful | 多采多姿
tøzhef | polygamy | 多妻
tøzhezex | polygamy | 多妻制
tøzhud tioxng'uii | break out from a heavy siege | 逃出重圍
tøzhud | escape | 逃出
tøzhuix | talks too much; edge of sword or knife | 多嘴; 多喙; 刀喙; 刀口
tøzhux | many times, again and again | 多次
tøzoe | escape punishment | 逃罪
tøzuix | highly pleased, intoxicated, fascinate | 多醉; 陶醉
tøzuo tøswn | many children and grandchildren (regarded as a blessing) | 多子多孫
tøzuo | three abundances (abundance of blessings; abundance of longevity; abundance of male offspring) which the people of old considered as the ingredients of happy life | 多壽; 三多 (多福; 多子)
tøzuu | earthenware and porcelain | 陶瓷
tøzw | well-rounded | 多姿
u tøxlie | reasonable; plausible; convincing | 有道理
ynto tøhoan | extradition | 引渡逃犯
zaix-tørtngr | return and carry back | 載倒返
zhongliim-tøextaix | a bushfield, jungle area | 叢林地帶
zhu`tør | slip and fell | 趄倒
zoadtuix tøsox | an absolute majority | 絕對多數
zociøq-tøe | leased territory; settlement or concession granted to a foreign nation usually as a result of military defeat for a specified time | 租借地
zokaix-tøe | concession land | 租界地
zorngsyn-cy-tøe | burial ground | 葬身之地
zuxgvor tøzuix | indulge in daydreaming; to be intoxicated by the joy of one's imaginary successes; build castles in Spain | 自我陶醉
zuxiuo tøxlie | There must be a reason (for it) | 自有道理
zuxjieen-tøthaix | evolution; survival of the fittest; natural selection | 自然淘汰
zuxlaau-tøe | a private plot, a household plot | 自留地
zuxzog-tøzeeng | imagine oneself as the favorite of one of the opposite sex; be under the hallucination that the other party is willing | 自作多情
zørog-tøtoafn | indulge in all sorts of evildoings; commit many crimes | 作惡多端
øef`tør | push to fall | 推倒

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Checking Exact will only show the specific term "zab". e.g. "zabor and "apzab" When input type is non-MTL, exact match is forced.
Checking Front with the search term "zab" will show all the vocabularies start with with "zab" such as "zabor".

The following example will get all the words start with a


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"Hiexntai-buun" to

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Select '1' will show you those words with one spelling error.
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