"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: thiq

befkhao-thiq | tinplate | 馬口鐵
beftee-thiq | horseshoe | 馬蹄鐵
beftøee-thiq | horseshoe | 馬蹄鐵
køthiq | super-railway | 高鐵; 高速鐵路
simkvoaf khaq-gve thiq | heart harder than iron (in the sense of showing no pity or refusing to make up a dispute) | 鐵石心腸
thiq pngxvoar | iron rice bowl ─ very secure job | 鐵飯碗
thiq | iron; used as a symbol of strength; firmness firm; decided; cruel; merciless; unfeeling | 鐵
thiq-chiwkhaux | iron handcuffs | 鐵手銬
thiq-kangchviuo | iron handcuffs | 鐵工廠
thiq-kangtviuu | steel mill | 鐵工廠
thiq-saochiuo | fortune teller's phrase regarding a girl who will injure the bridegroom's family | 鐵掃帚

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