"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tang

chiwthaau tang | handle roughly; be extravagant in expenditure | 手頭重
hvixkhafng tang | poor of hearing | 耳孔重; 重聽
iøtang | to shake | 搖動
khviukhao tang | accent very heavy | 腔調重; 腔口重
mxzay thvite kuie kyn tang | He doesn't know how heavy the heavens and earth are. ─ He doesn't know anything | 毋知天地幾斤重; 毋知天高地厚
pehji tang | horoscope very good; no grounds for fear | 八字重
sofhuix tang | expenses are heavy | 費用大
tang chiwsut | perform a surgical operation; operate | 動手術; 開刀
tang | crane; a derrick; jack | 重; 動; 起重機
tang'afbykøf | Taiwanese food with rice in a bamboo | 筒仔米糕
tang'ar | canister; small earthen jar or pot | 筒仔; 小壼; 小寬嘴甕; 小壺
tang'ar-bykøf | glutinous rice preparation steamed in casserole | 筒仔米糕
tang'ar-mixsvoax | vermicelli boiled in a earthen jar | 筒仔米線; 筒仔麵線
tang'bøea | end of the year, end of the harvest | 冬尾
tang'iuu | tung tree oil | 桐油
tang'ix | be of the same mind | 同意
tang'ut | eastern redshank | 赤鷸;; 赤足鷸
tang'viu | be the same, alike | 同樣
tang'viuu | Japan or Japanese | 東洋
tang'viuu-seg | oriental style | 東洋式
tang'øf | parsley; one species of parsley with black leaves; garland chrysanthemum | 冬蒿; 苳蒿; 茼蒿菜; 茼蒿
tang'øh | schoolmate | 同學
tang'øzhaix | parsley; one species of parsley with black leaves; garland chrysanthemum | 茼蒿菜
tang`tiøh | injure the foot by striking it on an object in such wise that the injured spot grows hard | 硌傷; 觸動
thaukhag tang | head feeling heavy and sick | 頭重
tøe'tang | earthquake | 地震
tøe-tang | earthquake | 地震; 地動
zhunsym tang | longing for sexual gratification | 春心動

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