"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bøthøx | unsettled; unsatisfactory; not right; unsafe | 無妥
cixn-thøex liofnglaan | dilemma | 進退兩難
ho laang thøfiax | repugnant | 使人討厭
kaw thøhoeun | be successful in romantic affairs | 交桃花運
liam thørthaau | polite and customary forms of expression used on meeting and conversing with people; especially in beginning a conversation or when going to ask a favor; trap a person into telling the truth | 以話暗示
liofngbin thøfhør | trimming; fluctuate between two parties so as to appear to favor each | 兩面討好
lunpafn-thøeavoa | take turns in rotation | 輪班替換
put'thørhiap | uncompromising | 無妥協; 不妥協
putcixn zeg thøex | either advance or retreat | 無進則退
pøfhiarm-thøx | condom | 保險套
seagoa thøgoaan | imaginary; ideal world; secluded paradise | 世外桃源
siøthøex | alternate | 相退; 相替; 交互
thienthiefn thøqthøh | dwell on a wrong subject; harp on the same wrong string; talking or behaving in an absurd and extravagant way; as if mad or drunk | 糊里糊塗
thøaang | pink | 桃紅
thøafchiu | peach tree | 桃仔樹
thøafcie | peach stone; peach pit | 桃仔子
thøafheeng | peech shape | 桃仔形
thøafhngg | peach orchard | 桃子園
thøafhut | peach stone; peach pit | 桃仔核
thøafzaang | peach tree | 桃仔欉
thøangseg | peach color; color of peach blossoms; a bright red | 桃紅色
thøar | peah | 桃子
thøbin | peach-shaped face | 桃面; 瓜子臉
thøciaplie | graft a plum on a peach | 桃接李; 改良的李子
thøea | the body; shape; theory | 體
thøea'au | retreat, go back | 退後
thøea'ui | exit | 退位
thøea'øh | drop out of school, be expelled from school | 退學
thøeachiuo | substitute for, substitute worker | 退手; 替手
thøeagurn | for me; for us | 替阮
thøeagvor | be discharged from military service | 退伍
thøeahak | quit school; drop out | 退學
thøeaheeng | reimbursement | 退還
thøeahiukym | pension; lump sum paid on retirement | 退休金
thøeahiw | retirement | 退休
thøeahoaan | reimbursement | 退還
thøeahoax | degeneration; degrade; retrogression | 退化
thøeahoea | regret (one's action) | 退火; 退悔; 後悔
thøeahoee | return | 退回
thøeahoong | reduce inflammation or swelling | 退洪; 退癀; 消炎
thøeahwn | break one's engagement | 退婚
thøeahøea | heat of fire goes out, reduce the body-heat condition | 退火; 去火
thøeahøex | return merchant | 退貨
thøeajiet | reduce a fever, have a fever go down | 退熱
thøeajim | resign an office, become inactive in charge | 退任; 退休
thøeakafng | a substitute worker | 退工
thøeake | ebb, recede | 退低
thøeakhiin | go off duty, leave work | 退勤; 下班
thøeakhuun | go off duty, leave work | 退勤; 下班
thøeakhuy | step aside, make way | 退開
thøeakngf | lose brilliance, become dim or dull | 退光; 朦朧
thøeakorng | speak for someone else | 退講; 替講; 代講
thøeali | withdraw from | 退離
thøeanie | fade (color on cloth) | 退染; 退色
thøeaniu | conceal, yield | 退讓
thøeapefng | retreat | 退兵
thøeapo | back slide; to regress; set back; retrogression | 退步
thøeaseg | fade | 褪色; 退色
thøeasek | leave the seat, leave from the assembly | 退適; 退席
thøeasii | out of mode; out of style | 退時; 退流行
thøeasiog | move back; crane; shrink | 退縮
thøeasiok | redeem, atone | 退贖; 替贖
thøeasiu | receive in substitution, receive for other person | 退受; 替受; 代受
thøeasiuo | retreat | 退守
thøeasiw | retreat | 退修; 退休
thøeasiw-hoe | religious retreat meeting | 退修會
thøeasyn | substitute for another person | 退身; 替身
thøeatai | to substitute, to supersede, instead of, in place of | 替代
thøeathøex | annoying, not aggressive | 退退
thøeatiaau | [[theatiaau]]; ebb (tide) | 退潮; 退朝
thøeatngg | withdraw from the court | 退堂
thøeatorng | exit from party | 退黨
thøeatviuu | exit | 退場
thøeavi | be discharged from hospital | 出院; 退院
thøeavoa | switch over; replacing; replacement; substitution | 替換
thøeazhud | with draw from | 退出
thøeazuie | water retreat | 退水
thøef | a kind of hair pin | 釵
thøekor | withdraw shares | 退股
thøex | for; substitute; withdraw | 替; 退
thøex`khix | withdrew | 退去
thøfciah | beggar; wild beasts; a hungry ghost; seek for food | 尋食; 討食; 乞討; 要飯; 找工作
thøfciexn | to challenge to battle | 討戰
thøfcvii | demand money due us; ask one's superior to give him money | 討錢
thøfcviw | Taiwan camphor tree | 土漿; 土樟
thøfhae | fishing; fish in the sea | 討海; 捕魚; 打魚
thøfhae`ee | fisherman | 討海的; 漁夫
thøfhaylaang | fisherman | 討海人; 捕魚人
thøfhiap | compromise with; accommodation; come to terms | 妥協
thøfhii | catch fish | 討魚; 打魚
thøfhii-laang | fishermen | 討魚人; 漁夫
thøfhizuun | fishing boat | 討海舟; 捕魚舟
thøfhoat | subjugate rebels | 討伐
thøfiarkuie | nasty guy | 討厭鬼
thøfiax | dislike, loathe | 討厭
thøfiaxm | be sick of; tired of; botheration; dislike; troublesome; disgusting; incur a dislike or disgust for | 討厭
thøfkheahviaf | wife who has an affair | 討契兄
thøfkhehhviaf | wife who has an affair | 討客兄
thøfkhoeahviaf | wife who has an affair | 討契兄
thøfkiuopefng | ask for reinforcement | 請救兵
thøflaang | demand back a man who had been sold; seized; imprisoned or who has died or been lost while under another's care | 討人
thøfliah | to fish in the sea | 打魚
thøflun | talk over; to discuss; deal with; discuss; to debate; discussion | 討論
thøflun-hoe | discussion meeting, debate | 討論會
thøfluxnhoe | discussion meeting; forum | 討論會
thøfmia | revenge; ghost of the murdered man) requires the death of the murderer | 討命
thøfphethviax | asking for trouble | 討皮疼
thøfphoethviax | asking for trouble | 討皮疼
thøfphvii | get even, take revenge | 討平
thøfpng | beg for food | 討飯; 要飯
thøfpøee | ask for damages | 討賠; 要求賠償
thøfseng'oah | make a living | 討生活
thøfsiaux | dun a debtor | 催數; 討數; 要帳
thøfsie | draw death on oneself by one's own conduct | 討死; 找死
thøfsviuo | ask for a reward or gratuity | 討賞
thøfthaxn | earn money by trade or business | 趁討; 討趁; 謀生; 工作
thøftngr | ask for to be returned, to get back | 討回; 討轉
thøftørtngr | demand back again money or things lent; property mortgaged or leased | 討倒轉; 要回
thøfvii | oval, ovoid, ellipse, elliptical | 橢圓
thøfvii-thea | an ellipsoid | 橢圓形
thøfzeakviar | spendthrift son | 討債囝; 敗家子; 浪費
thøfzeeng | ask for a favor or kindness for another; ask for forgiveness | 求情; 討人情
thøfzex | to waste; misspend; fritter; be profuse in; seeking money back; demand repayment of a loan | 浪費; 討債
thøgee | green peach aphid | 通蚜; 波斯蚜
thøgoanhiofng | | 桃源鄉
thøhoahiofng | peach blossom village | 桃花鄉
thøhoazngf | peach blossom village | 桃花庄
thøhoebin | face like a peach blossom (said of a young woman whose face looks as if she is fond of licentious pleasure) | 桃花面
thøhoef | peach blossom; floozie | 桃花
thøhoekiab | trouble in affair | 桃花劫
thøhoesiao | inclination to lasciviousness in women; said to be strongest about the time when the peach blossoms | 桃花癲
thøhoesimbok | mahogany | 桃花心木
thøhoeun | popularity; good luck in adventures with women | 桃花運
thøjiin | dark-spotted cherry, peach | 土仁; 黑點櫻桃
thøky | peach branch; used much for divination (it has great power over spirits; it is not proper to strike any one with a peach branch; since it may influence the soul so as to cause madness) | 桃枝
thølie boarn thienha | His students have spread throughout the land | 桃李滿天下
thølie | peaches and plums ─ pupils; students | 桃李
thøo | peach; peach tree; peach | 桃
thør jinzeeng | request a favor or kindness for another; (a person who has some influence or claim on the person asked) makes a request | 討人情
thør khehhviaf | woman seeks a paramour | 討客兄; 紅杏出牆
thør kiuopefng | request relief troops; seek reinforcements | 討救兵
thør kongløo | to claim reward or praise | 討功勞; 邀功
thør kynkirn | demand payment urgently | 要得很急
thør phoee thviax | ask for trouble; bring trouble upon self | 自討苦吃
thør phøee thviax | ask for trouble | 討皮疼
thør | to demand; to beg for; to dun; manage; to control; quell (an uprising; rebellion); punish; invade | 討; 要
thør-khehhviaf | seek a paramour, look for a man | 討客兄; 找情夫; 紅杏出牆
thør`laai | to demand, request | 討來
thør`tngflaai | to demand back against money or thing lent; property mortgaged or leased | 討回來
thørbea | harness a horse | 套馬; 備馬
thørbeeng | transparent, transparency | 透明
thørboo | set of molds | 套模
thørcy | (bank) overdraft; overdraught; overdraw | 透支
thørek | saliva, slaver | 唾液
thørguo | polite words in conversation | 套語; 客套話
thørhiap | compromise; understanding; reconciliation; come to terms; reach a reconciliation | 妥協
thørhix | rehearse a play | 排戲
thørhøfhør | plan beforehand; premeditate already | 套好好; 已經預謀好了
thørkhix | spit at; spit on; conspue | 唾棄
thørkngr | sheath | 透管; 套管
thørkoarn | cannula | 透管; 套管
thørlaang | plan with others | 透人; 與外人共謀
thørlie | put in lining | 套裡; (衣服)
thørlo | to reveal, to disclose | 透露
thørma | to spit on and revil | 透罵; 唾罵
thøroe | gathering information by leading the conversation subjects | 套話
thørpaang | suite; flatlet; suite of rooms | 套房
thørpiexnpien | rehearsed; all ready; prepared | 套好了
thørsi | use a fluoroscope, see through, perspective, take an X-ray study | 透視
thørsien | proper; appropriate; satisfactory (arrangement); properly arranged for; we well managed | 妥善
thørsvaf | put burial clothes (can be a number of layers) on a deceased person | 套衫; 給死人穿的衣服
thørthaau | polite and customary forms of expression used on meeting and conversing with people; especially in beginning a conversation or when going to ask a favor; trap a person into telling the truth | 妥頭; 客套
thørthau'oe | courtesy greeting | 套頭話
thørthiab | safe, satisfactory | 套貼; 妥貼
thørthvy | pass the day | 透天
thørtit | straightforward | 透直
thørtoxng | appropriate; secure; ready; everything right; properly done; on a sound basis; well arranged; safe | 妥當
thørtoxng`løh | I've got it! I am sure of success. | 妥當啦; 很幸虧
thørvii | oval, ovoid, ellipse, elliptical | 透圓
thørvii-thea | an ellipsoid | 透圓體
thørzhafn | combo meal | 套餐
thørzhud | to spit | 唾出
thørzofng | suit | 套裝
thørzu | to hitch, to slip on, to trap | 套住
thørzuie | permeable | 透水
thørøee | overshoes, galoshes | 套鞋
thøseg sinbuun | news of illicit love | 桃色新聞
thøseg | peach color | 桃色
thøsek'axn | criminal case involving sex | 桃色案
thøteg | sweet-scented oleander (bamboo) | 桃竹
thøtekbiaukhw | northern Taiwan counties that don't include Taipei | 桃竹苗區
thøthiefn taixzoe | great sin that stinks to heaven; the most grave crime; extremely serious offense | 滔天大罪
thøthiefn | big; fatal | 滔天
thøtuun | peach-shaped lips | 桃唇; 櫻唇
thøx cit'ee armhø | agree on a secret sign; arrange a signal | 套一個暗號
thøx khawkefng | collusion among witnesses or suspects for false confessions; trap suspect into admitting guilt | 套口供
thøx phvaylaang | engage a bold; bad man to assist in some wickedness; e.g.; robbery; false lawsuits | 套歹人; 串通壞人
thøx | jacketing; series; firm; safe; secure; stable; settled; fixed; ready; prepared; satisfactory | 套; 妥
thøx`køex | through, by means of, to penetrate, to permeate | 透過
toax-thøhoef | a woman fated to lead a licentious life | 帶桃花

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