"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Enghioong buu ioxngbuo-cy-te | The hero has no chance to use his might.--no opportunity to use one's talent(s) | 英雄無用武之地
bøthvy bøte | contrary to Heaven and Earth (said of very wicked conduct) | 無天無地
cymthaau-te | pillow case | 枕頭袋; 枕頭套
hiernkym-te | collection bag, offering bag | 獻金袋
køte | highland | 高地
libciog cy te | standing room; a footing; foothold | 立足之地
libzuy cy te | space just enough for the point of a drill ─ very small space | 立錐之地
mixhurn-te | flour bag | 麵粉袋
phoe'te'ar | leather bag | 皮袋仔; 革囊
phøte | slope | 坡地
putmoo cy te | sterile (barren; waste) land | 無毛之地
suo buu zorngsyn cy te | die without a place for burial (a phrase usually used as a warning to somebody) | 死無葬身之地
svoaf pafng te lih | mountains collapsing and the earth cracking up (descriptive of sound) | 山崩地裂
svoaphøte | slope of a hill | 山坡地
te tuix khofng huitvoaa | ground-to-air missile | 地對空飛彈
te | earth; soil; ground | 地; 弟; 悌
te'afpox | emery cloth | 袋仔布
te'afsvoax | linen or ramie thread | 苧麻線
te'afsy | ramie fibers | 茶仔絲; 麻紗
te'ar | bag | 袋仔; 袋子
te'au'ar | tea cup | 茶甌仔
te'aw | teacup | 茶杯; 茶甌
te'hngg | a tea garden, tea plantation | 茶園
te'ieen | subscribe money; collect money for a temple | 化緣
te'iuu | camellia-oil | 茶油
te'oo | a tea pot | 茶壺
teq te'aw | See te-au | 壓茶杯; (給準新娘的紅包)
thvy of te axm | heaven and earth dark; very dark weather; great distress and calamity | 天黑地暗
thvy svef te viuo | The heavens give life; the earth nourishes it ─ We depend on God; not just on ourselves | 天生地養
thvy zay te zay | Heaven and Earth know it to be true | 天知地知
thvy zhaf te | very different | 天差地; 大無相同

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