"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: thoaan

cidzhuix thoaan cidcih | news passed from mouth to mouth | 一嘴傳一舌; 相傳很快
gixhøthoaan | The Boxers (responsible for the Boxer Uprising of 1900) | 義和團
goaxkaw-thoaan | diplomacy team | 外交團
habchviux-thoaan | a choir | 合唱團
khøfzhad-thoaan | inspection team; research team | 考察團
koankofng-thoaan | tourist group | 觀光團
korbun-thoaan | advisory group | 顧問團
lwheeng-thoaan | group or party of travellers | 旅行團
lyheeng-thoaan | group or party of travellers | 旅行團
suii thoaan suii kaux | be available for an immediate summons to court | 隨傳隨到
thoaan hok'ym | preach the gospel | 傳福音
thoaan ipoad | hand one's trade on to disciples; teach one's students all one knows (especially about academic endeavors and the fine arts) | 傳衣缽
thoaan tøxlie | transmit; proclaim; teach; or preach doctrine | 傳道理
thoaan | a mass; a lump; a group | 團; 傳
thoaan`løqkhix | to hand down; bequeath | 傳落去

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