"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tiøh

bag`tiøh | contamination | 沾上; 沾到; 沾著; 碰到
bao`tiøh | windfall profit | 卯到; 賺到
bee`tiøh | enamor | 迷著
bofng`tiøh | touched | 摸到
bøgai`tiøh | the influence; has not obstructed | 無礙著; 沒影響
bøkaux`tiøh | not enough; insufficient | 無夠著
bøo cidtex tiøh | always wrong | 一無是處; 無一塊對
bøtiøh | not right | 無著; 無算對
bøtvia bøtiøh | voluble; vain; fickle; changeable; inconstant; to change at every whim; uncertain and changeable | 無定無著; 無一定; 沒定性
bøtvia-bøtiøh | does not have decides; unsettled | 無定無著; 無所定; 靜無得
chiarm`tiøh | crossed | 叉著
chiuo lao`tiøh | sprained one's arm | 手扭著; 扭傷手
chiuo voae`tiøh | sprained an arm | 手扭著; 手扭傷
ciab`tiøh | to be continue to next step | 接著
ciq`tiøh | to follow | 接著
gea`tiøh | to glance at; look askance at; to look down | 睨著
gee`tiøh | disgust; detest; annoy; dislike | 生厭; 睨著
gek`tiøh | be angry | 逆到
giab`tiøh | pinched; squeezed between; wedged or sandwiched between; hold between the fingers of the hand; to pick up or hold something with pinchers or chopsticks | 夾到
gii`tiøh | suspicious | 疑得
gu`tiøh | happened to meet; suffer; meet with (something unfortunate) | 遇著; 遭到
haq`tiøh | contacted by poisonous gas | 合到; 碰到毒氣或火氣
hoan`tiøh | violate | 犯著
hux-bøtiøh | miss the time | 沒趕上
hvaq`tiøh | affected | 哼著; 熁著
id`tiøh | remember | 憶著
iøhbøtiøh | guessed but missed | 沒猜著; 猜無著
jiarm`tiøh | infected; contaminated | 感染; 染上
jib`tiøh | catch up to | 追到
jih`tiøh | pressed to | 壓到
jiog`tiøh | catch up | 追上; 追著了
joah`tiøh | sunstroke; heatstroke; to suffer heat exhaustion | 中暑; 熱著; 受熱
ka`tiøh | bitten | 咬到; 咬著
karm`tiøh | catch cold | 感冒
kauq`tiøh | ran over | 輾到
kaw`tiøh | hooked | 交著; 勾到了
kee`tiøh | hihder | 卡著; 妨礙
khaf tiam`tiøh | tread on a stone in such wise that a stone bruise may result | 腳硌到; 腳砧著
khaf voay`tiøh | sprained foot | 腳扭傷
khaf zvoai`tiøh | sprained foot | 腳撰著; 腳扭傷
khap`tiøh | bump; knock | 磕著
khee`tiøh | be caught (on a nail; in a tree); stumble over (a stone); be stuck | 卡著; 纏著; 哽著
khiøq`tiøh | found it | 拾著
khok`tiøh | bumped | 撞著; 碰著
khvoax-bøtiøh | did not manage to see it (from my coming too late or my not being near enough; though it really was there) | 看無到; 沒有看到
khvoax`tiøh | watch; glimpse; clap eyes on; get a view of | 看著; 看見
khøx`tiøh | rely on | 靠著
kiøx`tiøh | calling | 叫著
koai`tiøh | stumble | 絆倒
koo`tiøh | to stick to | 糊著
koxng`tiøh | was hitted; was beatted | 摃著; 打著了
kuix`tiøh | expensive | 貴到
kvar tiøh | I think (you) should go | 大概得去
kvea`tiøh | fish bone; etc; stuck in the throat | 骾著
kviaf`tiøh | to be surprised; to be scared | 驚著; 受驚嚇
kvix`tiøh | see (that); note | 見著
kvoaa`tiøh | catch cold | 著涼; 寒著; 傷風
kvy`tiøh | stick in the throat (as fish bones) | 骾到
køex`tiøh | live | 過著
køo`tiøh | touched | 沾到
lao`tiøh | sprain | 扭到; 筋骨扭傷
larm`tiøh | embrace | 攬著
lea`tiøh | a scratch, scratched | 詈著; 擦過傷; 受微傷
liab`tiøh | to fear; dread; be afraid | 懼怕
liah`tiøh | catched | 捉到
liam`tiøh | think of | 念著; 思念
liao`tiøh | wasted | 了掉
liau-bøtiøh | guessed incorrectly | 沒猜著
liau`tiøh | guessed correctly | 料著
liør`tiøh | wink; quick glance | 瞥著
loah`tiøh | heatstroke | 熱著
loxng`tiøh | to collide with, to crash into | 撞得; 撞著
luun`tiøh | tak turn | 輪到
lux`tiøh | abrasion; scrape | 擦傷; 擦破皮
løex`tiøh | bruise skin | 鑢著; 擦破皮
na'aau keh`tiøh | obstruction in the throat | 喉嚨梗住
oex`tiøh | be infected by | 染著
peg`tiøh | under compelled | 逼到; 逼著; 不得已
peh tid`tiøh | got it for nothing | 平白得到; 無勞而獲
phafng texng`tiøh | bee sting | 蜂螫到
phaq-bøtiøh | failed to hit an object | 沒打中
phoxng`tiøh | bulk | 膨到
piøtiøh | make a successful bid; be knocked down to | 得標
serng`tiøh | saved | 省著
sia`tiøh | shot | 射到
siarm`tiøh | got hurt due to sudden movement | 閃到
siexn`tiøh | slapped | 搧著
siofng`tiøh | hurt | 傷到
siw`tiøh | received | 收到
siøf`tiøh | alight; burn; on fire | 燒著
siøtiøh | burn | 灼傷
soaq`tiøh | be under malevolent spiritual influence | 煞得; 煞著; 使著魔
svaq`tiøh | attracted to | 煞著
svatuo`tiøh | ran into each other | 相遇著
sviaa`tiøh | seduced | 眩著; 誘惑著
sviu`tiøh | think of; remember; to hit upon (an idea) | 想到
tad`tiøh | attain, achieve | 達到
tag`tiøh | be gored, to stumble | 觸得; 被角抵著了
tang`tiøh | injure the foot by striking it on an object in such wise that the injured spot grows hard | 硌傷; 觸動
tarn`tiøh | waiting | 等著
tat`tiøh | be comparable to, be better than | 值得; 不如
texng`tiøh | be stung | 叮得; 叮著了
thaikef nar tiøh eng gutøf | Why use a cattle knife to kill a chicken? ─ Great talent can be used for better purpose or for greater results | 殺雞焉用牛刀
thau`tiøh | be poisoned | 毒到
thngx`tiøh | burned (by hot pan, hot water) | 燙得
thviaf`tiøh | heard it | 聽到
tien`tiøh | to feel an electric shock | 電到; 受電擊
tixm`tiøh | scceed in hitting | 擲到; 擊中
tiøh chiørpii | always laugh much | 易笑的; 笑個無停
tiøh cidkviaf | become frightened | 嚇一跳
tiøh goar | It is my turn | 輪到我
tiøh hoefsiøf | be scorched black; be charred | 燒焦
tiøh kazak | be choked or suffocated with (tea) | 嗆到
tiøh kvoajiedar | got malaria | 著寒熱仔
tiøh kvoaliedar | got malaria | 著寒熱仔
tiøh lie | come to your turn | 輪到你
tiøh tegciorng | win the special prize | 得特獎
tiøh toaxpvi | got sick seriously | 中大病
tiøh zhadthaw | sustain a theft (burglary); be robbed | 得賊偷
tiøh zhvekviaf | alarmed; scared | 驚慌
tiøh | may; must; have to; right; correct; ought; all right; hit the mark; get (a disease); have one's (turn of work; duty); yes; in answer to the question; Is it right ? or Ought it ? affix to many verbs (often enclitic) expressing accomplishment or taking effect; prefix | 著; 到; 該; 得; 應該; 對; 須
tiøh'aan | pull tight | 拉緊
tiøh-zhadthaw | be burglarized | 得賊偷; 著賊偷; 被偷東西
tiøh`laq | correct | 著啦
tiøh`tiøh | to hit, strike, get (a certain illness), to guess right, to win | 中中; 著著; 患(病),中到
tng`tiøh | run into | 撞到; 遇到
tngf`tiøh | trap something | 捕到; 捕著
toex-bøtiøh tin | follow people but lose track of them; miss an appointment to go somewhere | 脫節; 脫隊
toex`tiøh | follow | 綴著
tog`tiøh | smashed | 啄到
tok`tiøh | be poisoned | 毒著
tong`tiøh | be bumped, have collided with | 撞到; 撞著; 遇到
tox`tiøh | contamination | 沾上; 渡上
toxng`tiøh | blocked | 堵到
tuh`tiøh | touch (with a stick) | 刺到
tuo-bøtiøh | missed | 遇沒中
tuo`tiøh | meet unexpectedly | 遇到; 拄著; 碰到
tuy`tiøh | catch, overtake, be caught | 追著
tvaf tiøh hai`ar | darn it! | 糟了
tvaf tiøh sie`ar | darn it! | 糟死了
tvex-bøo thviaf`tiøh | pretend not to hear | 假裝沒有聽見
tvoa`tiøh | got hit | 彈到
tyntang`tiøh | vibrated; moved | 振動到
tøex`tiøh | with; follow | 隨著
tøtiøh | well; then; it is quite right; thus it is quite right | 就對
ud`tiøh | Ironed by; bend forward | 熨著; 屈著
ux`tiøh | damaged by application of hot or cold thing; ran into someone | 煦著; 燙著
viar`tiøh | spot | 影著
zah`tiøh | blocks from; blocks | 遮住; 擋住
zak`tiøh | against | 逆著
zefng`tiøh | earn | 衝著; 掙著
zeg`tiøh | crooked and injure tendon | 躓著; 挫了筋
zhab`tiøh | plug in | 插著
zhak`tiøh | be pricked of stabbed | 鑿著
zhay-bøtiøh | failed to guess correctly | 沒猜中
zhay`tiøh | guessed it right | 猜著
zhe`tiøh | found | 揣著
zhef`tiøh | blowing | 吹著
zheg`tiøh | talk about | 扯著; 觸著; 碰到
zhexng`tiøh | blew | 擤著; 凊著; 蒸著
zhoa`tiøh | married | 娶著
zhoe`tiøh | found (past participle) | 找到
zhøe`tiøh | found it | 尋到
zoai`tiøh | twisted to | 扭到
zuotioxng`tiøh | emphasized | 注重著
zuxn`tiøh | twisted | 捘著
zvoai`tiøh | twist an ankle; to sprain a joint | 扭傷

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