"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: thiw

iu'thiw | a tube for pumping oil | 油抽
thiw kuysviaa | take what percent for a commission | 抽幾成
thiw tibøfsoex | an agreement whereby a married daughter gives one of her children her own family name rather than the family name of her husband | 女兒嫁後言明所生之子一人歸家姓
thiw | extract; draw out; draw lots; pull up | 抽
thiw'ar | clown | 丑仔; 小丑
thiw'og | ugly, repulsive | 丑惡
thiw-tørtngr | pull back | 抽倒轉
thiw`zhutlaai | pull it out | 抽出來

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Checking Exact will only show the specific term "zab". e.g. "zabor and "apzab" When input type is non-MTL, exact match is forced.
Checking Front with the search term "zab" will show all the vocabularies start with with "zab" such as "zabor".

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