"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tng

ka`tng | sever with the teeth (as string; rope) | 咬斷
kud tng`khix | fracture | 骨斷去
nawkyn tng`khix | ruptured blood vessel in the brain; apoplexy | 腦筋斷去; 血管斷裂; 中風
siøtng | meet with another person accidentally | 相遇
tng | meet with accidentally | 遇; 丈; 斷; 盪; 撞
tng'aang | at the peak of development; the golden age or period; when the scenic spot | 正紅; (全盛時)
tng'afiam | inflammation of the intestines; intestinal or bowel catarrh; enteritis | 腸仔炎
tng'afjiet | devoted | 腸仔熱
tng'afliet | devoted | 腸仔熱
tng'afsviuu | mucous discharge from the bowels | 腸仔𣻸
tng'afto | intestines; the inner parts of a man or animal | 腸仔肚
tng'ar siøphoah | intestinal malfunctions | 腸仔相纏; 腸纏住
tng'ar thad`leq | intestinal obstruction | 腸仔塞咧; 腸阻塞
tng'ar | the bowel; small intestine; entrails | 腸仔; 小腸
tng'axmlok | giraffe | 長頸鹿
tng'iorng | just about come to one's full strength | 當勇; 正力壯
tng'ngfsvaf | long sleeves shirt | 長䘼衫
tng'ngr | long sleeves | 長䘼
tng'oniar | | 塘湖嶺
tng'ym | prolonged sound; long vowel | 長音
tng`khix | broken; severed | 斷去
tng`tiøh | run into | 撞到; 遇到
zoai`tng | twisted and broken | 扭斷
zoan`tng | spin off | 鏇斷

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